65 Year Old
From Port Orange, FL·
Joined on April 30, 2020
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 31st
1 person has a crush on me!
Originally from Wisconsin. Spent my time in the Army mostly in Germany. Got to tour Europe on a motorcycle during my years there. Left the snow and cold for sunny Florida 30+ years ago and haven't regretted it.
65 Year Old
From Port Orange, FL·
Joined on April 30, 2020
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 31st
1 person has a crush on me!
Riding my motorcycle to New locations (touring) is my favorite activity. Spoiling my dog, activities with friends, and B Movies are tied for second.
I listen to and enjoy everything music wise. Cannot tolerate rap and won't even call it music. Don't agree with me too bad.
Video Games
I don't waste my time with video games.
Latest Status
IzzyDoesIt Survived Christmas now on to the New Year