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my story ch.2


At the asylum, inmates are going further insane as something is interfering with the peaceful calm the orderlies like to maintain. Something that only the inmates seem to be hearing. Suddenly the lights come out and a man, dressed in all black and wearing a mask, and a woman, heavily armed and scantily clad in a black bikini and corset appears on the asylum grounds. "Find him Ari, bring him to me." tells the man. Ari, a highly skilled and dangerous assassin and pet of the masked man go off to find Rocco, the former advisor to the king of the infamous Phoenix Clan, Sent to the asylum, after an unexpected betrayal. Rocco sees Ari through his cell, he questions who she was as she leads him out of the asylum. Ari unties his straight jacket then hands it to her boss. A mistake that returns to haunt her as he uses magic to force Ari into the straight jacket and sends her back into the same cell she rescued Rocco from. She kicks at the padded wall and screams at her former boss as he laughs evilly and uses dark magic to restore Rocco's memories and says he will allow him to gain his revenge over King Brian and his clan of vampires and mutants.

In the war room, the king meets with the entire team. Empress Lian and Countess Bathory sit on either side of the king. an enormous map of the city and the outlying areas, as well as maps of the asylum itself lying on the large oak table. Fiona Taylor, the Australian mercenary leader says she received the maps from the asylum staff where the king sent Rocco, the kings prior advisor. They also received word that Rocco has regained his memory somehow and has escaped. "Well that's no good," says Reaver in his aristocratic but charming British accent. Being serious the king responds "no it isn't. Rocco posed a danger to us all. Luckily we were to able to stop him and erase his memory. If he has regained it and found a way to escape then he needs to be stopped, for good" "agreed" says everyone at once.

At that moment, an elderly blind woman in red and white robes appears in the room. "Greetings all" says the woman in a wise and uplifting British accent "I am Theresa, Seer of the Spire in Albion. Perhaps I can aid you in this mission. I believe your former advisor is being aided in his escape. I have seen in a vision. I know you have seers and psychics in your employment, but it seems their magic is blocked somehow from seeing everything." "Any help you can offer would be great." says Robin. "Yeah, not all of us are in tune with the forces of magic or can see the future" adds Cyborg. "Magic isn't something to take lightly. I have to meditate all the time just to gain control of my own powers." says Raven stoically.

Piper, the second oldest of the Halliwell witches, hears something outside the doors. She asks Logan to check it out. He sniffs the air, growls and his six-inch metal claws protrude from his knuckles. He gets to the door ready to attack the would be intruder, but when he opens the door, all he finds is one of the student witches. Apparently she has overheard the team planning to go to the asylum. "What do you believe you 're doing?" asks the King. "Kid, the asylum is no place for you" says Raphael, picking up the student as she had leaned on the door and fell into the room alerting everyone. "Indeed, one as young and inexperienced as you my dear need not venture in such a dark and troublesome place" says Theresa. "The kid has balls, but for once I agree with everyone else, It's just too dangerous" adds Faith. "Everyone is correct my dear. Return to your dorm" says the professor.

The girl, who simply refers to herself as Punky, walks behind the professor's wheelchair, walks behind the table, past Theresa and takes the Kings place and says as brave and commandingly as she can "look. I may be young and inexperienced, but you didn't recruit me just because of my looks. I know you need more fighters in your ranks. With Shadow and the Queen gone and Luca dead, You need me." "She's right," says Leo. "Over the last year, our numbers have dropped. We need to find more willing allies. If Theresa's vision is correct, we will need help to take on whomever broke Rocco out of the asylum" Punky looks at Piper's husband and nods at him and then adds "now let's go to the asylum" "Whoa hold on there, Braveheart" says Paige, "we don't know if whomever broke him out is still there and what he can do." With that the king suggests they continue looking at options before going out.

Riding in the back of the limousine, sitting next to the King and his three escorts, Amy, Trish and Velvet, who are all professional women's wrestlers, the young pink-haired witch Punky is eager to begin her first job as a full-fledged member of the clan. The Limo is flanked by every vehicle and motorcycle in the king's fleet as they drive towards the asylum. As they scout out the asylum, Theresa appears out of thin air and warns that something is wrong. She senses even more danger than she lets on earlier. "Well isn't that just great," says Eddie as he and Lars unpack the Deuce and the Doom Hearse of weapons and equipment. "Mikey, Raph, unload the Battle Shell. We may need its weapons before long" orders the king. Spike, Wolverine and Robin sit on their motorcycles looking at the eerie white building ahead of them. Spike stands up off his bike, lights a cigarette and joins the king at the doors of the Battle Shell. He looks and the different weapons and picks up a heavy sub-machine gun. "Eddie, Ophelia, Time to mobilize the troops" shouts the king. With that Eddie and Ophelia grab their guitars and begin alternating solos and blistering guitar riffs. Eddie's solo is reminiscent of the early days of metal from the 1970's and 1980's while Ophelia opts for a darker and more gloomy black metal riff. and with in seconds of the duo finishing their solos a horde of headbangers, young men with hardened skulls that are like wrecking balls, razor girls, rocker chicks armed with the husks of the ever dangerous razor-fire boar, used as a powerful long-range cannon and a troupe of thunder hog bikers stand at Eddies side. While Ophelia's army consist of a pack of gravediggers, armed with razor-edged shovels and women dressed in tattered bridal gowns that hinder their enemies by slowing them down than striking them with lightning. All together the Ironheade army stands at four thousand strong eager to fight for the king. "Now that's how you call an army," says the king proudly.

The king orders the rest of the army to wait as he leads a small squad inside the asylum. "Take a look around everyone" says the king. They go through reception and identify themselves by holding up badges. Then the king asks "my former employee was directed here a while back, which room is he in?" the king shows the receptionist an image of Rocco. She replies "a man and woman came and got him and took him out. The woman was left here. I believe the man did not like her anymore. Room 20. Down that way" "go on. Reaver, watch this room. Anyone does something foolish, shoot them," orders the king. The rest of the squad enters the long empty hall to Rocco's former cell. Punky grabs the doorknob and heats it up until it melts. As the door swings open, Tony and Ziva aim their guns at the woman inside. The king realizes she was the one who was betrayed by the man who took Rocco and orders the agents to stand down. "Stand up. What happened?" asks the king. "My boss, that bastard betrayed me after he took Rocco. He restored his memory and has plans to come after you all" "well looks like you're safe now. I'm guessing you want to get payback on your former boss. And if he has turned Rocco against us, then we just have to put an end to them both. Everyone out I'm having the Boom squad take this place down"

Back outside the king has Jamie to call his friends in the bomb squad. Jamie runs to his truck and calls the bomb squad and the FBI. Then not one to wait around the king orders Nightcrawler to teleport to California and bring their bomb squad friends to where they are. In a puff of blue smoke Nightcrawler vanishes, then seconds later returns with retired FBI agent Frank Doyle and bomb squad member Sergeant JD Nelson and about three hundred pounds of ANFO and TNT. "Glad you could agree to help us guys. We have a bit of a demolition project that needs doing." says the king. "Well you called the right couple of fellas" says Agent Doyle. The Bomb Squad and several of the king's men help spread the explosives in and around the asylum and rig everything to go off together with a detonation timer. Everyone rushes to their cars and motorcycles and flees the scene as fast as they can. Fifteen minutes later the earth shakes as the asylum explodes in an enormous fireball and mushroom cloud. In the limousine Ari, grateful for being rescued swears her full allegiance to the king and the phoenix clan. Back at the castle Ari is put through the induction ceremony by the king, empress and countess. Ari takes her place among the mercenaries down in the barracks.

After hearing of his former assistant joining the king, the masked man becomes considerably angered. Knowing what she is fully capable of, he decides to send his men after the king and his new staff. "Nothing must interfere with my plans for owning this city. Nothing" he screams. He calls his men to his chambers and commands them to find Ari and the king and wipe them out before they can discover what his plans are. Then he looks around to Rocco, lying unconscious on a medical table. "I will make you into the ultimate weapon. No one will stop us after I'm done with you" he says as he laughs maniacally. Back at the castle Ari is adjusting to her new life. She tours around the castle taking due note of where everything is. Later she returns to the kings chambers to find him asleep in his study. Exhausted Ari decides to let the king rest and take a nap herself in the king's bed. In her dreams, she imagines a productive life serving the king as his top assassin but her dream is turned into a nightmare when her former boss kills the king and the entire phoenix clan and before he can kill her she awakens. She looks at herself then goes to check on the king who is asleep at his desk. "It was only a dream" says Ari to herself as she goes back to sleep, anxious to start her training with her new family in the morning.


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