I'm a free-lance artist, single,straight,never married or dated, and I'm looking for pen pals/online budddies, preferably women, 25-52, but will consider all others. I've been described as warm, friendly, giving, spiritual,easygoing, gentle, polite, sensitive , funny , and kind, amomg other things. Also, I'm black(and part Cherokee on my mother's side), 5'7", average build, black hair , brown eyes , don't smoke, drink nor use illegal drugs.
Please NO scammers, substance abusers, racists, snobs ,elitists, religious /political extremists, chronic criminals & liars, bullies, pedophiles or domestic abusers . If you want to chat, contact me on my IM ID's ONLY if I add you to my Friends List or vice versa; I have AOL,Yahoo ,MSN , & Google; I'm registered on MySpace, Tagged, Netlog,WAYN,IMVU, My Yearbook,Friendster,hi5, Hover Spot,and B4UParty .Take care and have safe fun here on Fubar!
You Belong in 1969

You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.
P.S.: Despite what the quiz says, I again repeat that I DONT use illegal drugs, but the rest is quite accurate

Lets101 Quizzes - Blog Quiz