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Female · Joined on March 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on September 1st
Female · Joined on March 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on September 1st

Hi thereMy name is Susie my husband who frequents this site at times is Mitch, Mr. T, Fingers Dirty White Boy,(To each their own) here is a bit about me. I met my husband in recovery twenty years ago, and we have been friends, for many years. Recovery is not always easy as addiction comes with it's labels and tags, but freeing ones self from addiction is simple if you are willing to go to any length. It has been an amazing journey and I would not change this picture show, with all it's theatrics, one act comedy shows, and drama, besides I want to hang out and see what the ending is going to be.I'v decided I agree we are all disfunctional GET OVER IT! and the value of life and its lessons are worth the challenges, I'v always been up for a challenge. I was born in Providence Rhode Island, and my husband and I discovered we had crossed paths many times before we found each other. I spent my childhood and teen years stretching from the internal wilderness of Canada, to the Oregon and Washington rivers and oceans exploring with family, and enjoying the epicurian feasts and delights of the oceans and rivers. My father was a Portland firefighter, and my mother devoted her life to the care of her children. I was a blackout drinker at the age of fifteen, which I had know idea was a problem, other than the worries I must have put upon my familey, And although my addiction carried me to some very dark places for a number of years, I prefer today to never forget were the addiction took me, calling it a dangerous neighborhood, a place I need never stroll alone again.I have been blessed with many gifts as a result of my recovery and through the good and not so good, the recovery process has taught me a great deal, and given me a design for living. I have developed talents and artistic abilities which took me to professional artist status, to the creation of jewelry both eclectic and vintage. In addition I paint and create on wood, rock, glass, and metal. I make candles, and candle holders, and love aroma therapy. I have been published in the National Library of Congress three times, and have been working on a wonderful and detailed childrens book for quite a long time. I absolutly love to cook, many ranges of ethinic food. I find the preperation and creation of food to be a very sensual experience. I'm into herbs and am looking forward to the design for a herb garden that my husband Mitch is going to design for me (He has an idea!) I hope to have our hot tub in this summer, and it just gets better from there. When I was in my teens and early adulthood I was paid to show arabian horses for people in the horse circuit, along with the care and showing of my own horses it was an amazing journey for me. I accumulated many ribbons and trophies, and spent summers in the three sisters area of eastern Oregon excercising my horses, and having fun with my girlfriends and family riding for hours.I enjoy soft rock, country, and subliminal relaxation tapes for peace of mind. In early recovery I attended college to become a counselor, and have entertained the idea of going back to school most recently. Our familiy has had our bumps in the road, as do we all, but nothing thus far that we cannot work to a solution, what would life be without a little road kill along the way. I love what my husband Mitch passed on to me "One often meets their destiny on the road one takes to avoid it." And to know the road ahead ask those coming back." He told me I am the only REAL friend he ever had, and for that I am eternally greatful. I love my family with a vengence, and how can it be any other way, family is all we really have. And my only true aides to peace of mind are humility, honesty,faith, courage, appreciation, and service.Most recently my first born now thirty seven, announced she had been diagnoised with a brain tumor, reminding me that the challenges we face are real and challenging, and I am thankful every day that I can be available to support her in any way that she might need.I have a full and busy life, it is far from dull and mundane. I'm looking forward to summer, my husband just bought me a new digital camera, for my future art and painting projects. Maybe we can figure out how to get some more of my projects on the net, that would be great.

Female · Joined on March 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on September 1st

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