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61 Year Old · Female · From Athens, TX · Owned by Pathopax and is worth 200,000 fuBucks. · Joined on October 18, 2017 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 14th · I have a crush on someone and 6 different people have a crush on me!
61 Year Old · Female · From Athens, TX · Owned by Pathopax and is worth 200,000 fuBucks. · Joined on October 18, 2017 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 14th · I have a crush on someone and 6 different people have a crush on me!

The Circle

A need for Friendship; that comes first
for true friends can survive anything
Communication comes in next
for without it things go wrong
Patience has a place here also
time must be spent in quiet to learn about each other
Openness follows close behind
so we don't keep things from each other
and with that comes Understanding
so we can agree to disagree
not far behind comes Compromise
so not one is just giving or taking
and with that comes Acceptance
of what that person is and wants to become
which leads us to Encouragement
so that we can grow together and not apart
and the basic building block of this
is Commonness which leads to Friendship

Join me plz
Let me wrap myself around you
My head on your chest
Your arm on my back

Join me plz
Let me hear your heartbeat
Your breathing raising my head
Your words soft in my ears

Join me plz
Your warmth spreads to my heart
Warming it like before
Its so cold without you.

Join me plz

61 Year Old · Female · From Athens, TX · Owned by Pathopax and is worth 200,000 fuBucks. · Joined on October 18, 2017 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 14th · I have a crush on someone and 6 different people have a crush on me!
Heart of Hearts

A secret place
Locked deep within
Very few ever find it
Even if you look for it
Then one day it happens
Someone touches you
So profoundly, so deeply
And still you dont know
You feel the stirrings
The tugs on your heartstrings
And still dont realize
Just how much you care
And then something happens
And they are gone from you life
And then you see
You cant breathe
You cant focus
You cant stop crying
And everything you see
Or do or listen to
Reminds you of them
And the pain comes back
Fresh and new
And you try to let go
But your heart of hearts
Keeps them there
Shows you over and over
How much you care
And your heart feels broken
Ripped right out of your chest
You no longer feel whole
There is only a void
Only they can fill

The Pheonix

A fatal shot to the heart
and the pain exploded deep inside
it shattered the core
and energy flared out of the cracks
pure energy, never created or distroyed
it filled the hole in the heart
it spread out further
like a rough diamond being cut
to expose the fire inside
this fire was building
changing, altering the very essence
filling me with the clearest form of light
the kind that allows you to see
or to blind you with it's intensity
a transformation of unique proportions
never again to wonder about survival
I will always be reborn
I am a Phoenix!

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  • Lady Willow when you open up and the right one comes walking in to shatter the darkness it's unbelievable, thank you NSA55fun for becoming my shinning knight!!
    5 years ago · Comment

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