45 Year Old
Invited by: 67604·
Joined on September 24, 2007
Born on January 1st
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
I'm one Sexy Beast looking for some new friends. Yes I drool alot, I shed, and snore so loud the neihbors complain, but my owner loves me so much she thought I needed my own page. Come say hi, show me some luv, and I will show it back. I dont wanna see your NSFW pics, and I dont have any to share so please dont ask. I might be a dog, but I'm a gentleman.
This is my owner, seriously. Go check her out, show her some Love, rate and fan her. And when your done spanking her, go check out the other 2nd Alarm Hotties on her page and Spank them with rates to. Raen~ Asst Chief - 2nd Alarm Hotties~ @ fubar
45 Year Old
Invited by: 67604·
Joined on September 24, 2007
Born on January 1st
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Tell Raen to give your ass a bath if she thinks u smell bad. Tell her to hop in there with you. LOL. This dog is a hoot!!!. I would love to have this dog. I have a basset named FRED>