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One More Song

"One More Song"


"One more song, it won't take long. I know you have to leave but let's take advantage of this night to play together one last time." The crowd roared as the last note of the final song echoed thru the coliseum. "Encore.., Encore...” The crowd wanted more.

"You want more?" Jason yelled into the microphone. He looked back at his band, this is everything they wanted, and all of their dreams come true. This moment was what they lived for, what they worked for and what they played for. Dustin twirled a drumstick in his fingers then in a swift moment brought it down crashing into the base drum causing the crowd to erupt into cheers.

"I... I can't deny..." as the song began the audience sang out in tune following the lead of Jason as he brought to life the C.D.'s titled hit "Bitter Sweet" that became a nationwide phenomenon hurling Atrophy into music stardom. You could hear screams from the women confessing their love for the lead singer, mixed in with bull horns..

"Bull horns?" Dustin was jerked from his daydream by the sound of a loud horn and bright flashing lights coming in his direction. "Oh shit..." Dustin swerved at the last minute to avoid an oncoming eighteen wheeler. Dustin was on his way to meet up with the rest of his band at Jason's house to record the final song for their C.D. He was so excited about tonight that he found himself daydreaming about what might be and didn't realize he had merged into oncoming traffic. Dustin daydreamed a lot, he was the drummer in the band and ever since he could remember music has been his life. He met Jason when they were still in junior high and they shared each other’s passion for music. Now three years later they were still best friends and on their way to completing their first record. It was going to be a night to remember and nothing would stop him from finishing this C.D

"Eh let it ring, Dustin just got here." As soon as Jason spoke Dustin came walking in the front door. "Besides I put it on silent for a reason, I don't want any distractions tonight."

As Dustin walked in he was greeted by his friends. "Hey man you made it." Jason offered is hand to Dustin who took it and pulled Jason in wrapping his free arm around him giving him a masculine half hug and pat on the back.

"Yeah man sorry I'm late. I hate driving at night, I can never see these damn roads." Dustin complained as he broke the friendly embrace. "Why do you have to live out in the middle of nowhere?"

"Because we live in the middle of pig fuck America." Jason responded as he offered his best friend a beer.

"It's ok nothing could stop me from helping you guys finish this C.D. Not even the dark beat up old roads in this redneck ass town. He graciously accepted the beer, "thanks I could really use one of those." Dustin said as he sat the beer down. "Where I'm going this stuff will be obsolete..." Dustin was referring to the cheap watered downed beer.

"Ok guys let’s eat, drink a couple beers and get this party started." Eric was carrying two large pizza boxes into the living room. "Clear off the table Matt.

Matt started gathering the sheet music and pages of song lyrics off the table so Eric could sit the pizza down. He stacked them up in a neat pile and noticed the lyrics of an unfinished song on the top sheet titled "Tragic Departure."

"What’s this Jason?" Matt asked referring to the song as he sat back and started to read it. "One more song, it won't take long, I know you have to leave but let’s take advantage of this night by playing together one last time. You mean so much to me...." that last line was slightly scribbled out.

"Eh just a song I started working on..." Jason said as he grabbed a piece of pizza.

"It's got potential man, might be our next big hit." Matt said as he too reached into the pizza box. "Hmm, meat lovers and vegetarian supreme, odd choices." he laughed. "Two completely different styles of pizza conflicting one another in both morality and taste, as different from each other as heaven and hell and I feel like I'm stuck in the middle..." he thought to himself before his eyes suddenly jumped to Dustin, who was sitting there lost in his own head again, taking another moment to choose Matt decided one of each would be best then leaned back in his chair.

"Well it isn't finished yet; I just jotted down those notes about five minutes ago before Dustin showed up. Not sure where it came from, usually I only write about stuff I know." Jason was the lead singer of the group and wrote many of the lyrics to their songs. He wrote a lot about his anger towards life which blended well into the style of music they were playing. A lot of drums and metal allowed for an angry melody with a mixture of screaming and soft spoken lyrics to give the audience an ability to jump from one emotion to another sporadically in the middle of the song. It was a different style of music a hybrid consisting of metal, emo and soft rock. Dustin felt it gave the listener the ability to really feel all of the pain and agony that was used to inspire the song and unlike other bands it didn't focus on just one of the emotions resulting from the story.

"Another beer anyone?" Eric stood up from the table and walked towards the kitchen.

"Yeah man, get a round for everyone. We're still waiting on David to show up anyway." Jason yelled back between taking bites of his pizza.

"Where is David anyway?" Dustin woke from his daydream. "Stupid bullhorns," he thought. "Are they gonna be echoing in my ears now for all eternity?"

"Bull horns??" Jason said slightly confused about the completely random comment.

"You don't want to know." Dustin answered.

David was the manager slash producer slash sound guy. He was the one that would be making sure the recording went smoothly. "He said he was just putting some finishing touches on the last couple songs we recorded and wanted to finish them before he got here so we could hear them." Eric walked back in the room with four beers and distributed them out.

"Nice, they will motivate us to finish this last one with few mistakes." Eric popped open the fresh beer and took a big gulp. "I can't wait to hear the whole C.D when it's finished."

The title of the record was called "Bitter Sweet" named after the song they were set to record tonight. It was written by both Jason and Dustin about two years ago after one of their best friends was arrested for murder. Nathan came home to his fiancée one evening and caught her cheating on him with another guy, so he killed them both in a fit of rage. Jason and Dustin had visited him in jail a few times and after hearing the pain in his voice while telling the story they were both inspired to dedicate a song to him. "It's been a long two years since we wrote that song eh Dustin." Jason broke the silence.

"Yeah, it has. I wonder how he’s doing." Dustin was referring to their incarcerated friend.

"He said he might get out on good behavior, his lawyer petitioned for a parole hearing on account of his temporary insanity plea. They have high hopes. But it may still be awhile before he sees the light of day."

"He taught me how to play the drums." Dustin started reminiscing. "He is an amazing drummer."

"Yeah, he would be the only suitable replacement if you ever left us." Jason agreed. Just then they heard a knocking on the door.

"Alright!! David's here." Matt jumped up to open the door.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late, where’s Dustin?" Nathan said as he walked in carrying his laptop case and a bottle of rum. Dustin just waved from where he was seated at the table. "Oh, sorry didn't see your car I guess. Anyway I got the songs finished guys, I'm anxious to get started so here you guys listen to this and I'll go make sure the studio is set up." He handed Matt the C.D. and sat the rum down on the table. "Putting the finishing touches on those songs got me excited. This is going to be great guys." He started towards the back room where the makeshift studio had been set up. "Don't touch the rum, its our celebration drink for after we finish." He paused before walking thru the door and looked at Jason who was already eyeing the rum.

"What?" Jason responded with a smile.

Matt put the C.D. in the radio and pressed the play button. As the songs played thru Dustin made his way over to his best friend and sat beside him on the couch. "You’re going to be famous," he said as he sat down.

"We’ve come along way, we’ve been putting this together for three years now, ever since we first met at Nathan's house." Jason looked over at his best friend. Tonight was going to change their life forever, he wasn't sure why but for some reason he had a feeling tonight would be a defining factor on their path to making it big as a band. Looking at Dustin Jason found himself overwhelmed with an odd feeling causing his stomach to tighten up. He had a sudden urge to give his friend a hug and tell him he loved him. "Were both gonna be famous man, I promise I'll never leave you behind."

"Dustin catch," Eric walked in with yet another round of beers. "Ya'll look like you’re about to kiss. I know you two have been friends for a long time but I didn't sign up to play in a band with The Village People." Eric could feel the awkward tension in the room and was hoping to bring the party back to life. "Pre victory cheers guys, everyone raise your beer." Eric stood in the middle of the room as he spoke. "Ever since I met you guys it's been all about the music. I know I'm the newest member but I feel like I've known you guys forever. I just wanted to say thank you for giving me a chance. Matt your one of the best guitarist I know. It's crazy the things you can do with those fingers."

"Yeah, that’s what your mom keeps telling me." Matt blurted out and everyone laughed.

"Jason, you are a talented writer, a good singer and an even better friend, and Dustin..." Eric paused, "well you're the one that brought me into this band. I owe a lot to you. I love you guys." He raised his beer.

"Okay my turn guys," matt stood up, "I have to say ditto to everything Eric just said, I just want to add that the two of you, you guys started this band, you always had this remarkable and inspirational vision for not only yourselves but the rest of us. I can't ask for a better group of musicians, no scratch that a better group of friends to take this journey with."

Dustin looked at everyone and stood up beer in hand. "Atrophy will be a huge success; this is just the beginning of your journey guys. Let’s go leave our mark on the world before it’s too late."

"Cheers to that." Jason stood up and they all tilted their beer towards each other in respect. "It’s still early but let’s finish this before we are all drunk." They all took a drink and walked towards the studio. Dustin was the last to leave the room. He sat his beer down on the couch where he was sitting and took a look around the room. "So many memories here," he thought as he walked out of the room.

"Just in time guys," David was putting the finishing touches on the sound board. "Okay were gonna do this the traditional way. First we record everyone together then we will go back and do everyone alone so we can clean up the sounds and then edit it. So let’s get started."

The band entered the enclosed room. It was a small room set in the back of the house Jason's mother was always very supportive of her sons musical talent and allowed him to build a make shift studio in the spare bedroom. The sound board where David was set up was actually in the hallway just outside the room and the spare bedroom was all padded with foam to try to contain the noise as best as possible drowning out any outside noise that may interfere with the recording of the band. They all got in their position with their instruments and waited for the sign from David saying he was ready.

"Give me a sound test starting with you Dustin." David spoke into an intercom that was set up to allow him to communicate with the band inside. Dustin answered back with a mini solo that sent a wave of excitement thru the rest of his band mates. "Okay your good, Eric you're up." One by one they went thru the sound test and everything was going smoothly. "Okay guys we're all set, I'm getting the best reception ever tonight. You must have some kind of angel working on your side. In three... two... and..." As David counted down Dustin began drumming building the rhythm for the guys and the song began. "This is incredible," David thought. "It's all so clear and smooth, at this rate we won't have to do much editing." They had been playing this song together for two years and purposely chose to make this the last song they recorded knowing how much energy and emotion they would be able to put into it.

"Now close your eyes, I have a gift. I’ll buy your love with pretty shit. Hold out your hand now here take this. You won't believe what I had to do to get you it. You stupid bitch, please don't run. I know the ring is stained with blood, but it’s the one you really loved. It’s the one I used to propose to you last month. Oh wait I'm wrong. That ring was left on the nightstand, beside the bed we once slept in, the bed where we had sex the same bed I caught you in. I...I can't deny..." Jason was singing the song with so much emotion. Every word came out perfectly and blended so well with the music.

Dustin was lost in the moment, “three years we've been playing together and he gets better every time we perform this song. I’m glad I could be here for this moment. Thank you god for this..." He knew the song was almost over, he was running out of time before he had to go. He didn't bother to tell the guys that he was limited on how long he could stay tonight. He didn't want to upset the mood; he just wanted to enjoy it while he could. It's not that he wanted to leave but he had no choice he had somewhere else he had to be. "So stupid, if only I had paid more attention to what I was doing I'd be able to stay."

The song ended and David spoke thru the intercom. "That was perfect guys, ok Dustin you stay inside, we will record you first solo then we will feed your recording to the others while they play giving them a beat to use." As he spoke everyone was in the midst of giving each other props for a great first run thru of the song.

"He won't have to do much editing after that guys, good job." Jason offered his approval as they walked out of the room.

Eric went for another round of beers before Dustin's solo and passed them around making sure to go back inside the padded room giving Dustin a beer. "Good luck man." He said as he walked out of the room. Dustin sat the beer down on the stool in front of the drum set before repositioning himself.

"Okay Dustin and three... two...” again Dustin counted down David's timer with his foot pedal causing the hammer to bang the base drum with each tick and then he started.”He's playing flawlessly tonight; he's incredibly focused on what he’s doing." David was talking to Jason who was sitting beside him listening to the recording as Dustin played.

"Yeah, I can't put my finger on it but something is different tonight. It's like he's living for this moment and this moment alone." Jason was mesmerized with what he was hearing. "This is going to be the best song we have recorded so far.

David continued recording everyone on the solo sessions amazingly no one had to redo a set. Usually it took a couple of play thrus, either someone skipped a beat rushed a beat missed a line or just didn't like how it felt so they asked to restart. But tonight they played with remarkable accuracy following the beats perfectly and keeping up with the rhythm. It was time for the last recording. "Okay Jason you're up, I'll feed you a line of all the solo sessions combined to give you a full band in your ear just sing naturally."

"Yeah, yeah man. This isn't our first time remember." Jason said as he walked inside. Dustin took Jason's spot beside David so he could listen to Jason's solo recording.

"I... I can't deny how I feel inside. But you took that all away, when you walked out yesterday. You lied; you said that you would stay. I don't know how things ended up this way. Just die stop fucking with my life, it eats me up inside knowing your alive. I want you gone."

"David, I know we don't give you much credit..." Dustin spoke softly, "I just wanted to say thank you, and you’ve done a great job with all of our music. I can't tell you how much I truly appreciate everything you've done for the band."

"Don't worry about it man," David was focused on the lyrics making sure Jason didn't slip up or miss a line. David actually had an important role in the music making. He almost had to memorize every line of music and the lyrics so he could pick out any missed beat or forgotten line. "I'm just glad I can help, you guys are really good." He went back to listening to Jason.

"But you took that all away when you walked out yesterday. Don’t cry. You said that you would stay. It’s all your fault we ended up this way. This ring was his. It’s the one he wore that night when he took away my life. When he fucked the girl that said she'd be my wife. He deserved to die. And so do you..."

Eric and matt were sitting in the living room listening to the C.D. David brought over while Jason was finishing the last solo. "Hey Jason’s phone is ringing again grab it and see who it is." Matt gestured for Eric to pick up the phone sitting on the table.

Eric walked over and picked up the phone off the table. "Wow, he has twenty three missed calls and a text message all from Dustin's mom." He pressed the button to receive the text message. Eric looked up from the phone and walked over to the window.

"Well what's it say?" Matt inquired taking a sip from his beer and sitting down on the couch. "What the fuck," he said as he sat down on something hard.

As he reached under him to find out what it was Eric looked away from the window. "Have you seen Dustin's car?" Eric looked back at Matt sitting on the couch as he pulled a beer can out from under him.

"An unopened beer?" Matt remembered watching Eric toss a beer at Dustin when he was sitting there earlier.

"You played me for a fool when you convinced me to love you. So just give in. Accept the fate that you will get." As Jason was singing he looked over and noticed an unopened beer sitting in front of the drum set still sweating.

Matt was confused about the unopened beer he found on the couch and glanced over towards the table where they all ate earlier that night. They had not bothered to clean up their mess after eating and sitting on the table was three dirty plates clearly eaten off of and one clean plate where Dustin had been sitting.

"Feel the pain I will inflict. This is how the story’s meant to end. In a violent act of bitter sweet revenge" Jason finished singing the song while staring at the beer can. He felt a cold chill climb up his spine.

"That’s a wrap, good job Jason that was perfect." David said as he took his headset off.

As Jason walked out of the recording room his face was white. "Jason, man Its Dustin's mom she’s been calling all night." Eric approached Jason as soon as the door closed behind him. "Where’s Dustin?"

"He's right here beside me," David said but when he turned no one was there.

"What’s the text message say Eric?" Matt called from behind you could hear an eerie tremble in his voice. Eric handed the phone over to Jason.

Jason's mind wandered to the last moments he was in the recording room right after he finished the last line of Bitter Sweet. Dustin walked up to him and handed him a beer. "You’re going to be a musical phenom one day. Don't let fame get to you. You’re the closest thing to a brother I ever had, I love you man." Jason looked down at the phone and read the first text message out loud. "This is Dustin's mom, please return my call. Dustin has been in an accident." That text message was received forty five minutes ago. Just as Jason read the message he received another one and looked up at his band members. His mind replayed the evening in his head in slow motion. All the things Dustin had said.

"Nothing could stop me from helping you guys finish this C.D. Bull horns haunting him for an eternity, your the closest thing to a brother I ever had."

Everyone fell silent not sure what to say. "I love you too brother." Jason said under his breath before reading the second message out loud. "Jason, I'm so sorry. I tried to call but you didn't answer." Jason could almost hear the tears behind the tragic words in the text message. "Dustin didn't make it, the doctors said he went peacefully."

Jason felt himself tear up as everyone else tried to wrap their head around what exactly happened that night. In the background you could hear the unedited song kept in rhythm by a drummer that could only be described as divine. A song that was recorded not moments ago and Jason found himself thinking back to a moment earlier that night when he was by some unknown reason inspired to write a song he thought he knew nothing about.

"One more song, it won’t take long. I know you have to leave but let’s take advantage of this night to play together one last time."

Jason could no longer hold back the tears as he looked up towards a place he hoped to one day be reunited with his best friend. "Thank you for giving us one more song Dustin. I'll miss you."

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