44 Year Old
Joined on August 13, 2007
Born on January 1st
Going through alot of life changes. Trying hard not to go back to what I once was. In some ways I believe it may inevitable. If things were to change I wonder if I'd be a bad wife or bad mother? Seems so hard for people to except others as they are. In a matter of fact how hard it is for people to except the truth and realization of anything in this world. People are so ignorant and nieve...never satisfied. So sad what this world is coming to. Though I try I do to look for the good in all. Seems to make it all alittle better. To try to make the best of everything. Only you can change the world you live in. Let the truth be told...Actions speak louder than words.
44 Year Old
Joined on August 13, 2007
Born on January 1st
Try anything once!
Love Rock! Anything from Tom Petty to Metallica from Pink Floyd to Tool. Some Dance and some classical Can't stand Rap. Far as I am concerned they forgot the c...to make it what it really is...CRAP
Video Games
Ones like oblivion, silent hill, grand theft auto, some racing, helps pass time when bored.
MySpace Comments & MySpace LayoutsMost will rate you 10, I rated you an 11 because you’re worth it! MySpace Codes & MySpace LayoutsPls. Come by and be my fan and be my friend. American pride stands alone!If you could find it in you heart and can spare a little time please come by and comment my contest picture.You can comment as many times as you want, there is no limit.Just click on the thumbnail picture link to go to the page.Thank you so much for taking the time and the love, hugs and kisses...Just click the little thumbnail linkPoison