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36 Year Old · Female · From New Orleans, LA · Joined on August 12, 2007 · Born on March 17th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
36 Year Old · Female · From New Orleans, LA · Joined on August 12, 2007 · Born on March 17th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, The courage to change the things that I can, And the wisdom to know the difference...

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"This self-discovery
Redemption taking hold of my mind,
A serenade of haunting voices
Calling me away, To feast upon the source of my felicity
Dark maiden taking hold of my hand, Lead me away from hibernation, Strong and unafraid, Never question why."- Disturbed

I'm not interested in your bullshit, Drama or mind games, Junior High is over, No negative, Take your ism else where

Stay on my toes so i will never slip, I will never fall and will never snitch, Mind yah buniness baby! That's how Momma taught us, So that's the way i'm living cause that's how i was brought up

Do you really want to know? The details listed below explain the short version
The more intricate story, I'll keep it as simple as possible, I'm from Kenner, Louisiana, Born and raised
My home, Don't like it, Then tell someone who cares, I'm a metal head, I listen to all genres or music
But consume only one, I'm my own person, My individuality is mine it bothers most with there confusion and lack of understanding, But there judgement will never change me, You can try, but you'll never break me
Accept me or leave me be, Take your stereotype lifestyle to someone who you might influence by it. "Say waaah"
I have religion but follow my own conversion of beliefs, I'm a free spirited person, One who lives by free will, It's what my life is based around
So i don't involve in the politics, Which is in everything. You need a friend, or someone to listen , Confine in? I can be all
But always remember, I'm not one to take advantage of, It'll fall back on you, I don't trust easily, I don't take for granted.,
I'm a very loveable and trusting friend to have, I'm a great person, A caring soul, But not one to become enemy's with, So take your drama somewhere else
You will fail!, I'm Athletic, I love sports, Motocross, Skateboarding and BMX are my favorite along with normal sports such as Football, Volleyball, Swimming. I love working at as well. Fun and hobby's
I love wrist bands, Sports bra's, Sweatpants, Dress shirts, Wife beaters, ties, Plaid mini skirts, Hats and Metal Mulisha, Weird huh? Graize! I aint normal lol.
I've been through heartache Lost love one's, Betrayal, Disasters and huge amounts of disappointment, Just as we have, Fill free to vent, or cry.
Your tears are safe with me, You're Broken, So i am, I'm better off alone, Outspoken, So am i, Explosive words that other's wouldn't understand, Relase, But don't drag me too deep into, Nor absorb yourself or myself deeply in it, Life is too short, Push forward and get over it soon
This are my words, In particle pieces, This is my life, This is my way. This is me, Hate me, Love me, Condemn me, Take no offense,
It's just the way it is.
P.S. Don't ask for my middle or last name, Cause guess what, You'll never know.



Ay bay bay

Name: Melanie

D.O.B: 17th, March

Birthplace: Matairie, Louisiana

Current location: Kenner, Louisiana

Height: 5'4

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Brown

Zodiac sign: Pisces

The name is Melanie

My Playground is New Orleans

My Interests are listed below

The information you need is blogged

What you see is what you get

Don't like it then fuck off

Don't annoy me with drama and bullshit

Respect me and i'll respect you

It's just that simple

Leave your Emotions at the door (Emo's).

36 Year Old · Female · From New Orleans, LA · Joined on August 12, 2007 · Born on March 17th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!

The rest is listed below.
Lacuna Coil
Rob Zombie
A Perfect Circle
12 Stones
Theory Of A Deadman
Killswitch Engage
Within Temptation
Marily Manson
Bionic Jive
La Bouche
God Module
3-6 Marfia
Ect Ect..

If you need to know more, Tough shit, That's all i'm given, Don't like it, Tell somebody who cares.(Opps)

The Crow
Resident Evil
Resident Evil:Apocalypse
Resident Evil: Extinction
The Fifth Element
Dazed and Confused
Tombstone (I love's the Doc Holliday) Yah dig.
Harry Potter Movies
Die Hard Movies
Ect Ect..

There's a shit load more, I could go on forever.
But like i said, It's all i'm given. So deal.

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