34 Year Old
From Oakland, CA·
Joined on January 15, 2017
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 7th
I have a crush on someone!
34 Year Old
From Oakland, CA·
Joined on January 15, 2017
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 7th
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
Pismo Pipe Hi there.
I haven't been on here for six mos. Ive been looking for a better job and busy with other stuff. I finally got a job for an engineering company. I'm so happy and looking forward to this year and the opportunities I'll have with my job.
Thanks everyone that liked and bombed
Hey came by your page pushed all your buttons can you fan me please :)Rated/Liked/Fanned You :) Fan Me back pLeasecome chat in Lounge Erotiquecome chat with me!!!just click the pic :) and chat in Lounge Erotique
Thank you for the friend request!Rated Liked and Fanned you. Please fan me back. Come back and visit me any time xoxo DGClick the pic to chat with me @ Lounge Erotique