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40 Year Old · Male · From Tallahassee, FL · Invited by: Trixta101 · Joined on January 23, 2008 · Born on February 2nd · 3 referrals joined!
40 Year Old · Male · From Tallahassee, FL · Invited by: Trixta101 · Joined on January 23, 2008 · Born on February 2nd · 3 referrals joined!

Alright so you want to know about Art. Where do I even start? First of all, I was born in Panama City, Panama. So that's where my story begins. I'm an ARMY brat, what can I say. Been across the US and even spent a few years abroad. Miami is still home for me though. I might not have been born in Dade, but my entire family on my mom's side is there and I spent a lil over 7 years there. I definitely know my way around. It also helps that I've been a Hurricane since the day I started breathing. Currently, I've been living here in Tallahassee going on almost 8 years. Its not nearly as fast paced as Miami, but its a good place to grow up.....if you like living in a big ass circle. Then again, I've lived in worse.

One of my favorite things from as far back as I can remember has to be video games. My Aunt Stephanie got me started on the Atari at age 3 and I've been hooked since. I'm fascinated with the way so much has changed since then. One of my goals is to become a video game programmer, so I can produce the next mind-blowing experience attached to a controller. I got a nice collection of everything from the classics from back in the day to most of the newest titles and systems. (with the exception of the PS3 which I haven't the need for....yet.)

I guess being an Aquarius just makes me creative by nature. I LOVE WRITING!! Any kind of writing. From short stories to poetry and even music. Once I'm in the zone, I can just churn them out one after another. I have a need to express myself in some form and this seems to be my medium. Hoping one day to probably write for a magazine or publish a book in my lifetime. Lots of hard work in there, but when you like it so much it doesn't mean anything.

As for myself, I try to take life one day at a time. Whatever comes my way, I take in stride. I'm pretty laid back and conservative most of the time. I have a serious side and it seems to dominate my personality. Some people look at me and think that I'm too uptight. On the contrary though, once you get to know me I don't have a problem opening up and showing the lighter side of my personality. You'll find out that I have a really big heart if you just take the time to see it. I've been getting better about that lately and I'm trying to be more approachable. Pushing away the shyness and building up the confidence.

I know that this is really long, but it doesn't even begin to cover all that is me. So if you have any other things you want to ask about or know, just leave me a message and I'll definitely give you an answer. Thanks for reading.

40 Year Old · Male · From Tallahassee, FL · Invited by: Trixta101 · Joined on January 23, 2008 · Born on February 2nd · 3 referrals joined!
Catching up with old friends.
Sports, Video Games, Technology, Writing, Poetry, Music.


The Breakfast Club, Face/Off, Live Free Or Die Hard, The Mist, Crash, Coming To America, Trading Places, Take The Lead, The Fifth Element, Scarface, Harlem Nights, Short Circuit, The Wood, Juice, Brown Sugar, A Christmas Story, Superbad, Training Day, The Transporter, Enough, White Men Can't Jump, Booty Call, The Sixth Sense, 16 Blocks, Diary Of A Mad Black Woman, Madea's Class Reunion, Meet The Browns, Alien, Aliens, Lethal Weapon 4, Beverly Hills Cop, Beverly Hills Cop 2, Beverly Hills Cop 3
Video Games


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