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44 Year Old · Male · From San Antonio, TX · Joined on May 21, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 18th · I have a crush on someone!
44 Year Old · Male · From San Antonio, TX · Joined on May 21, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 18th · I have a crush on someone!

As in, "O Captain! My Captain!". I'm a gentleman Texan, and I formulated the original recipe for "awesome sauce" (incidentally, it pairs well with Pinot Grigio and Shiner Bock).

How to describe me: Suave, intense, funny, cunning, kind. Elegant and totally filthy minded.

For what it's worth, I'm not going to beg for Likes or Ratings. It's not about "winning" the game for me, it's how you play it. Of course, I don't mind if you'd like to send a little TLC my way. ;-)

I'd love to be able to return the drinks and gifts in kind to y'all. That's not always possible. If you write a note with the gift, that tends to get my attention.

I'm a social guy. I like conversations. Otherwise, this is just a giant frakking meat market. Life's too short not to spend it with people. Kikname: ocaptain_fubar.

If you think I'm flirting with you, please don't assume I am. That's just the way I talk. If I am flirting with you it will be very obvious, not just subtle innuendo. Just clearing that up. I have male friends and female friends. Assumptions by association are not cool. The people I choose for my family are based on meaningful interaction, not sex. Want to be part of my family? Ask nicely or start a good conversation with me. Pretty simple. I'll probably even give you my off-fubar contact info.


Oh, it's a personal choice to publicize or not, but just having sexuality isn't a crime. I don't mind whomever's hitting on me. So long as they respect "thanks, but no thanks", I keep an open mind. If people are willing to accept a "you can look but don't touch" social agreement, maybe we should all feel more free to share. Variety is the spice of life, and makes the world go 'round.

44 Year Old · Male · From San Antonio, TX · Joined on May 21, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 18th · I have a crush on someone!
Acting, books, movies, music, news and politics, and seeing what the world is all about. Is that general enough?
Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Keaton Henson, Die Antwoord, AWOLNATION, Billie Holiday, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, Sleeping At Last, Orbital, Daft Punk, The Doors, The Who, Imagine Dragons, Macklemore, Mazzy Star, The Smiths, Mumford & Sons, Depeche Mode, Gary P. Nunn, Nine Inch Nails, Johnny Cash...

Yeah, that's this week's eclectic list.

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  • ocaptain My back is so popped into place right now I can't and wouldn't move for an hour. Blessed relief!
    2 years ago · Comment

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