46 Year Old
Joined on March 15, 2007
Born on February 26th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
For the few people who actually read this part of the profile, what is it you would expect to read? What would be your impression of me be if I told you that no one knows who I am. We base our judgments on what we perceive, and perceptions are only as accurate as the people that they belong to, so here are some things about me. I consider the friendships that remain constant in my life to be the only real solid ground, one lost soul hanging on to another and then another until a chain of imperfect beings form strength from their weakness. Can anything else be more human? At the same time if it came down to it, I could treat my best friend like my worst enemy. I am not two faced but I am two sided. Because of my passion my love is as strong as my hate. It is not in my nature to lie, cheat, steal, hurt, mislead, or take advantage of anyone but I have done all of those things before, sometimes deliberately. It’s hard to take me seriously because I try to find the humor in everything. It’s not a wall to block negative emotions but a funny mask to hide deep sadness. I am not fearful or paranoid I do go by a serious guideline, to never think anyone isn’t capable of doing anything to you no matter how bad it is. There for there is nothing I am not capable of doing to anyone or anything. For those people who depend on their walls to keep themselves safe from growing close and feeling vulnerable, you shouldn’t bother I wont have to break through, in time you’ll let me in. 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46 Year Old
Joined on March 15, 2007
Born on February 26th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Hey I thought I would stop by and show some love.I also wanted to let you know that im in a comment contest and its my first contest. So please stop by if you get a chance and show love. Thanks M~Click on the pic