49 Year Old
Invited by: Mystical Blue Eyes·
Joined on August 1, 2007
Born on October 15th
I have a crush on someone!
Well sometime's i'm a little spacey, but that's only because I like to day dream.. I love my 3 kid's they are what make's my world go round. I'm friendly to everyone, I try not to judge anyone, because ya know to judge is to be judged, right.. I can't stand lier's, there's no since in it, pluss the truth alway's comes out soon or later. I don't like cheater's either, it's been done too many time's to me!!! I have a big heart and people tend to over use it at time's. But we learn from our mistake's right and I know God never give's us what we can't handle. I love movie's, and road trip's with my family or friend's or both. I want to have a farm one day soon hopefully. I love all kind's of music, but mostly country. Oh and I love to read thick novel's. Well that's little ol me.
49 Year Old
Invited by: Mystical Blue Eyes·
Joined on August 1, 2007
Born on October 15th
I have a crush on someone!
The Wolf HavenFubar's hottest new loungeLive DJ's, drinks and loads of funHiring DJs, bartenders, greeters, enforcers Ask DJ Heavenly Angel for details
You know, I don't know why you rated my pic a 4 but I know I haven't done a damn thing to you at all since I don't know you from Adam here but you look beautiful on your profile pic and I was going to give an 11 but since you gave me a 4, that's what you'll get back because I believe if you give me a 4, that's what your gonna get back otherwise, why rate the pic a 4, huh?
Tag....YOU'RE IT!!!You have been considered Oneof the 10 SWEETEST FRIENDSon my friends list. Once you havebeen tagged, you have to tag 10SWEET FRIENDS and let themknow they are SWEET!!