I do work out Although Im A Bit Chubby But U know this Is Chubby Season lol Cuddling time By my Fireplace .. I love to read when im doing nothing at all. I also Help out with foster kids , im not a worker but i do alot of worker helping With Clothing and Such for Programs in need. If u have it give it I say. Im a true hippie at heart . Woodstock 69 I was 11 and The greatest experience ever for me.. So If you want to get to know me hit me with respect and ill give it back... I love to write whether its in a journal or just a piece of paper. The mind is a powerful Thing.
"I can only be myself and if that's not good enough for anyone then so be it! I won't change my thoughts and ways ever again to win someone's approval or love.
Once you start bending and compromising on who you are, it's never ending and it's never enough to please or impress the one who is demanding change.
I think I'm worth loving, just like I am. If you don't think so then go find someone else to change, I'll only be a constant disappointment to you.
Some people never realize how beautiful another person is, because they want to mold them to fit their own idea of perfection. There is no perfection, only the beauty of humanity in all its imperfection.
No I'm not perfect but I'm not ashamed of being me"GA.
"You never know what another person’s life is like, the things they have experienced. You don’t know and you never will, unless you take the time and effort to care about other people. The question is, do you want to know? Do you feel that friendship is worth the sacrifices you will have to make to understand and contribute to the life of another and to have them contribute to yours?
Superficiality is the bane of relationships. A pleasant passing in the night of ships that never really see each other or even turn their radios on to communicate. Can you be satisfied with such shallowness between people? If you can then emptiness will fill your life. No man or woman is an island. If you try to be one you will eventually sink into a sea of frustration and loneliness.
I know these days honest, loving friendship is not something that happens too often. We are a very mobile society. Very few people seem to stay in one place for long periods of time. Mobility isn’t conducive to close, lasting friendships. Then there is the element of fear, times are chaotic and dangerous. Trust is certainly at a low point in these modern times of selfishness and greed. There is a whole class of people who use, abuse and discard others.
The only way you are ever going to mine the riches in other lives is to take a chance with the safety of your heart and show concern for others. The only way you will ever truly know someone is if they feel you are worthy of opening their hearts and lives to.
Unfounded fear is the enemy of every good thing in life. We can choose to be controlled by fear or by love. I believe even if we make the unfortunate choice to offer our friendship to an unworthy person, because it is done with concern and love it won't destroy us should that person prove to be someone who doesn't value us or our friendship. Everything in life is a maturing, learning experience. We are deepened emotionally, intellectually, spiritually by each experience, even the ones (perhaps especially) the ones that break our hearts.
One thing the internet has done is to bring people from great distances together and allow them to stay in contact even if they move many times in a lifetime. It can be an incomparable tool for developing and nurturing friendships but unfortunately it can sometimes be the Devil’s advocate and bring pain into lives that they would never have experienced if they had not connected to others far away with openness and trust.
The problem is, how do you know the trustworthy from the users. I believe we all have an inner intuition but honestly sometimes it just doesn’t work the way we would hope for it to. I think the only way you can know is with communication and time. If the friendship has a positive effect on your life and the person, over a period of time, proves to be a true friend, then you have struck gold. If the opposite happens, cut your losses but don’t close your heart to the next opportunity to know and be known in a trusting relationship.
Great friendships don’t just “Happen” they are initiated and nurtured over time. Wherever you find such an honest connection, whether next door or thousands of miles away, learn how to cultivate it. Learn how to nurture others though their good times and especially their bad ones. Be the kind of friend who inspires the ones they care about to become all they were created to be. Accept others as they are, don’t expect to change them. Appreciate them in all their colorful differences. But you will change them and they will change you with the open honesty of a friendship that is caring and real. There is a passage in the Bible about friends being like iron that sharpens iron. If you find a few or even one friend, who sharpens you that way, don’t ever let go of the beauty of what you and your friend have found together. It’s rare and it’s one of the greatest treasures of a lifetime.
We are constantly growing, changing. A true friend is a great force for change for they lovingly balance our imperfections and inspire us to become better in all areas of our hearts and lives.
May your existing friendships deepen and may many new ones be waiting for you just around the corner".GA
"i like to feel the wind
as it rushes through my hair
the warmth of sunlight
kissing my upturned face
moonlight is a tangible thing
if you believe in magic
you can touch it and
hold it in your open palms
rivers speak their own language
in their journey to the sea
birds sing operas more perfect
than those composed by italian masters
if you desire fake anything
you won’t like, don’t want me
my roots are a mysterious mixture
of aristocratic and primitive
i can be a lady, at appropriate times
no airs... just polite gentility
but i can be a volcano of raw desire
when my passion is commanded
i am as mystical as starshine
as spontaneous as your heartbeat
as unpretentious as a clear day
nothing to hide... i'm a natural woman"GA
"I am a powerful woman.
I don’t frighten easily
or become intimidated
by someone who thinks
they can bully me with anger
threats or disrespect.
I am a powerful woman
because I know who I am
and feel secure in my identity.
I’m strong in my convictions
and unyielding to injustice
or foolish power plays.
I am a powerful woman.
I live and walk in love
but I’m not afraid to
confront and expose evil.
I can stand unafraid with
weapons of hate aimed at me.
Life is too short to live it
trembling in fear or dread
of those who think they can
unjustly push their way
though and disturb my peace.
I’m too powerful for that.
To women everywhere:
be yourself, love yourself.
You are the primal vessel
and eternal nurturer of life,
Allow no disrespect or injustice
You are a powerful woman".GA
*Just some of my Scribbles..and Mind