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36 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 15th
36 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 15th

Du ka' drive hver mand til sindssyge, some frygt og had i syndens by.
Måden den er ny når du tar' over, springer i champagne - supernova.
For vi så member's only, så fucking alvorlig. Rød løber ellers går vi - ja det der gået en sport i.
Holder den dekadente balance, lad os købe noget arrogance, plus et blik der ka' slå ihjel, eller gøre det her liv helt specielt.
På verdens fokus er du mit spind, gnisten i øjet der kunne få din kvinde til at danse i det blege skind, imens du lukker natten ind.

Når jeg går ud, når hun går ud, når han går ud. Vi skal, ha' alt, de har på MTV.
Ja vi skal, være midt i alt, så ja her sidder vi.

Du hendes, hans og mit problem, blandet med duften fra succes'en.
Lyden af dit navn det gør blodet koldt, du endorfinen inde i hovedet på folk.
Mere end nok sker med din stemme, når han siger "hjem" hun siger "til hvem?".
Selv fucked up er du smuk på facaden, du psyko molotov, bål i gaden.
Så behold dine briller på, så vi ikk' kan se noget, og lad os sammen gå igennem noget der er misforstået. Bare reager på instinkt, vi vil ha' penge for ingenting - i mørket mellem lysets blink, imens du lukker natten ind.

Du jorden spundet én gang til, den perfekte form i lingeri.
Hænger i du er manilahamp, du spændt ud og rundt om halsen stramt, du smilets by når dagen rejser, illuminerende i miami vice - gennem byer af shots og penge,

men alting har en ende, så du venter vel...

L.O.C. © 2008


You can drive any man to insanity, like fear and hate in the city of sins. The way is new when you take control, swimming in champaign - supernova. Cause we're so member's only, so fucking serious. Red carpet, or we're leaving - yea, it's become a habit. Keeping the decadent balance, let's buy some arrogance, plus eyes that can kill or make this life so speciel. In the world's focus, you're my web - the spark in the eye that could make your woman dance in the pale moonlight, while you let in the night.

When I go out, when she goes out, when he goes out. We must have all they have on MTV, yea we must be the center of it all, so here we are.

You're her, his and my problem, mixed with the scent of success. The sound of your name turns blood to ice, you're the endorphin inside our heads. More than enough happens to your voice, when he says "home" she says "to who?". Even fucked up, yet beautiful on the facade, like a wild, molotive bonfire in the streets. So keep your glasses on, so we can't see anything, and let us together walk through something that's misunderstood. Just react on instinct, we want money for nothing - in the darkness between the blinks of light, while you let in the night.

You're earth spun one more time, the perfect form in lingeri. Hanging in, you're manila hemp. You're strapped on around the neck, tight. You're the city of smiles when the day departs, illuminated in miami vice - through cities of shots and money. But every thing has an end, so you're probably waiting...

36 Year Old · Male · Joined on March 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 15th

Activity Feed

  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    Razzer Razzer Razzzzzzer dude!!!I'm on MSN and it's too late....so i'mma try again tomorrow

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    RAZZER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm on MSN and your not there!

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    Oo i like it...it's deep!Maybe add some bands on there aswell :PRawrrrrrrrrrr!

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    Bigger?!How much bigger!?

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    RAZZER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    But if your appartment is on fire, Then how are you going to put it out without a Fire extinguisher?

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    ..I think i know what you're talking about....but i haven't seen it around much these days.... It might be extincted.. :( I can get you a Fire extinguisher if you like?

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    Twsitedbread? Not sure what that is...but a long stick i have...all of my backyard..

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    Of course you can borrow that.....hmm what was it again? lol

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    Razzer dude, You being lazy? lolDon't wanna work, Don't wanna go to the grocery store lolBetter get off the butt man.....And yes...i probably have all those things you need to borrow...Just haven't checked yet :p

    16 years ago · Reply
  • NeaNea CRUSH ME...azzerDude
    HEY HOW ARE YOU? I just stoped by to show some love by rating your profile a 10..I am outta 11's right now tho but Id REALLY REALLY appreciate if you could take 2 seconds to rate my page a 10 too.If your not sure how just come to my page and the rate scale is right under my profile pic.PLEASE do not rate anyone anything under a 10. On this website rating people is about RESPECT.Its always a 10 or 11.If you need any help by all means send me a private message and I will do the best I can to help you out with whatever it is that you have a problem with on the site.PLEASE Remember to always return what a person gives you weather its a rate or a comment or whatever... Cause it helps us both get points and helps us gain our levels.I love new friends and fans too, so feel free to add me :PWELCOME TO FUBAR!..*HUGS*~*~NEABEAR~*~

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ azzerDude

    Just thought I'd stop by to welcome you to Fubar :)

    I hope you return the love back

    ♥ JoJolicious ♥

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Rebel Disturbed...azzerDude
    Razzer and Mellie productions....just getting started...they aint seen nothing yet...

    16 years ago · Reply
  • kerryazzerDude
    They thought they had what it takes,They thought they could be King Of The Hill,They were wrong,In a World where lounges pop up everyday Only One Stands Above the rest CLUB FANTASIA

    16 years ago · Reply
  • 16 years ago · Reply
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