Love to travel:0),
Love to meet people from all walks of life,
Love the beach and the ocean speaking to me, through it's waves.Mailbu is wonderful !
Love taking long drives, never a dull moment with me (wink).
Love my two Siamese cats and Yellow naped Amazon mad Parrot, oh which happens to have a very "Queens English" Brtish accent e.g. Hello darling ....cheerio mate. :)
I am a romantic type . Oh yes love those candles and I am such a devil for my fragrances and if you were to see my office here in my home, it would be any young woman or any woman's paradise(I have too much makeup) ughhhh drives one crazy at times.Over 1000 lip colours yeeeks !!
My friends are few, but are very important to me as we are like a family of sorts.
I do not drink (boring). Not really I am a designated driver and prefer to not drink alcohol or do the drug scene smoke ciggies NO WAY SHERLOCK ! I have seen what it has done to destroy some of my friends and well known famous friends.
Love fashion,also like to get into a bloody mess when making blood gags for horror films or features that require an odd leg or arm ha ha.Oh I am also into football (soccer) here in America. Welcome "The Beckhams" wooo hooo...I just hope David Becks can show the USA how to play the game football (soccer)...:)
Well again have questions ask me.Very down to earth non bitchy, have no time to waste good energies being nasty or bitchy to anyone. Ok enough said in this department :) "Z"