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A look back on a long hard year 2007. Well. The only thing that comes to mind the eve of a new year is thank god 2007 is over. This year has been so hard on me. I’ve shed tears of joy, sorry, pain, and happiness, lost quite a few people that I loved, made new friendships and strengthened bonds with current friends, and learned quite a few lessons. So sit back, put your feet up cus this blog is going to be a LONG one :D enjoy. JANUARY: started bartending on Friday nights. A major thing happened this month that I just don’t feel like discussing, but those of you who know, know. Those of you who don’t, don’t ask cus I wont tell. FEBRUARY: turned 25. Was waiting for my quarter life crisis, but thankfully it didn’t happen. Also, I started therapy, which wasn’t all bad. Oh did I mention that Jeremy and I became engaged on FEBRUARY 9, 2007….cus we did :D lol MARCH: Where the year went down hill. But before I say the negative, I’ll go with the good :D my friend Sara had her first baby. He is so beautiful and I’m so happy for her and her hubby Frank. They make great parents. Ok on to the icky…My dad got sick. It seems like March is a really bad month for my family and Jeremy’s. In 2006 his dad and brother both had heart problems. In 2007 an infection was found in my dads body and it caused his kidneys and liver to stop functioning on their own. My life stopped being about me and became about my dad. My uncle Bill and Jeremy were the biggest support I could have had. Also, my Aunt Nora was a great help to me. She told me to get things in order (and of course I didn’t listen to her). This month should have been about dresses and planning and enjoying being engaged. Oh how I wish it was. OMG! I ALMOST FORGOT. March was my brother’s girlfriends first ever trip to Chicago. She fell in love with this city and I can’t blame her. Who wouldn’t! APRIL: On April 26,2007 my dad died. My brothers and I knew it was coming. We always new that day would come. Maggie was such an amazing friend to me during this time. She is always there for me. Any of you that have lost a parent (v.v.) know how hard it is. Every little girl who is a daddy’s girl thinks her daddy will live forever and is a super hero. I stopped believing that so long ago. I wish I still had. My brother and I planted a tree in our backyard for him. Its nice to look out the window and have a little reminder of him. Also, I want to pay some respect to Nell and Ribbit’s Grandma. They all died within a week of my dad and that was one of the hardest 2 weeks of my life. I would never go back and relive it ever. Ok done with this part because I’m on the verge of tears. MAY: Things get better!! May 5th, 2007 was my best friends bacheloret party and I must say it was one for the record books! The wedding was a great distraction for me. Most days I didn’t know if I was coming or going, but my friend Nancy also had a baby, which I call Magdalena the miracle (Nancy was told she would never be able to have a baby, thus the name miracle:D). Onto the wedding. On May 19, 2007 I watched my best friend become a MRS! It was sad, but so happy at the same time. I know how hard she worked and we all worked to make her wedding day a success. We had so much fun planning and trying on dresses and stuffing envelopes and joking about spelling names wrong and so many other things. I don’t think anyone has had a better wedding. Also, a friend’s dad passed away about a week before the wedding so we were comrades! Oh and we fish sat for Maggie and Steve’s fishie while they were in Hawaii soaking up the sun, surf, and….showers? lol JUNE: We had a Memorial Day party at my place and it turned out pretty good. Lots of food, bags, beers, fun, and good company. Dylan graduated from Pre-Kindergarten. He was so regal and presidential in his little cap and gown. My little man is growing so fast. He even made a few of his teachers shed a tear or two. Jer and I started a garden…ok HE started a garden. On the 5th of this month Jeremy and I put his condo on the market, which was blah! We had such high hopes and such a positive perspective. So naïve we were. LoL We attended wedding #2 this month as well. My long time friend Jen got married to Chris and they make such a great couple. I’m glad her and I are in each other’s lives again. We lost touch for a time, but we were able to pick right back up. Oh and my baby sister graduated 8th grade. I know she’d kick my ass if I didn’t put SOMETHING about her in here. JULY: Jeremy turned 31. We had a bit of a backyard bash for him. I don’t think much else happened this month, which was nice. I’m sure someone will comment about something that happened that I forgot, but I don’t care :D a slow month is a good month. AUGUST: Dylan stood up in his uncles wedding which was #3 for us. I had a bachelorete party at my house for Linda :D, who’s wedding was #4 for the year…We had a knock down drag out huge huge bash for Labor day weekend. This month was especially huge for Dylan. He had his first day of kindergarten. We ended our days at PMCCC, which was so so so sad. I miss all the teachers there so much. I owe them a million and 1 thanks for the hard work and love they showed D over the 5 ½ years he was there. The 1st day of school went well and he wasn’t afraid at all. He was so excited and still is about his classroom and new friends and all the new great things he learns. SEPTEMBER: no weddings this month! LoL the only thing I remember from this month was a day spent on the north side with Jeff, Libby, Maggie, and Uncle Bill. We had a blast and paid homage to my dads most favorite place to get a dog and a beer before a cubs game. Then we paid homage to Germany by drinking LITERS of beer. Mmmmm so delicious I can still taste it! OCTOBER: Omer and Marie got married (wedding #5). We went to a few Halloween parties, and Dylan was a power ranger. We found out that Dylan was going to need a surgery to correct his eyes which wasn’t devastating, but certainly wasn’t the best news in the world. My grandfather passed away the night before the year anniversary of when my grandmother died. Although they were divorced over 40 years it was still eerie. Oh and I was maggies date to her cousins wedding (#6 and the food was terrible) NOVEMBER: I spent the 1st half of this month a nervous wreck about the surgery coming up. D had surgery on the 15th and all went extremely well. A week after surgery was Thanksgiving, which I cooked. This was the first time I ever cooked a sit down nice homey meal for 12 people. It was sooo yummy and Jerry did a great job on the bird. My big brother and his roommate came into town. We had a blast drinking the day after gobble day. It’s becoming a tradition to walk around the city black Friday and boycott shopping by drinking a few or 10 pints. Dylan also turned 6 this month and his gramma threw him a wicked cool birthday party. He got so many games and fun things. It was a really big blast! He really wanted a party at oddessey fun world, but because of the surgery he couldn’t. So instead his gramma hired a magician and he forgot completely about the other place! DECEMBER: Someone asked me what I wanted for Christmas and all I could think of was for someone to buy the condo. For the last 6 months we were paying 2 mortgages but living in one place. Because of this shitty market no one wanted to buy anything. Finally all my prayers, wishes, dreams, hopes and everything came true. We have a buyer! Granted we are not going to be closing on it for a few months, but I don’t care. He’s in and renting and I couldn’t be happier. I think I received my Christmas wish. Also I wanted to say congrats to everyone that got married and anyone expecting which is: sara & frank, jen & chris, jenette & billy, omer & marie, adam & paulina and anyone else having a baby that I forgot. So that was my year. The good the bad and the terrible. Looking back it wasn’t all bad, but it definitely wasn’t one of the best. I can say this, my loved ones that I still have are all happy, healthy, and I am so blessed to have them. I love Jeremy with my whole heart even though I don’t always act like it, and Dylan is the light of my life. I lucked out and I have the greatest kid ever. Thanks for stickin through this with me! Kudos to you for making it to the end of this blog!! Lmao HAPPY NEW YEAR, MAY 08 BE GREAT!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket https://www.mdaevent.org/ParticipantInfo.aspx?j=cffd1f20-47c2-40da-bf5d-c7c9bcde84c9 I have decided to help the MDA with their Send A Kid To Camp lock up program. My goal is to send 2 kids to camp (hopefully more). Each camp trip costs $650.00 per kid and can make a huge difference in their lives. Any and all donations do also help with leg braces and wheel chairs for those that need them. If you'd like more info please click on the above link (takes you to my donator page) and you can view all the info from there. Thank you in advance for your support. Tony aka Shady326 ~shady326~ *YUP...I'M A GOONIE & VPS*

@ fubar


MY DADDY...taught me to ride a bike MY DADDY...would let me sit in the front seat MY DADDY...carried me when my feet got tired MY DADDY...introduced me to the ocean MY DADDY...told me stories from his childhood MY DADDY...spoiled me roten MY DADDY...took me to the beach MY DADDY...gave me the world MY DADDY...loved the chicago cubs MY DADDY...gave me my first hot dog MY DADDY...let me be his helper at work MY DADDY...watched cartoons with his grandson MY DADDY...loved coffee early in the mornign MY DADDY...was the smartest man i knew MY DADDY...got sick MY DADDY...couldnt carry me anymore MY DADDY...died MY DADDY...didnt know i loved him MY DADDY...never told me he loved me MY DADDY...thought he couldnt pull through MY DADDY...left me MY DADDY...wont know how i felt MY DADDY...was my hero

are you serious???

OBVIOUSLY I CHANGED THE USERS NAME BECAUSE...WELL YEAH... I DONT WANT ANYONE TO HURT THE POOR COMPUTER STUPID GUY. ->JUICYšluxuriaš: you cant be this oblivious or computer stupid ->JUICYšluxuriaš: open your internet browser...and type www.google.com USER: i heard of it, but i don't see or know how to get to it ->JUICYšluxuriaš: its google. ->JUICYšluxuriaš: google...the world famous search engine...its not a part of fubar... USER: i don't see anything that says or has to do with google USER: no ->JUICYšluxuriaš: are you fucking with me?? USER: ? USER: how do i go to google/ USER: i must be missing something. i don't see it USER: where is google at? USER: ok thank you ->JUICYšluxuriaš: then do what i said USER: i do just ewant there pics USER: oh ok i see ->JUICYšluxuriaš: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh i thought you wanted just their pics. ->JUICYšluxuriaš: go to google. click images at the top and type in what you want USER: what exactly are you talikng about? USER: how do i do that? USER: google images? USER: im talking about the movies nightmare on elm street, friday the 13th, halloween and childs play ->JUICYšluxuriaš: google images USER: do you any sites i can go to and find pictures of freddy kruerger, jason michael myers, and chucky?
Warning: this is not the ideas and feelings of fubar. this is the feelings of an individual...me! this blog has been edited due to immature people. if you cant handle the truth then please go elsewhere. Ok I wanted to clear some air here. I know one of my good friends has gotten a bad rap, and I just can’t understand it for the life of me. this person does so much for fubar. Not only does he stand up for the girls who get random people being crude to them, but he’s such a great listener. He was the first one there for me after my father passed, and I was one of the first there for him after one of his closest friends/brother passed (at least I think I was lol). There have been so many ridiculous rumors and lies spread about him. I can’t stand to see one of my close friends hurt like that. And it does hurt him. More than you guys all know. He has been the first in line to defend people and he gets the shit end of the stick. I know there are a few users on my friends list (some of whom might actually read this) that are not his friend. And all I can say to you guys is that your missing out on a really generous caring good person. I don’t know any other friends that would drop whatever they are doing to just sit and talk to you when you’re upset or sad, or hell even happy. Maybe some day, someone will say the things about you that were said about him and they will reflect back and realize how cruel they were. I’ve told my son something like this before as well. I teach him to treat others as he wants to be treated…with respect. That’s all any of us really want. So next time one of you out there wants to bash another user because you didn’t like what they said or because they didn’t want you to look at their photos, think of this: would you like that if it was done to you? We are adults and as such we should behave with a certain level of maturity. If I wanted to hang out with high schoolers, I’d be on mywaste and hang out with my baby sister. Please think before you hurt someone, because you wouldn’t wanna be on the opposite side of that table and neither does the person you are hurting. Ok, im done ranting for the day, if you can even call that a rant. I feel its more paying some very over due praise to one of my best fubar friends who I hope to have the privilege of meeting in person one day. Xoxo Juicy amy

domestic violence

press reply copy and paste as a bulletin


Think its ok to boss a girl around?
slap her around a few times and teach her a lesson?


She's just a dumb "bitch" a "slut".


No! Shes a human being, a girl that deserves to be loved and respected. Not used and thrown out like a piece of trash.



A "man" should NEVER hit a woman.


And should never force his girl to have sex with him,
thats not something you do to the person you supposedly love.



So if you're aganist Spousal Abuse please repost this!
And if you don't you're not going to die or be raped by a toaster, you're just cold at heart.
and if your a guy thats man enough to repost this good for you. click reply to poster,
then copy into a new bulletin.

On Jeopardy the other night, the final question was How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of the Unknowns ------ All three missed it --- This is really an awesome sight to watch if you've never had the chance Very fascinating. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 1. How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of the Unknowns and why? 21 steps. It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute, which is the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 2. How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin his return walk and why? 21 seconds for the same reason as answer number 1 Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 3. Why are his gloves wet? His gloves are moistened to prevent his losing his grip on the rifle. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 4. Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time and if not, why not? He carries the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb. After his march across the path, he executes an about face and moves the rifle to the outside shoulder. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 5. How often are the guards changed? Guards are changed every thirty minutes, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 6. What are the physical traits of the guard limited to? For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, he must be between 5' 10" and 6' 2" tall and his waist size cannot exceed 30." Other equirements of the Guard: They must commit 2 years of life to guard the tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty for the rest of their lives. They cannot swear in public for the rest of their lives and cannot disgrace the uniform {fighting} or the tomb in any way. After two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on their lapel signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There are only 400 presently worn. The guard must obey these rules for the rest of their lives or give up the wreath pin. The shoes are specially made with very thick soles to keep the heat and cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that extend to the top of the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come to a halt. There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform. Guards dress for duty in front of a full-length mirror. The first six months of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone, nor watch TV. All off duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. A guard must memorize who they are and where they are interred. Among the notables are: President Taft, Joe E. Lewis {the boxer} and Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, {the most decorated soldier of WWII} of Hollywood fame. Every guard spends five hours a day getting his uniforms ready for guard duty. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ETERNAL REST GRANT THEM O LORD, AND LET PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE UPON THEM. In 2003 as Hurricane Isabelle was approaching Washington, DC, our US Senate/House took 2 days off with anticipation of the storm. On the ABC evening news, it was reported that because of the dangers from the hurricane, the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment. They respectfully declined the offer, "No way, Sir!" Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson. The tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket God Bless and keep them SAFE. I don't usually suggest that many emails be forwarded, but I'd be very proud if this one reached as many as possible. We can be very proud of our young men and women in the service no matter where they serve. IN GOD WE TRUST
hey guys, some of you already know i do a bit of charity work. Every year i walk in the March of Dimes. The walk is a 5k usually down chicago's lakefront.This year i have all of you to help me out!!! Last year i walked it in the freezing rain! oh what fun! MY PERSONAL WALK PAGE - JUICY!! The march of dimes is an organization that helps premature babies. They are working tirelessly to figure out how to stop premature birth and the effects of it therafter. You can help by donating a few dollars to this cause. I dont do this for myself. I am not asking this for myself, but when someone does something good for someone else, it makes that person feel great inside. Please help give premature babies a fighting chance. I know i would love to see as many of them grow up and lead exceptional lives and know that i had a tiny part in making that happen. Thanks everyone and i will give a big pimpin gift to whoever donates the most! YOU CHERRIES ROCK AND HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO PROVE IT! XOXOX JUICY AMY MY PERSONAL WALK PAGE - JUICY!! MY PERSONAL WALK PAGE - JUICY!! MY PERSONAL WALK PAGE - JUICY!!
Boycott the site PLEASE!!! Makes more room for users who WANT to be here Recently all the bulletin boards have been flooded with “oh lets boycott cherryâ€. It’s all a load of crap and you know it. I call your bluff people. I actually do hope a lot of user leave CherryTap. By leaving, you are freeing up this site from your useless complaining and whining every time something changes. Change happens people. Can’t stop it, its gonna happen no matter what you do. If you really can’t deal with it, then please, the door is to the left. OH and those stupid people who give out all their personal information: ARE YOU STUPID???? Seriously, what makes you really think that guy isn’t gonna stalk or harass you after staring at your 1/2 naked body over and over for hours??? Get real. DON’T give your phone number out. And if you do and it comes down to this user being mean, it’s your own fault…you deal with it. Don’t come crying to the bouncers because you screwed up. We can’t do anything about it anyways!!! I love this site. I have made some amazing friends here and plan to continue to be a bouncer and do my share of work around here. My friends are my world and without them I am not me. I would love to see some users delete their accounts for the sheer fact that they are idiots. If they would stop and actually realize WHY baby j makes the decisions that he does, they wouldn’t cry about it. Its an internet community, not real life people…go read a book or take a freaking walk. And to the people who are gonna boycott the VIC, you think your monthly $15 is gonna make a difference in the long run. Go ahead, stop paying for it. If you actually knew the cost it takes for baby j to keep this place running, you would shit a brick….no a cinderblock. I don’t think anyone here has that kind of cash. To baby j my fearless leader: KEEP ON DOING IT MAN!!! I applaud you for everything you do around here. Not many users know how involved you REALLY are. As bouncers, we take a lot of heat from users, but it cant be nearly what you get. I love you sweetie!!!!! You rock and will always rock To the other bouncers: Thanks for doing what you do. You guys are great and I’m lucky to consider you guys my friends. We work hard and tirelessly for this community and don’t get much praise for it. Well that changes right now! WE ARE ROCKSTARS AND SHOULD BE TREATED AS SUCH!!!! Ok I’ve ranted enough XOXOXOXOX CHERRIES!! Juicy
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