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Male · From Daytona Beach, FL · Joined on October 24, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on October 28th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Male · From Daytona Beach, FL · Joined on October 24, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on October 28th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

What's there to say, I'm married to a beautiful, adventurous and infinitely patient woman. She's the one that's not me in one of my pics. 16_winksmile.gif Because my current status (Now accepting applications for the position of Girlfriend) has apparently caused a bit of head-scratching, my wife and I are a happy, healthy, emotionally stable, gainfully employed, poly couple (I'm straight, she's gay,) looking for a woman to join us in our journey through life. We've been together for eighteen years and have been poly for the last four. We're not looking for a plaything, or a fling, but someone to be a partner and equal in the relationship. Where Fubar is concerned though, I'm here to meet people, make some new friends, engage in a bit of good-natured flirtation, and have some fun, and if anything more comes from it than that, well that's okay too.

Let's see, what else......

+ I survived Two Girls One Cup.

+ Foamy the Squirrel is my Lord and Master.

+ I enjoy cooking but I hate the shopping and cleaning up it involves.

+ Redheads, fair skin, freckles, and women under 5'05" drive me nuts.

+ I can be a little sarcastic.

+ I love horror movies, but have nobody with whom to watch them.

+ I flirt...a lot...often without thinking about it. If it makes you uncomfortable let me know and I can try to curb it with you.

+ Sometimes I mean it though...

+ If left to my own devices I could sit down with a new book and not get up again until it was finished.

+ I aspire to live in a nudist colony one day.

+ I am occasionally a Grammar Nazi.

+ If i call you 'love' in a message or shout don't panic, it is just a term of affection like 'sweetie' or 'hun,' I'm not professing my love for you.

+ Stewie Griffin is my hero.

+ So are Dr. Cox and The Janitor from Scrubs.

+ Chuck Norris is my bitch. If he'd care to dispute that he's welcome to get his old bearded butt on a plane and try.

+ Vegan girls make me hawt.

+ I'm not a Vegan.

+ I believe it is better to give that to receive.

+ Several years ago I made the transition from writing bad poetry to writing erotic fiction.

+ In the long run that turned out to be a good choice.

+ I'm something of a geek.

+ Yes, I was talking about oral sex up there a moment ago.

+ I'm not at all "420 friendly."

+ Geek girls rock my socks

+ I ride a bicycle for a living.

+ I own handcuffs and am not afraid to use them.

+ Yes, there is a lot of threesome/poly related stuff in my folders. If it's not your thing please feel free not to rate those particular pics. If it is your thing we'd love to chat. We're not swingers though, we don't swap with other couples, i.e. no boys allowed.

+ I still REALLY enjoy receiving though...just to clarify...

+ I drive a MINI, because every time I think about getting on my motorcycle it rains.

+ I'm a smiley whore ; p

+ I survived military school.

+ I would love to one day walk down the aisle in Barnes and Noble and see my name on the spine of a book.

+ I've probably used "I" more times in this little box than I generally do in a day.

Male · From Daytona Beach, FL · Joined on October 24, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on October 28th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

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