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Joined on December 24, 2007 · Born on November 30th
Joined on December 24, 2007 · Born on November 30th

Check my nacked pics here.Hi... Thanks for taking the time to check me out!I'm an extremely busy cave guide and state park interpreter near South Park, but I always have time for my friends and the things that are important to me. Which are (in the following order) : 1. Nature unimpeded2. My dogs and cat3. Everything elseI appreciate good books, balanced beer, healthy ecosystems, education, intelligence, simplicity, kindness, compassion, motivation, confidence (not to be confused with arrogance), and most importantly, a great sense of wit and humor. My friends should understand NREPA, Ed Abbey and Neil Young on a very base level. You know what I'm talking about! I am also learning (slowly) to speak Russian and I would love to meet other Russian-speakers to hang out and practice with. It's really bad right now though, so be warned! :)My time is spent teaching the public about nature and other outdoor education topics for CO State Parks, doing all kinds of crazy cave related stuff at my other job, and going to school full time in pursuit of my degree in Natural Resource Management and Adventure Guiding. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, other than outside! BTW, If you're trying to get a date with a supermodel, go elsewhere.:) My goals in life do not include Attainment of Commercial Beauty and Persistent Starvation, NOR am I trying to find a boyfriend. I don't wear makeup and I'll never be a beanpole, but I am very healthy, been told I'm beautiful (by people other than my grandma), and I can hold my own on the trail. I don't have a gym membership, but I exercise more in one day than most people do all week... I prefer my body to be healthy, happy, and balanced so that I can do all things I like to do. I don't expect my friends to be granola-crunchers too, but hanging out with me does require some stamina! It would be cool to meet other laid back, like-minded folks to go hiking and camping with! My life isn't really set up for a boyfriend or serious relationships right now, but I love seeing others' perspectives and finding new places up here in the high country! Be sure to balance your chi today, K If I don't know you, please don't IM me, I won't accept it. Please send me an email first if you want to talk! SERIOUSLY, if you IM me it means you either didn't read my profile or you don't care, both of which make you look really bad. Thanks

Joined on December 24, 2007 · Born on November 30th

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