51 Year Old
From Cabot, AR·
Joined on March 12, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 18th
·14 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
51 Year Old
From Cabot, AR·
Joined on March 12, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 18th
·14 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
51 Year Old
From Cabot, AR·
Joined on March 12, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 18th
·14 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
I have many interests and have absolutely no idea where to start. Fishing, Bowling, Hanging out with friends, Drinking, and the list goes on. If ya really wanna know what they are i guess you could ask. I might tell ya, LOL.
I like all kinds of music. I'm a rocker at heart but ilisten to just about everything except rap and hardcore metal. some of my favorite bands include Pink Floyd, Metallica, Nickelback, Disturbed, Godsmack, and well i'm sure you get the idea. LOL
Latest Status
Dizzy RL GF to ... been a long time :) too bad my computer is crap and don't like fast sites anymore. i need a faster pc to handle it
Hi there. I have stopped by and rated, ya , fanned ya and sent you a friend request if I hadn't already done so. If I had, then I took time to re rate you. If you get a minute, please stop by my page and do the same. Being the point whore I am I need all the love I can get. Have a GREAT day.
Pass to all your friends.If u get back 3 ur CUTE!6 ur LOVED! 9 ur HOT. 10 + to die for!___d88888888b_____d888888b__d88?____d88b___d88b____`88b_d8?_________d888b_________`8b_8b_________________________d8_b8__________________d8888b___d888b__d8________________d8?__d8b_d8b__`8b___8ba_____________d8?_____d8b_____`8b____`8da___________8b_______________d8______`Y8b__________d8_____________8b________`8b__________8ba_________ad8__________`88_____88__`8da_____ab8?____________8b___d8_____`Y8___8Y?_____________`b_d?________`8_8?______________`8?__________`8?_______________ ________________$$$________________$$$$$___$$$$$_____$$$_________$$__$$$___$$_$$__$$$_____$$$_______$$$$__$$______$_____$$_____$$$_____$$$$____$$$__________$$______$$____$$$$______$$$________$$___$$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$______$$$__$$$$_________$$$_____$$__$$$$$$__$$$_____$$$$$$__$$$______$$$_$$$_____________$$__$$___$$$_____________$$$______$$$_$$________________$$_____$$$_____________$$$______$$$$$$$_______________________$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$_$$$_____________$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$____$$$____________$$$_______________$$$_____________$$$______$$$_____$$$__________$$$$_______________$$$_____________$$$______$$$_____$$$$__________$$$$___$_________$$$$_$_________$$$$_____$$$________$$$$___$____$$$$____$$$$$_$$$$$$___$$$$$_$$$$$$____$$$___________$$$$$_____$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$
Wanted to stop by and show some love and re-rate your page gorgeous! Muahzzzz!! Drop by regulary and check out my latest photographic work and let me know what you think! Have a great day and Luv ya 2D, MAX
In need of help in my down raters contest.Pls. down rate my pic. a 1, and while your there pls rate all others a 10.Pls. check to see if you can rerate my pic.CLICK THE PIC> BELOW TO BE TAKEN TO MY CONTEST PIC.Thank you,PonyBoy1966!!