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Pish Posh's blog: "~Dark Poems~"

created on 12/09/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dark-poems/b32674

** Outcast **

Standing alone under an evening sky watching the world spin around me I see the faces of lost souls dancing in the winds of change and pouring through the sands of time No one sees me standing there Turning away when I don't dance to the beat or march to the drums of a thousand fools They pretend I'm not there whispering about me as if I couldn't hear just a piece of broken furniture a part of the scenery simply waiting to be thrown away But there I stand all alone to tomorrow quietly challenging the song around me by refusing to sing along Instead watching as empty hearts walk along looking past the invisible child just standing there waiting for the rain And it's there I'll stand in a thousand years long after the dance has carried the fools away even after my body has given in to the grip of time my place will remain unchanged For I am the outcast the one who refused the dance of a thousand fools forced to suffer the wind and the rain and stand transparent to the world around me But the only one to remain when the music stops and time marches on grinding the dancers into dust and scattering their memory to the winds of change Though I'm left to an empty world you'll never see sorrow in my eyes I'll raise my glass with the other invisible souls as we watch the last grains in hourglass of time trickle through to the bottom winding down the universe letting us know our work is done and that the ageless can now age no more


Looking toward the future with a frightened eye staring down uncertainty trying to pass the quiet nights without letting my mind go astray There are too many thoughts I can't bear to think too many possibilities I don't have the courage to consider I'm not scared of the future just blinded by dreams gone awry living in a past checkered with defeats and cradling ideals long since lost and forgotten No journey has gone the direction I planned No sprint has moved at the pace I wanted So now I sit here completely out of dreams pining for what should have been but never will be frightened by possibilities turned into destinies and clinging on to improbable hope slipping through my fingers Uncertain about everything save what I fear Destined for nothing but what I despise There is no glorious future there is no happy end just a game of self-deceit that never quite fulfills

^^ Yesteryear ^^

Walking down the streets of an ancient world touching bricks covered in history while following the footsteps of kings and queens the feeling of home begins to settle in and the past begins to draw near like a previous act of a play you're now starring in It all comes together walking down these foggy streets passing under street lamps untouched by time and by windows that have stared out on the world since there has been one to be found Everything makes sense yesterday and tomorrow next week and yesteryear No matter the trials you face and whether you quit or triumph these walls will still be here Even after you're gone and just a memory to those who loved you these foggy streets will play host to those who want to follow kings and queens long gone and even after you're forgotten just a name in a dust-covered book these windows will remember you turning a forgotten heart into a piece of history and an overlooked actor into the most amazing theater ever created

-*Turning Corners*-

I can't escape you no matter how many times I turn around I see you there looking back at me your beautiful face too tempting to resist your smile too wonderful to deny Not a day goes by that you don't cross my mind Try as I might to shut you out I'm powerless against the stray thoughts that wonder in when my mind is quiet or my heart is in need of a smile I need to forget you I need to find a different path but you made me so happy and loved me so openly that I can never forget what we shared Even as the years push us apart and time fades those joyful memories I feel drawn to you lost in you and hopelessly entranced by you I hope you find your happiness even in the arms of another No matter if the vision destroys me slowly I know you deserve something more than an absentee lover waiting to take you home Just know that around every corner I turn I will see you looking back Your face both beautiful and haunting a welcome image of a broken heart I cherish our memories and wish things could be different but no matter how much I love you I can never change what is what was or what has to be So find your peace and enjoy your life without me But promise you'll think of me on those still nights when I'm turning corners in my mind and staring deep into your loving eyes but missing your gentle touch or heartfelt words Give me thoughts of warmth to let this shivering soul have some peace don't let me slip into cold oblivion and let me remember when you were mine when life was easier and nothing more need be said


How can I show you that you are beautiful when you always look the other way Finding imperfections with every living breath feeding yourself deceit every night as you lie in bed How can I show you that you are beautiful when you see only flaws in the diamond and not the sparkle that it holds You judge yourself with consequence tearing down what nature built and turning it into darkness cold How can I show you that you are beautiful when you don't look into the mirror save with tear-streaked eyes How can you see yourself as I do when you're peering through a looking glass warped by doubt and loathing brewed within your mind How can I show you that you are beautiful when your beauty is just too much and leaves me lost for words choking on every thought while trying to explain something so clear that it is written all over your face How can I show you that you're beautiful when the world is not enough and a million voices fail to change your song unable to silence the doubt that beats away No I can't show you that you're beautiful No matter how hard I try But I'll whisper it to you every night as you drift off to sleep and hope that one morning you'll wake up with eyes wide open and see yourself as I do A perfect diamond A stunning reflection and a ray of sun piercing my own darkness taking the clouds away

~~Frail Destiny~~

You broke a thousand hearts on your way to mine you tore through a thousand lonely souls and shattered a thousand dreams before a twist of fate brought you to my door Now you've moved on following the scent of loneliness down a trail of desperation to another victim one who smiles unaware just like I did in the months before But time will be kind to me as it is to most gentle souls though we break like twigs in the howling winds of today the rains of tomorrow make us strong and let us grow into a forest that can never be broken You will remain hollow, empty and weak even as I grow stronger and some day love will find you following the scent of your loneliness and it will break you with ease a rotten tree falling to a draft So even as I cry for you and nurse my broken heart I offer no words of anger nor carry any ill desires For your fate is your own and destiny spites you enough while I'll miss you on lonely nights I can not hate what I pity so much nor condem that which has condemned itself

**Friends or Lovers**

We traveled the world on separate paths stealing glances between the trees and sharing moments from afar Though our voices could call out in comfort our hands could never touch and no matter how dear or true our hearts might have been they could never beat as one As we moved along two lives in parallel we swapped stories on quiet nights and bared ourselves like never before we marched forward pushing through tragedy and triumph with a constant eye to the path beyond aching for what awaited through the howling trees Though we picked up fellow travelers and bonded with other souls the face beyond the trees haunted us both But as two lives in parallel doomed never to meet we made our own happiness and found our own dreams while waiting for the two paths to meet Yet, even as we wished on every star for our roads to intersect we knew we could be in the arms of another unable to share the desired embrace Still, no cruel twist of fate could keep our two souls apart and whether we meet as friends or lovers neither shall endure a broken heart So as we stand here silently two faces between the trees let's raise our glass to toast the stars and give thanks to friends and lovers For no matter which role you play the result will be the same two hearts will be light at least for one day
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