42 Year Old
From La Quinta, CA·
Joined on July 24, 2007
Relationship status: Open Relationship
Born on June 27th
·1 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
42 Year Old
From La Quinta, CA·
Joined on July 24, 2007
Relationship status: Open Relationship
Born on June 27th
·1 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
42 Year Old
From La Quinta, CA·
Joined on July 24, 2007
Relationship status: Open Relationship
Born on June 27th
·1 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
just give me a beer or two and some good friends around me. and I will cut that rug up good. I will go and do some funny shit. but that is just me. like me or hate me. it's all good.
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LordMuro looking for a great place to have a lot of fun at???
so tell me, why in the world would some chick i dont even know as me tons of questions about ya girlfriend....humm. seems like ya got a stalker anthony...well just so ya know i didnt tell her anything. Just thought id inform ya..