1. Peace of mind is hard to find untill you stop looking for it.
2.Broken homes contribute greatly to the breakdown of society.
3.The ability to adapt is a trait of survival. To conform is giving in and following a trend that is breed on fear.
4.The need for man to have a answear for all creation and an explanation for all actions is just his insecurity that quite possibly we really are alone in this world.
5.I have found that as you become older the amount of time that you have been friends with someone begins to have great value to you, more than ever before. No matter what past or present circumstances the friendship has had.
6.Karma isn't without a sense of humor. Becarefull what you ask for.
7.Racism is a waste of hate. When it comes right down to it the only color people care about is green.
8.To truely be yourself there must be a point in your young adult life when you challenge everything you have been taught by your parents and form your own belief system with no bias. You can look at your parents mistakes all you want and swear you'll never be that way but the pattern of repetition isn't broken unless you change the pattern in which you think.
9.What doesn't kill you gives you fuckin issues. Get to the point, dealing with those issues makes you stronger.
10.With love there will be hate, both make you weak.
11.Love, trust, faith, and honesty are things you need to have in yourself before you can have them in someone else. For most people it takes a lifetime to have those four things in themselves.
12.Love and Monogomy are niether ideal or very fucking successfull. Communication and Acceptance are not only ideal there pretty fuckin basic. You talk, you listen, then you accept what your hearing or you dont thats it.
13.Dennis Leary hit the nail on the head when he said happiness comes in small dosees. Peolpe expect it to be much more for them. Like it's going to enrich their whole life and every aspect of it forever. When all happiness is, is a random trip to the beach with a friend, having some ketschup on every bite of your burger, a ten minute conversation with a mother fucker who's comin at you straight, that quick expression someone gets on their face when there happy to see you, a smoke after a good meal, great sex with no trips, those moments when your all by yourself not doing a dam thing and still feel completely satissfied. Happiness does come in small doses and often are few and far between. I've learned to accept it when it comes and to let it go when it fades. Try and do good by the person I shared it with and wait for the next dose.