I've Twisted Tuesday Naughty SnuggleCuddleHuggles ( Allowed by Fubars Rules and Regulations Committee has Over"Written" previous Groping Rules concerning the Rub/Groping of Butts..ns Legal Note and Disclaimer It's bound to be and in some courts of law, Inappropriate. And I cannot be Held responsible for any misunderstandings of said Groping/Fondling of said butt..ns.Due to Fubars R/R/C) Fondled your Butt..ns.
Saturday Late Evening Naughty SnuggleCuddleHuggles Darlin Yes they were indecent even for Fubar standards. But I loved giving those cheeks a good squeeze
This may or may not have been an indecent Dry Hump Day SnuggleCuddleHuggles to your Butt. You make the decision This has zero to do with your buttons. I did that first.