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47 Year Old · Male · From Elk Creek, VA · Joined on October 8, 2016 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 31st · I have a crush on someone!
47 Year Old · Male · From Elk Creek, VA · Joined on October 8, 2016 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 31st · I have a crush on someone!

When it comes to describing myself, I prefer to use the opinions/statements/descriptions/comments, I have heard the most over the years, and starting with the most frequently used.
Old Soul/Kind-hearted/Beautiful Soul/Honest/Unique/Multi-talented/Compassionate/Sweet/Shy/Genuine/Full of Surprises/Hero/Strong Willed/Self Sufficient/Photographs Eye/Nonjudgmental/Good Listener/Benevolent/Nature Lover/Nothing I Can't Do/Deep Thinker/Philosopher/Story Teller, and many other things, whether I agree with them all is my opinion.
Myself I will tell my passions interests, hobbies, thoughts and a short narrative of my life's story.
Since childhood I have always preferred to be alone, or in the company of another soul mirroring my own, within nature, or in the company of animals, domesticated or free. I say free instead of wild because they are free of human altercation. Normally I will be found deep in thought, singing along with the raido that's "always" playing. Where you will find me, depends on how I feel physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Through most days/nights I will be at home, "wherever it may be" in my camper, shop, or somewhere in-between. Though I prefer to be as far into untouched nature as possible hiking, camping, meditating, driving, always with my camera, musical device, notepad and pencils. My strongest passions in life are music, in where I find peace, comfort, joy, and rejuvenation when I am listening, singing, or writing lyrics. Through my camera lens I capture anything that captures my eye, imagination, curiosity, heart, spirit, and soul. I find great satisfaction, and appreciation having the ability to see the true beauty within all that surrounds my waking eyes.
A solitary existence are traits of my being, as well I am made up of helpfulness, compassion, sympathy, and a selflessness driven desire to bring happiness to those whom paths in life entwine with my own.
Endless possibilities my mind knows no boundaries freely thinking never doubting a single idea or thought, be it my own, or another's, in which I find many laughter filled conversations.
Firmly I believe in destiny forming, guiding, and instruction our path through life. Every detail throughout our emotionally filled lives in my thoughts be by design preparing us for future moments so we have the tools, knowledge, understanding, forgiveness, strength, desire, passion, and ability to meet it head on.
I will leave you today with a quote.
"If nature has designed you to be a giver"
"Then your hands were born open, as well as your heart"
"Even though there will be times when your hands are empty"
"Your heart is always full, and you can give from that"

47 Year Old · Male · From Elk Creek, VA · Joined on October 8, 2016 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 31st · I have a crush on someone!
A solitary flower touched by dawns first light awakens. Finding itself alone high upon a blue mountain side. Below lye’s a never resting busy city full of life and lights. A truly encouraging sight for all natures beautiful creations. For they long for our passionate observance of their existence. Assuring it visitors will come to admire its iridescent glow. Indulging their scenes with its sweet aroma in the breeze. Admiring all the vibrant colours upon its delicate petals. Enduringly the lonely flower awaits as days turn to weeks. Though no visitors have come to the mountain of blue. Even with its great perseverance petals begin fade. Drooping and curling as days grow cold hinting fall is near.
Petals now descending to the frost covered ground.
Its strength almost spent yet it tries one last time.
To gaze upon the busy city of lights once more.
In that last moment the lonely flower noticed something. None who lived in the busy city of lights were looking up. The mountain of blue such great beauty it bears. Though no one in the city of lights seem to care. Not until this day has the world ever seen a flower frown. The end is here, it is no more, now collapsing to the ground. Spring will soon begin with it a new flower will arise. Please don't let it succumb to the same lonely fate. The world contains such breathtaking beauty. Though most never take the time to look. People of today are blind to natures true beauty. The reason I share this lonely flowers sad story." Is Hope" that we never forget to pause for a moment, and look at all the beautiful things surrounding us that can offer comfort, and assurance that not all in this world is bad, ugly or mean. Please take a brief moment out of your life everyday and observe all around you. If you look with the right eyes, you will find beautiful things everywhere. Write this not only for the beauty within nature, also for the beauty within humans. Some of the most beautiful unique gentle Souls I have ever met in my life are hidden within the darkness unable to escape. Driven to seclusion, because they are different, yes they are different ,they're beautiful, they're open, they see all around them, they're more in touch with everything. That makes them different and when something is different it has a hard time showing the world how beautiful it is. Help them to show the world how special,and how truly beautiful they are.
Lonesome Dove Series
Cinderella Man
The Notebook
We Were Soldiers
Dances With Wolves
Cool Hand Luke
Star Wars
310 To Yuma
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
A Band of Brother's
Hacksaw Ridge
My Father

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