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55 Year Old · Male · Joined on July 17, 2020 · Born on October 20th
55 Year Old · Male · Joined on July 17, 2020 · Born on October 20th

Dog person...period. There is no dark side of the moon, as a matter of fact, its all dark. I've spent my last few nights looking for signs of intelligent life. I guess i should have looked further than my isolation chamber. I try not to listen to the voices inside my head, they never get out to learn how to look at things from the other side.
I have always wondered if I had a choice as to what kind of man I'd become. To avoid having to answer the eternal question everybody tells me I never grew up.if I want someone in my life I try to nurture that friendship and care how we unfold, but if I welcome the experience is it a responsibility? I'm whats left, I'm whats right, I'm gonna take the road that doesn't say dead end. Mainly because I don't want anything i view to be a rerun of what I saw yesterday. I'm not going to confess to something you never told me you felt I had done to you.
You hung a label around my neck and tied it like a noose. If I never said anything with malice but you took it like a pain that branded you. Which one of us is harming whom? Are you calling for revenge? For wholly imagined abuse. I dont know if you'd be happier if I would walk away from you. Or do you treasure the moment you want to point a crooked finger and try to diminish

55 Year Old · Male · Joined on July 17, 2020 · Born on October 20th
Twisty roads as long as they don't say dead end. Making the impossible suddenly just a milestone. Bringing a smile to someone's face that you don't even know. My dog so happy to see me that they cry. Medium rare steak. The rumble of 45° V-twin engine and the smile that overcomes a ladies face as she rides one the very first time.

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