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WiTcHy177's blog: "'Poems'"

created on 03/08/2007  |  http://fubar.com/poems/b62575

Words of the Goddess

Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who of old was called... Artemis, Astarte, Demeter, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arianrod, Bridgid, Isis, Hecate ...and many other names. I am the beauty of the green Earth and the white Moon, and the mysteries of the waters. Let my worship be in the heart that rejoices, or all acts of pleasure are my rituals. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, mirth and reverence within you. And you who seek to know me, know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the mystery: If that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without. For behold... ...I have been with you from the beginning, and I am which is attained at the end of desire.

The Witch's Rune

Darksome night and shining moon, Hearken to the Witch’s Rune. East, then South, West, then North. Here come I to call you forth. By the powers of land and sea, Be obedient unto me. Wand and pentacle, cup and sword, Hearken ye unto my word. Cord and censor, scourge and knife, Waken all ye unto life. Powers of the Witch’s blade, Come ye as this charge is made. Queen of the Summerlands, field and dell, Send your power unto this spell. Horned Hunter of the night, Work my will, by magickal rite. By all the might of Moon and Sun, As I will, it shall be done. By all the powers of land and sea, As I say, So Mote It Be.
Witches know that no truths are absolute. There is no one absolute truth for anything. There is no one way to interpret reality, behave, think, or live. Therefore there is no single way to practice magick, pray, celebrate the seasons or spirituality. The idea that there is only one truth to any question leads to fanaticism, compulsion, and persecution. Witches understand that the Universe is in perfect harmony and balance. Therefore, everything has an equal and opposite, not necessarily equated to a negative. For example: male and female, light and darkness, up and down, positive and negative, left and right. Witches realize that for every action there is a reaction. Most of us view this as the Law of Karma. Therefore if you create evil, you will receive evil inn return, create good and receive good in return. Harmony begets harmony, evil begets evil, and balance begets balance. Witches know and realize that we are all one. We are connected. Everything that you do to another, influences yourself either directly or indirectly. A Witch should never close his or her mind to knowledge of any kind. It is through the continuous process of learning that we raise our personal vibration and our attunement to Deity. A Witch acknowledges the Magickal Circle as Holy Ground. Therefore a Witch shall purify him/herself before entering or casting a Circle. All notions of hatred, arguments, or prejudices of any kind have no place within Circle. Witches use the energies around themselves to effect change within their lives and the lives of others. These energies are manifest as the 5 Elements ( Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit). The Witch becomes a conduit for the Divine and Earthly energies used during Magick and Ritual. Witches use common sense and wisdom and do not share the Mysteries with common fools. The Mysteries are not to be wasted in this, or any other manner. Witches do not point out the identity of other Witches. Discrimination still haunts many of us. If one brings about such an incident, he/she is directly responsible for the harm that befalls the one revealed.

The Decrees of Witchcraft

1) Never experiment or practice with magickal applications, symbols, or systems that you do not FULLY understand. If you do not know the full gambit of what you are doing, Do Not Do It. Retribution and causalities can be far reaching and abound in more ways than you can imagine. 2) Do not link money with your magick. It will effect the outcome and the caster. Reimbursement for supplies, time, and effort is acceptable but, never demanded. 3) Never use your skills and abilities to impress or fascinate someone. The God and Goddess do not need another arrogant buffoon. You will fail miserably. 4) Do not scare or threaten others with magickal intimidations or the like. We are Witches, not thugs. Remember the Law of Three. 5) Know that thoughts are things, and that which you create may and probably will manifest in this reality. 6) Never lie to yourself or others. This is the epitome of deceit. This becomes a circle of self-destruction. 7) All things that are -bad- in your life are most often the result of low self-esteem or negative self-think, not bad luck. 8) The power of a Witch grows in direct relation to his or her wisdom and capability. 9) Nothing can harm you or control you unless you allow it to and believe that it does. 10) Never use your abilities to harm another. However, you may defend yourself, and the ones you love, the best way you see fit. 11) Always do the best that you can do. No one is perfect but, we try to constantly improve ourselves and to evolve. Have faith. The God and Goddess will take care of you in the best possible manner. 12) As long as you adhere to what you believe in, do not worry about the ridicules of others. Ridicules are the result of fear, low self-esteem and self-doubt. Do not waste your time on such nonsense. 13) Regard property of another better than you would have them regard your own. Be respectful. 14) Do nothing that would endanger the Craft or someone of the Craft. 15) Do not do something that will bring about conflict with the law of the land. Do mind your beliefs, the beliefs and laws of your Coven, and the beliefs and laws of your Clan - above all others. 16) Witches may teach to others outside of the Craft if: The environment is safe to all, The teacher is knowledgeable and responsible, The student is willing and sincere, The information is already available to the general public-no secrets, and The information Harms None. 17) Perform all magick within the circle. This is especially true for beginners. Only those of great experience and ability may work outside of the circle. 18) Do Nothing to bring Shame to yourself, your coven, and your clan. We, as Witches, have a responsibility that others only speak about but, never fully practice. Each of us is a direct representative of our religion and the Craft, as a whole. 19) Always be proud of who and what you are. Know that you are among the elite and of something far greater than most will ever know. Be proud, be compassionate, and be kind, for you can afford to be. 20) Never shed blood in circle . The God and Goddess do not want us to waste their creations and their children in such a manner. All things are of the God and Goddess. Respect theirs and ours. Killing is for defense and survival -only. 21) Always remember that the God and Goddess are with us. They will provide and protect us. We are never alone. As such, be mindful and remember. 22) Always keep the laws, the Rede, and the rules of the coven and clan. They are written for a purpose and not to fill space on the paper. Keep the laws and they will keep you. 23) Always follow your beliefs diligently, for they are who you are, and they define you for all to see. 24) Do not cast spells while sick, ill, or under the influence of drugs or heavy medication. The results can and probably be extremely baneful. Always be in complete control of yourself. 25) Do not let anyone tell you that what you believe in - the Craft- is wrong, evil, or bad. This is a trick to persuade you to be a puppet of another. 26) Always keep an open mind to the ways and beliefs of others. We are all here to learn and grow together. Keep yourself and your beliefs but, learn from and about others. The higher mind is a diversified mind. 27) Do not mock the way of others. For they may know something you may not -and you might not realize it ...yet.
That I am a child of the Mother Goddess and Father God. That you cannot have male without female and female without male. That the love I share will come back to me threefold. That the hate I share will come back to me threefold. That energy around me can be manipulated. That all things can be mine, both good and bane. That on one's death, you cross into a beautiful land and are with the ones you love- forever, if you so choose to stay, if not, you may come back as you see fit. That we are all here to evolve and to grow, and that the ultimate gift of that evolution is God/Goddess-hood. That we are always loved by the God and Goddess. That positive is not possible without negative and negative without positive. That we are responsible for our own lives and nothing happens as a result of "bad-luck." That there is no such thing as an all-white or all-black Witch. That there is no such thing as ultimate evil or ultimate good. Nothing can be 100% one way or the other. That I am solely responsible for my evolution as a being, not a minister, therapist, political figure or the like. That I may call upon the God and Goddess in their infinite aspects/personages whenever and wherever I so choose. That I should thank the God and Goddess for every day and every night in my life, and everything in it. That my life is sacred and precious. That all life is sacred and precious. That I must HARM NONE, the oldest and most sacred law of Witchcraft and Wicca. That I must strive to love all and to understand. That I must learn to accept all, for we are all children of the God and Goddess. That the Earth is our Mother and our womb, and she is to be cherished and respected. That a person that is gay or bi-sexual is not evil or abnormal. That there is No Hell! Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. That everyone deserves to procreate if they so choose. That if someone cannot procreate, they should be allowed to adopt freely and without bias. That we must accept full-responsibility for those that we bring into this world or take-on as a parent or guardian with no exceptions. That the idea that suffering in this life with the thought that everything will be better in heaven is both irresponsible and incorrect. The God and Goddess has given us everything we need here and now, not given with the idea of "later." That love is the greatest blessing and the greatest gift. That perfect love is one of the most important lessons we are here to learn. That the God and Goddess are and express perfect love to us all. That each being has the right to freely choose his/her path in life without the fear of guilt or shame. That all experiences, both good and bad are to teach us what we need to learn and evolve in our lives. That dwelling in the past or by being obsessive about the future is a waste of time. Be here and now ...first, and most importantly. That to abuse or use anyone or anything for personal gain or otherwise is a very serious offense to yourself and the God and Goddess. That no other person or being of any kind is better or inferior than you or I. That each of us has our own unique set of skills, talents, and abilities in this incarnation, we must discover what we have and use them to grow and evolve. That we must learn and respect each other for his/her own unique set of skills, talents, and abilities. That everyone deserves the same rights and dignities as everyone else. That everyone is here for each other as well as for ourselves, we are all in this together.

The Law of the Power

1. The power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control any other being or creature. But, if the need arises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others. 2. The Power is used only as the need dictates. 3. The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none. 4. It is unwise to accept money for the use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions. 5. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magick. 6. Ever remember that the Power is a sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should Never be misused or abused in any way. 7. And this is the Law of the Power.

Words to the wise....

O daughters and sons of the Earth, adore the Goddess and God and be blessed with the fullness of life. Know that they have brought you to these writings, for herein lies our ways of Wicca, to serve and fulfill the keepers of wisdom, the tenders of the sacred flame of knowledge. Run the rites with love and joy, and the Goddess and God will bless you with all that you need. But those who practice dark magicks shall know their greatest wraith. Remember that you are of the Wicca. No more do you trod the ways of doubt. You walk the path of light, ever climbing from shadow to shadow to the highest relm of existence. But though we’re the bearers of truth, others do not wish to share our knowledge, so we have to run our rites beneath the moon filled skies enwrapped in shadows, But we are happy. Live fully for it is the purpose of life. Refrain not from Earthly existence. From it we grow to learn and understand, until such time that we are reborn to learn more, repeating this cycle ‘till we have spiralled up the path of perfection and can finally call the God and Goddess our kin. Walk the fields and forests; be refreshed by the cool winds and the nodding touch of the flower. The Moon and Sun sing in the ancient wild places: The Deserted seashores, the stark desert, the roaring waterfall. We are of the Earth and should revere her, so do her honor. Celebrate the rites on the appropriate days and seasons, and call upon the Goddess and God when the time is meet, but use the power only when necessary, never for frivolous ends. Know that using the power for harm is perversion of life itself. But for those who love and magnify love, the richness of life shall be your reward. Nature will celebrate. So, love the Goddess and God, and harm None!

Song of the Goddess....

I am the Great Mother, worshiped by all creation and existent prior to their consciousness. I am the primal female force, boundless and eternal. I am the chaste Goddess of the Moon, the Lady of all Magic. The winds and moving leaves sing my name. I wear the crescent Moon upon my brow and my feet rest among the starry heavens. I am mysteries yet unsolved, a path newly set upon. I am a field untouched by the plow. Rejoice in me and know the fullness of youth. I am the blessed Mother, the gracious Lady of the Harvest. I am clothed with the deep, cool wonder of the Earth and the gold of the fields heavy with grain. By me the tides of the Earth are ruled; all things come to fruition according to my season. I am refuge and healing. I am the life-giving Mother, wondrously fertile. Worship me as the Crone, tender of the unbroken cycle of death and rebirth. I am the wheel, the shadow of the Moon. I rule the tides of women and men and give release and renewal to weary souls. Though the darkness of death is my domain, the joy of birth is my gift. I am the Goddess of the Moon, the Earth, the Seas. My names and strengths are manifold. I pour forth magick and power, peace and wisdom. I am the eternal Maiden, Mother of All, and Crone of darkness, and I send you blessings of eternal love.


When we share intimate relationships with people, often we unconsciously take on some of our partner's traits and visa versa. In a close relationship this can deepen the connection and allow two people to function and relate more easily as one. However this condition is not desirable because it ultimately weakens both parties involved. Pieces of your soul become artificially incorporated into other people and visa versa. So if the relationship breaks by any circumstance, both parties may feel as though they're missing parts of themselves, and also are haunted with some of pieces of the other's behaviors, thinking and emotional patterns, etc. Now, your soul is linked to you no matter where it has been stretched to. There are always threads leading back to the source which can never (or only with deliberate effort) be wholly severed. So by breathing with those threads, it is possible to retract the lost parts of yourself, and release the parts which are not yours to keep. Do this as follows. MEDITATION Locate your center. Reach within and locate what is not you. Exhale and release this out back into the world. Reach out and feel the scattered bits of yourself. Inhale and feel those pieces retract back into your center. Repeat until ending of meditation. Center yourself again and sit for a minute to relax. Do this daily until you feel whole again and not psychically attached to any external persons. You will find that there are far more than just one single person who has bits of you out there, and far more than just one other person who you've detained within. It's a form of psychic parasitism that almost all people unconsciously partake in on a continual basis (some consciously as well). By doing the above exercise you will reconsolidate yourself. After this has happened you will become better rooted with a much stronger sense of personal boundaries, and you can thus better protect yourself from future occurrences.
Go for a walk and pick up seven twigs from the ground, one to represent each day of the week. Traditionally the twigs should be ash for Monday, beech for Tuesday, elm for Wednesday, oak for Thursday, horsechestnut for Friday, yew for Saturday, and elder for Sunday. Take them home, snap them into pieces, and burn them in the hearth or bonfire. Say: Ill luck is broken, As these words are spoken
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