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55 Year Old · Female · From Indianapolis, IN · Owned by Jamesb612 and is worth 2 coins. · Joined on July 19, 2006 · Relationship status: Married · Born on March 22nd · 9 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 54 different people have a crush on me!


My Beautiful Niece Savannah ( Passed away on Aug. 27th 2019 ) O: (( at The Age of 11 - Years Old... Gone to SOON She Earned Her Angel Wings... And On My Deceased Son's Birthday O: (( My Heart is FOREVER Broken O: (( I miss you My Angel … Sometimes You will Never know The Value of a Moment... Until it becomes a Memory O: ((



This is My Beautiful 10-Year-Old Niece Savannah <3


She was Diagnosed on 11/19/18 with Brain Cancer Inoperable , Deadliest Cancer ... DIPG ... a Golf Ball Sized Tumor on Her Brain Stem... It is Terminal O: (( ... Survival Rate 0% O: (( ... Due to There has Not been Enough Studies On this Type of Cancer.....

My World as of My Sister Kim ( Savannah's Mother ) and Our Family Just came Crashing Down : ( ... It's NOT! as Rare! as They want You to Believe... Children a Year : ( ... It Breaks My Heart... NO! Child Or Parent Nor Family Should have to go Through THIS! : ( ... We just want to Give Her Everything We CAN! to Make Memories with What Time She has Left in Life..... Please! If just a Small Donation can Help! Or Even a Share!


Thank you in Support of Team Tubby # Savannah Smiles : ) <3

IF You would Like a * Savannah Smiles : ) * Bracelet! to Show your Support ... Just Put " Bracelet " In The Comments Area with a Donation of $5 Or More..... Thank you so Much in Support of Team Tubby # Savannah Smiles : ) <3

***** NO SALUTE ..... NO ADD *****

I May Look! * Sweet & Innocent * O: )) ... But I WILL! Stalk you ... lol ... * MUAH! * O; ))


I Just Love how Someone can Spread " RUMORS! " about You that Doesn't Even KNOW! You ... That You haven't Even had a Conversation! with Them ... But ... I Won't Stoop! to Her Level... I'm Not Use to being On My Knees! lol ... Just KEEP! Buying Ur " Friends " with Bling! SweetHeart O; )) Sooo Pathetic! lol

Characterize People by Their Actions
and You will Never be Fooled
by Their Words.....

I'm a Big Believer that * ACTIONS! * Speak LOUDER! than Any " WORDS! "



Going to be Saluting those Who have Saluted! Me..... lol ... So IF! You have Made! Me One >>> I'll Put You on The List!

How to Do! a Salute!

Get a Piece of Paper Write!

Ur User Name ( ) .. Ur Home Page Number at The Top Left Hand Side of Ur Screen ( # ) .. and The Word ( Fubar ) .. Like THIS! Example.


ID #108180


Take a Picture of Urself Holding it to Where You can SEE! it Clearly with Ur Full Hand and Arm and Face Showing..... That is a Salute! ... HOPE! That Helped! O: ))


What You Heard About Me MIGHT! Be TRUE! Or as FAKE! as The * lil Credit/Bling " Begging " DRAMA! Filled! Bitch! That Told You * JFS ... Don't Believe Everything! You HEAR! and ONLY! Half of What You SEE! O; ))

FAKE! Ass! People have an Image to Uphold..... Me... I Don't! Give a Fuck! ... So Stick a Dick! in Ur Ear an ... FUCK! ... What You Heard!

So for The FAKE! Ass! * lil Credit/Bling " Begging " DRAMA! Filled! Bitches! * ( Don't! Like Me? ) ... Read Below..... lol


My Private ( NSFW ) Pics do NOT I Repeat Do NOT! have NUDE! Pics... I DON'T! get " NAKED! " for NOBODY! Period.....

I ONLY! Send * Naked * Pics to those Who Deserve Them O; )) ... Like My Enemies LOL! ( It's a JOKE! ) Relax! lol

My NSFW! ... is ... SFW! ..... Access Denied! ..... to MY Naughty! Parts ... lol

I Don't! Show Any More than What You'd See When Wearing a " Bikini " Swimsuit " so.....


I Know I Don't! " Whore! " Myself Out Or Sell " NASTY! NAKED! " NSFW! Pics for Credits! and Bling! ... Which is ( Pathetic! by The way NO! Class! ) HELL! Some EVEN! Do! it for " Crushes! " LOL! CRAZY! ... But They Still! get Respected! for it ... GO! FIGURE! ... And They're Probably! " Photoshopped! " at That lol ... IF! They are going to Photoshop! Their >>> * Eyes! and Color of Their Hair! * <<< You can BET! Their " NAKED! " Pics are tooo LOL! ... And Men are Paying for it..... That FAKE! Shit! ... MESSED UP! ... Tsk! Tsk! lol ... NO! Whore! Here But Could I get some Likes! and Rates! ??? Anyways ... And Get This They Cost NOTHING! .. Yep! .. Absolutely FREE! lol

( Apparently Acting AND Talking Like a Whore! Gets You " Attention! " Well SOME! I'm SURE! aren't ACTING! ) LOL! .......... But Like I have Said MANY! Times! >>> ( MOST! ) Men LOVE! Whores! They Put Them On " Pedestals! " and Do! ANYTHING! and EVERYTHING! for Them ..... IF! ONLY! They would " Think! " with The Head On Their Shoulders And NOT! The One Between Their Legs! ..... Messed up! Tsk! Tsk! lol

... You WON'T! EVER! See Me Putting My Fingers and Toys! Or Anything Else In ALLLL My Holes! to get Ur ATTENTION! Lmfao! ... OMG! WOW! How PATHETIC! Just NASTY! and NO! Respect! for Urself >>> NO! Class ... DAMN! ... Have some CLASS! ... But Anyways It's NOT! Like Any One is Looking at Her " FACE! " Am I RIGHT!? ... LOL! ... I Mean " MOST! " Men these Days Really Don't Seem to Care about a Woman's ( Face ) It's all about Her " Body! " It's Really kind of SAD! But HEY! it is >>> What it IS!

* Disclaimer *

NO One has the right to Copy, Share, Distribute My Personal Photos of Myself through themselves or any affiliate websites for ANY! Reason unless Permission is otherwise Requested from Me the Owner of the Photo's, This means Personal use or any and all Surveys, Studies, Projects, SLANDER! etc. All Pictures of Me are Subject to copyright and Internet Infringement Laws. Thanks.

I'm just gonna get to the Point....( You KNOW Who You are )

I am NOT! Here for ANYTHING! But The Game of FuBar! ...... YES! I'm * MARRIED! * Not DEAD! lol Like I have Told afew Peeps on The Sites that I'm On IF! Married People aren't Supposed to be On Here They wouldn't have The Option to Choose it lol ... I'ma FLIRT! and ALWAYS! Will be..... I'm here to * Flirt! * alil and have Fun be SILLY! to Keep from being BORED! ... And YES! My Hubby KNOWS! that I'm On Here... I Mean REALLY!? WoW! lol ... Anyways ... I Show Respect so PLEASE! do the Same


I am NOT! NEVER! goin to get Naked for You at all EVER! so just Forget it ...... I am Not going to give You Special Pics Or get on WebCam etc...... So STOP! asking ...... Last Time I Checked This was a Free Website and I am NOT! going to be taking Pictures of Myself for Ur Personal FREAKY! Fetishes ...... And IF You don't like what You see ...... DON'T look ...... If You are Tired of the Same-O Pics of Me ... To DAMN! BAD! NOT My Problem IF! Ya DON'T! Like it Then Move On to Another There are OVER 11 - Million People on this Site I am Sureee You can find Someone Who will get Naked for You or Someone that is Naked that Meets Ur Needs......


Ok to all the Women ...... I'm Not Here to Steal Ur Man , Boyfriend/Husband etc ...... I am Sick of Women Thinking I Want their Men I DON'T! ...... I am Here for The Game of FuBar! ONLY!!! I am Not Here to be " #1 " I Don't think I am All THAT And NEVER! have ... So When People tell Me that I am Beautiful , Gorgeous , Sexy Or Hot I really Don't Believe Them anyways...... SO It's Really Very Eazy if You DON'T! like Me * BITE! ME! * And Stay Off My Page...... Its really kinda CREEPY! ... Ur Obsession kinda Freaks Me Out...... So Stop Acting like some Jealous lil Girl in High School with the Down Rating and GROW-UP!!!

I can be a Real SweetHeart Or a Very! Cold Hearted Bitch! Depending On Ur Actions! towards Me..... IF! Made to be... So Remember! <<< >>> BEWARE! This Bitch! *BITES!* ... vV^^Vv ... Back! lol

The Beauty of a Woman is Not in The Clothes She Wears ... The figure that She Carries ... Or The way She Wears Her Hair ... The Beauty of a Woman is in Her * EYES * ... The Doorway to Her * HEART * The Place where Love Resides......

Beauty is only Skin Deep They say ...... So Long after We are all Gone No One will Remember Us MOST for Our Beauty but for The Beauty We Held from WITHIN So Treat Others How You would want to be Treated...... I Do

Love is like a Twister spinning out of control to an untamed Heart .. Its unexpected .. Hits ya HARD! .. Goes by FAST! And leaves You with NOTHING!

I'ma Flirt photo: flirt lips.jpg

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

<^^> * Butterfly ~ Kisses * <^^>

55 Year Old · Female · From Indianapolis, IN · Owned by Jamesb612 and is worth 2 coins. · Joined on July 19, 2006 · Relationship status: Married · Born on March 22nd · 9 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 54 different people have a crush on me!

" IF " You Want to Talk to Me just Leave Me a Message My * Shout Box is Off * Can't Keep up with it lol ... IF! I Don't Answer Ur Message Right away ( Don't get Mad ) Sometimes I'm NOT at My Computer Probably Off doin Something But I will TRY! an get Back to You as Soon as I can ... I Mean I get ALOT! of Messages so...... And I Don't Read All My Gift Messages Much Well Because I get alot of Gifts too! lol So I Don't really got Time to Read Them All * IF * You Know What I Mean... SO I just Mark Them ALL as Read lol
R&B, Hip Hop

I like all kinds Scary, Funny, The kind that makes Ya Cry The Tear Jerkers ... But! one of My favorites is
* Twister * GREAT! Movie

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