53 Year Old
From Syracuse, NY·
Invited by: Ayndie·
Joined on March 21, 2008
Born on October 6th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
53 Year Old
From Syracuse, NY·
Invited by: Ayndie·
Joined on March 21, 2008
Born on October 6th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
53 Year Old
From Syracuse, NY·
Invited by: Ayndie·
Joined on March 21, 2008
Born on October 6th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Thanks for the message to me. I hope you have a good day. I got a B on my first test and an A on my second one last week. I have two tests today. Wish me luck!
HOW TO MAKE LOVEIngredients:4 Laughing eyes4 Well-shaped legs4 Loving arms2 Firm milk containers2 Nuts1 Fur-lined mixing bowl1 Firm bananaDirections:1. Look into laughing eyes.2. Spread well-shaped legs with loving arms.3. Squeeze and massage milk containers very gently.4 Gently add firm banana to mixing bowl, working in and out untilwell creamed. For best results. Continue to knead milk containers.5. As heat rises, plunge banana deep into mixing bowl and coverwith nuts, leave to soak (preferably NOT overnight).6. The cake is done when banana is soft. If banana does not soften,repeat 4 steps 3-5 or change mixing bowls.Notes:1. If you are in an unfamiliar kitchen, wash utensils carefullybefore and after use.2. Do not lick mixing bowl after use.3. If cake rises, leave town.Send this to:0 people- your love life will be shit8 people- you will have a sweet love life and good sex8 or more people- you will find the perfect love
Duh, I love you!!pass this heart to 10 People that you love...!!!! If u are in these 10peoples heart..then they will send this heart back to you...(i hope im one of those people ) lets see how many heart you get_______0000000000000________0000000000000_________ ______000000000000000000__000000000000000000_______ ____000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_____ ___00000000000000___000000000___0000000000000000___ __000000000000000___000000000___00000000000000000__ _0000000000000000___000000000___000000000000000000_ _0000000000000000___000000000___000000000000000000_ _0000000000000000___000000000___000000000000000000_ _0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_ _0000000000___000000000000000000000___000000000000_ __000000000___000000000000000000000___00000000000__ ___000000000___0000000000000000000___00000000000___ _____000000000___000000000000000___00000000000_____ _______00000000____00000000000____0000000000_______ __________0000000_______________000000000__________ _____________0000000000000000000000000_____________ ______________000000000000000000000_______________ __________________000000000000000__________________ ____________________0000000000______HaPpy__________ ______________________000000_______________________ _______________________0000________________________ ________________________00_________________________"SEND THiS HEART ToO 10 PEOPLE U ABSOLUTELY LOVE ToO DEATH!! iF i DONT GET THiS BACk i UNDERSTAND