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my story ch.1


On a quiet piece of flat land somewhere in the Carolina mountains, A large stone, and steel castle sits silent after the divorce its king just went through. Sitting down at his study, thinking of the state of the family, the king, Brian, rendered nearly crippled from years of strenuous battles with demons, werewolves, monsters and human enemies over the past several years ponders what could be next. Never had he thought the clan would be without its founder and matriarch, the queen.

Over in the castle library, Mr. Giles, an elderly British librarian, and an expert in demons and magic, are teaching young students and clansmen the history of the clan and helping them through their transition into the world of magic and vampires.

Downstairs in the training area, students are receiving training in hand-to hand combat, using jiu-jitsu, ninjitsu, wrestling skills and commando style training, by head trainers April, a former reporter from New York City, and Ziva David, a former Israeli Mossad assassin.

In the medical wing, it's a mad rush as E.R. doctor Dr. Allison Cameron and surgeon Dr. Robert Chase rush to help a new bunch of trauma patients and their bosses Dr. Greg House, a brilliant but temperamental and immature diagnostician, Dr. James Wilson, an oncologist and House's friend and Dr. Lisa Cuddy, the Dean of Medicine, and House's on and off again lover, struggle to deal with the other patients.

Down in the barracks, the clans military might prepare for a scheduled scouting trip. Commanded by guard captain Richard "The Seeker" Rahl, Kratos, a troubled but proud Spartan soldier from Greece, and Colonel William Guile, former professional street fighter and air force pilot, The phoenix clan guards-men aim to prove that the clan is alive and well.

In a separate barracks, the king's newest ally, Commander Meredith and her Templars have promised to work for the king to fight against corrupt magic including demons, dark fae and anyone who use blood magic for corrupt and destructive purposes.

The armory is alive with the sounds of clanging steel and gunfire as new weapons are under construction and tested by Will Hayden, an old wily Cajun from Baton Rouge, and son-in-law Kris. Over in the corner of the armory, in the office area, Will's daughter Stephanie is dealing with the business side of running an armory. And up front, lead armorer Xander Harris is cleaning the guns and polishing swords. Noticeably absent on the weapons wall are the guns and daggers used by the queen her self, as they have been retired.

In the workshop, the builders and designers are very hard at work. Shop owner Jamie, a tough, no-nonsense man with a bald head, large "walrus-like" handlebar mustache, no-rim glasses and a beret, is in the upstairs office along with co-owner Adam, a tall red-headed man wearing nerd glasses, a black t-shirt, torn jeans and old steel-toe boots, they are busy planning the next build that the king has asked for. Down on the shop floor, builder and model-maker Tory and his co-workers, artists Kari and her husband Paul, welder and mechanic Scottie and robotic expert and electronics engineer Grant are busy with other secret projects.

In the gym, Scott Summers; a tall, handsome mutant with an optic blast that emits from his eyes that can eat through steel, his wife Jean Grey; a telepathic/telekinetic mutant and Logan, who most refer to as Wolverine, a gruff muscular mutant with a skeleton made from unbreakable adamantium, the power to heal and razor-sharp metal claws that protrude from his hands, are training young untrained mutants. Over in a near corner Maggie Nelson, a teen mutant with chameleon like abilities is resting after a long workout of gymnastics and kickboxing.

Out back near a row of large crypts, where the pure blooded vampiric members of the clan dwell, an obstacle course is established and the teenage super heroes known as the Teen Titans are exercising their powers and abilities. Robin, the Titan leader is running the course and destroying practice dummies with his fighting staff. Cyborg, a half human half robot African-American teen is using his arm cannon to blast targets off of trees. Beast Boy, a green-skinned, elf eared shape-shifter is in the form of a Gorilla to hurl boulders at Terra, a blond teen with earth moving powers as she jumps them to test her abilities and agility. Starfire, an alien girl is blasting targets with bolts of energy that fire from her hands and eyes, while Raven, a dark and mysterious girl with a dark past, sits quietly and meditates, watching her teammates train.

Down in the depths of the castle, in the crime lab, forensic scientist Abigail Sciuto and lab technician Claudia Donovan are testing evidence from their colleagues' latest cases. Over at a laptop computer, off to the side, federal agents Timothy McGee and Anthony DiNozzo are going over their own evidence to compare with the girls' findings and find the most effective way to resolve the cases. Over in a secret room that only the king is conscious of, lies Luca, a Frankenstein-like monster created by the queen to be her personal guard. The king gets to make a tough decision to destroy Luca and to create a more useful guardian of his own design. He stands up, grabs a black and silver cane with a skull handle, and slowly makes his way to an elevator heading down to the lab. Reaching the lab he calls the lab techs to help him, as he can no longer pull, push or lift and has Luca's life support wires disconnected, and the 7 foot man monster wheeled outside. Knowing that fire is his only weakness he brings along John, otherwise known as Pyro, a mutant with the power to command fire at will, and Zedd, a powerful wizard, to help him. Luca is positioned in the center of the 1000 acre property and left strapped to his gurney. At the king's command, Pyro and Zedd unleash waves of searing hell-fire, and Luca is converted into ashes in mere seconds.

The king examines the ashes of the monster, he always liked Luca but knew it may reach this if the queen ever left. Nothing of the queen's was supposed to be spared. The king's servants, the harbingers, order of satanic monks blinded and mute to be utterly loyal, are commanded to find anything of the queen, and burn it. As the king stands there watching what has happened, two gorgeous women come to the king's side, one with dim red long hair with black goth/punk attire and her arms covered in demon and skull tattoos. The other with wavy brunette hair dressed in black and pink yoga attire. These are Amy and Trish. Two former women wrestling champions now acting as personal escorts for the king. The king had hired them after a trip to a wrestling show in 2010. During the limousine ride home the king made them vampires and made them serve him and the queen's every erotic need.

Up in the attic, the clan's witches are writing spells and mixing potions. The 4 main witches the king calls upon in time of need are a family coven known as the Charmed Ones, the most potent force for good, or white magic in the universe. Prue Halliwell, the oldest is mixing potions with young witch sisters Billie and Christy Jenkins. The next oldest sister Piper, her husband Leo, a tall handsome white-lighter, or a guardian angel for good magic, and younger sister Phoebe are writing new spells for the king to use. And the youngest sister Paige is reading from the Book of Shadows, a powerful magic tome, encyclopedia of every species of demon, and the source of the sisters' magic. Another pair of witches also are working on some new spells. Willow Rosenberg and girlfriend Tara MaClay use their joined powers to keep a protective spell active to resist evil magic.

Up on the roof in the sniper's nest, lead sniper and former marine gunnery Sergeant Leroy Jethro Gibbs is giving orders to his crew. Domino a mutant marks-woman with the ability of probability manipulation, and a skilled hand-to hand combatant, Deadpool, a mutant with uncanny athleticism and sword skills, but having a fractured mental state and having to wear a full face mask to hide a face that had been disfigured, and Reaver, a master thief, pirate and known womanizer from the distant land of Albion in the British isles.

Down in the communications room, Fiona Taylor, an Australian mercenary and squad commander of ExOps is running her team through a new mission plan. Jennifer Mui, a British born merc of Chinese descent and former MI6 agent, Chris Jacobs, a former U.S. army soldier and Mattias Nilsson, an ex soldier in the Swedish Navy are planning to conduct a raid on a club that had been taken over by drug gangs. The club, a strip club belonged to the king as was in disuse for weeks.

In the kitchen Gambit, a Cajun mutant and a charming thief, with the ability to make anything he touches explode using its own kinetic energy, is playing poker with fellow X-Man Nightcrawler, a German born mutant who has the appearance of a blue devil and can teleport anywhere and Rogue, a young southern mutant who can rob any one of their life-force by touch alone, therefore unable to touch or kiss anyone she loves. also in the game is Rayne, a half human half vampire hybrid, Spike, a British vampire with peroxide blond hair and wearing a black shirt, jeans and a leather trench coat he took from a woman he killed back in the 70's in New York and Faith, a rogue slayer with a gothic appearance and rebellious attitude. At the other end of the table are 4 mutant turtles. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Leonardo, leader of the turtles, Raphael, the physically strongest of the 4 turtle brothers and possessing the shortest temper as well as anything at anytime can send Raphael into a passionate outburst. Donatello, the smartest of the turtles, a certified genius and skilled inventor. And Michelangelo, the quickest and youngest of the 4 and the most fun of the turtles as Mike really likes to skate, Surf, goof around and most of all eat pizza.

Out in the woods that surround the property, the hunters and trackers are hunting food and potential enemies. Diana, the Roman goddess of hunting, along with The Black Whirlwind, a large, burly, hairy Chinese man who always smells like stale liquor, and Callisto, a mutant that has the power to track other mutants, is hunting for trespassers. Whirlwind takes the lead and spots a camp of humans in the distance. Diana readys one of her enchanted arrows and lands a shot wounding a man making it easier for Whirlwind to move in with his dual axes and make the kill. Callisto senses a stray mutant nearby and she alerts the others. They decide it's a trap and they devise a plan to lure the vagrant out of hiding.

In the underground warehouse where other than those who work there, only high-ranking clansmen can enter, secret service agents Peter Lattimer and Myka Bering sweep the facility doing maintenance and taking inventory of the warehouse's millions of dangerous magic artifacts the clan hunts to keep them out of the hands of anyone that would not know how to use them properly or would use them for selfish and dangerous means. In the warehouse office, retired NSA agent and warehouse curator Artie Nelson is doing some cataloging work of his own

In the depths of the castle, in the dungeon, warden Cara, a former Mord-Sith assassin is patrolling the many prisoners in her care. Prisoners kept as slaves, arrested for crimes against the throne or a menace to the city that the clan patrols on a nightly basis, the most dangerous people are stored down here. As Cara patrols the cell blocks, detectives Robert Goren and Zachary Nichols lead down another prisoner. A human caught trespassing on castle grounds. He is denied his clothes and given a prison jumpsuit, then as she does with every prisoner, beats them mercilessly with her agiels, magic batons that can cripple or kill anyone with a mere touch then has the detectives lock up the beaten prisoner.

In the throne room, a heavy gold painted room and prominently featuring several heavy gold thrones with black and red velvet upholstery, the clans highest ranking members are having a meeting. Empress Sun Lian sits in her throne next to Countess Elizabeth Bathory. The king enters and with help with the First Enchantress, Marian Hawke and the Inquisitor Evelyn Trevelyan. the clan's royal family are about to hold a trial of the human caught earlier for trespassing. After a lengthy trial the prisoner is condemned to death by beheading. He is led outside where The Black Whirlwind awaits at the executioner's block. The prisoner is in place on the stump and with one swing he is beheaded by Whirlwind's heavy axes.

In an office on the far side of the throne room, Kahlan, mother confessor and the lover of guard-captain Richard, with the ability to get anyone to tell the truth with her touch alone, Kahlan is debating what to do with two prisoners caught last week. Having already confessed them and getting the truth out of them, Kahlan needs to decide their punishment. After a prolonged debate with NCIS agents DiNozzo and McGee, she has decided to have them executed by firing squad. The two agents handcuff the prisoners and drag them out to a large tree where the build team awaits with civil war era muskets, packed and loaded ready to fire at Kahlan's order. Six shots from six rifles echo through the forest and when the smoke settles the two prisoners lie dead.

In another part of the woods, Aidan, a vampire from Boston, Massachusetts, And roommate Sally, the ghost of a woman who was murdered by her fiancé, is out searching for Josh their friend, roommate and a werewolf. He has escaped his cage and is on a furry rampage. As Aidan and Sally are the sole ones that can control Josh when he transforms and goes wild. Aidan smells the scent of blood and he and Sally follow it into town to find Josh rampaging through the town square. Asian fires a tranquilizer gun and knocks Josh out and then waits for Josh to turn human again. Then with help from a group of people they bring Josh back to the castle. Asian suggests humans forget what they saw and return home.

In the garage, head mechanic Casey Jones is stripping the queen's 2011 Dodge Intrepid down for parts, while assistant mechanic Forge repairs the clan's battle van, fitting it with an upgraded weapons system. Over on the other side of the garage Cyborg is tuning up his T-Car, a super fast, ultra-cool cyborg of a car, and the interns tune up the extra cars and motorcycles that the other clansmen use. A few seconds later Georgia Lass, the squad leader of the reaper squad, a team of men and women that have died in freak accidents but instead of moving on they became grim reapers. Georgia asks for her car, a classic model red convertible. She gets the keys and sets off to cope with a new job, taking the soul of someone due to die. Half way to her job in Georgia gets a call from her sister Reggie in Seattle, the only human that knows Georgia is a reaper. Reggie tells her older sister that their mom has died from depression, taking her own life. Upset and pissed off, Georgia speeds towards town, she finds her target and kills him outright, instead of stealthily taking the person's soul then escorting the soul to the afterlife. Georgia goes on a rampage and kills at least 10 people without taking their souls. She goes back to the castle soaked in blood yelling and cursing at everyone, and goes to her suite and slams the door and screams as loud as she can to vent her frustration.

Out in the hangar, in the cockpit of the black bird, a huge stealth fighter jet that the clan use for long distance missions. The pilot, Raven Darkholme also known as Mystique, a shape-shifting mutant with blue scaly skin and red hair. as the king's best pilot it's Mystique's job to fly the jet for the king and also with her ability to mimic anyone and anything including their looks, actions and voice, undertake the missions that need a high degree of stealth and high-tech know how. Also only the members of the clan know Mystique's secret of being the mother of both Rogue and Nightcrawler.

In another part of the hangar, another cleaning crew is cleaning and making minor repairs to the king's newest vessel, the SSV Normandy SR2. The most advanced intergalactic warship ever built. Its crew is coming out of the ship after returning from a recon mission. Commander Jane Shepard, an officer in the Alliance Navy, has seen things in her military career that traditional soldiers would flee from. Her crew, a squad of top military personnel, aliens, mercenaries, and scientists have pledged their lives and service to the commander and now the king.

At the precinct, Bo, a young succubus-or female sex demon-is having drinks with Kenzi, her kleptomaniac human friend and Dyson a detective and a wolf-shifter. The 3 of them are recognized as Light Fae-or good demons, who fight dark fae-or evil demons, despite Bo herself recently joining the ranks of the Dark after being neutral for many years. They are meeting with NCIS Director Leon Vance and NYPD detectives Alexandra Eames and Serena Stevens. The crew has received a tip to check out a disturbance in town, they think it may be a clue to also figure out who is in charge of a series of murders at the asylum out-of-town.

Down in the music room, the sounds of metal ring through the walls of the castle as the kings favorite music groups, brought in for the king's entertainment, practice and discuss upcoming performances they all have lined up. Lena Katina, a gorgeous Russian singer with long red hair pours over some lyrics as she takes a drag of her cigarette. Over across the room, her former band mate Julia Volkova is doing some writing on a project of her own. Creative differences had split the 2 up and now they each have chosen independent music careers. Next to the window sit members of the Italian group Lacuna Coil. Singer Cristina Scabbia is practicing some lyrics as her band's lead guitarist Cristiano Migliore practices some new chords and riffs as Finnish band Nightwish (the king's personal favorite band of all time) is hanging out after their practice. The boys Marco, Jukka, Tuomas and Emppu are playing cards as ex-singer Anette and current singer Floor Jansen rests on the couch chatting as 2 women typically do.

In the family room, the members of Ironheade, a rebel force dedicated to the king after he helped them defeat their leaders demonic mother, are sitting around the coffee table discussing their life back in their now forgotten homeland. Eddie Riggs, a former roadie is sitting next to his lover Ophelia, with his large muscular arm around her. They sit in between brother and sister duo Lars and Lita Halford. They all remember back in their homeland where Eddie defeated the evil emperor and saved their world that was under demonic rule for years, now ruled by the people who live there still.

In the classroom, Professors Charles Xavior and Eric Lehnsherr, also known as Magneto, along with Dawn Summers and Magneto's 3 children Wanda, Pietro and Lorna are teaching some young mutants and witches new to their powers the regular day-to-day school activities along with how to use their powers effectively and safely as this was a magic school. In the back of the classroom, X-Men members Iceman, Spyke, Dust and Jubilee are working with another group of students.

Over in the bar area, HellBoy, his lover Liz, a fire-starter, who can command the elemental fire, and former Mexican federale Machete are having drinks and discussing old war stories and remembering the good times they've had since becoming a member of the king's army. Hellboy sits a can down and flattens it with his over-sized stone right hand then tosses it over the counter not caring about a mess of empty cans, after all that's what the servants, slaves and Harbingers were there for. After a few more, the 3 head upstairs to sleep off their drinking. They know the king wouldn't tolerate them being dead drunk if they were needed for a fight.

Upstairs in the girls dorm, Kitty Pryde also known as Shadowcat, a teenage mutant that can walk through solid objects and Danielle Moonstar, a young Native American mutant from a Cheyenne tribe in Colorado, with the power to make dreams-or nightmares-a reality, along with Emma Frost, a telepath that also has the ability to turn herself into solid diamond to protect herself from harm, and Ororo Monroe also known as Storm, a weather witch who can mentally control and call the forces of nature, are watching over the children. Wyatt and Chris, the sons of Piper and Leo, Stella, the young Daughter of Kari and Paul, and Amora the oldest daughter of the king himself, upstairs in castle nursery.

As the king sits silently thinking, he comes to a decision that he no longer wants help moving about. He decides he is going to ask for healing for his injuries. He limps across the room to the intercom and calls for Paige, Phoebe, Raven, Willow and Tara. The group of witches entered and the king orders them to find any and all healing spells and potions that they have in stock so the king can get back in being the warrior he was. The girls scramble to find what spells they can while portions are either found or made. The king studies spells and picks the strongest one he finds. Prue and Piper come in to help with the spell to add their power to the spell to amplify its effect. In a blast of magical energy, the king returns to fighting shape and tosses his cane on the bed no longer needing it. For the first time in months he is able to walk without aid. The girls stand proudly as their king can once again fight at their side. And not a moment too soon as the alarm blares and they know it's now time for action. "Everyone in the war room" commands the king. The entire team meets in the war room and they plan what is to be done.


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