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37 Year Old · Female · From Yreka, CA · Invited by: pYzam · Joined on July 22, 2007 · Born on May 27th
37 Year Old · Female · From Yreka, CA · Invited by: pYzam · Joined on July 22, 2007 · Born on May 27th


.. You scored as Ghetto gangsta.

Ghetto gangsta










Drama nerd






What..s Your High School Stereotype?
created with QuizFarm.com

You are White Chocolate

You have a strong feminine side with a good bit of innocence thrown in.

Whether your girlish ways are an act or not, men like to take care of you.

You are an understated beauty, and your power is often underestimated!

MY FAVORTIE QUOTES AND SAYINGS (Pay attention ladies these are words to live by!):

Is it me? Is it like I have a beacon that only dogs and men with severe emotional problems can hear?

If men could menstruate ... clearly, menstruation would become an enviable, boast-worthy, masculine event: Men would brag about how long and how much.... Sanitary supplies would be federally funded and free. Of course, some men would still pay for the prestige of such commercial brands as Paul Newman Tampons, Muhammed Ali’s Rope-a-Dope Pads, John Wayne Maxi Pads, and Joe Namath Jock Shields —”For Those Light Bachelor Days.” --

The male chromosome is an incomplete female chromosome. In other words, the male is a walking abortion; aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.

My mother told me a way to a mans heart is through his stomach..........I think she was about six inches too high

The only good men are dating each other.

Men adore me, until I show my intelligence, assertiveness and independence. Then I suddenly seem to be a BITCH!

If a man is standing alone in the woods and says something.....is he still wrong?

Men, no matter how unappealing, each of them imagines he is somehow worthy.

If you can't be with the one you love, just fuck the man you're with.

Why would a guy want two girls if he can't satisfy the first one?

Women may fake orgasms but men fake entire relationships

When another girl steals your guy, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him.



You are a master flirt. You know just how to pick up hotties, but it is usually just a one night stand because you are out to have fun.

You like sex to be fun. You are not afraid to spice it up with some sex toys, blindfolds and food. Your ideal partner would be open minded, and into having fun too.

Sex matches: Libra, Aquarius

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

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I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net, check out these Myspace Layouts!

37 Year Old · Female · From Yreka, CA · Invited by: pYzam · Joined on July 22, 2007 · Born on May 27th

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