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The hotel was very comfortable, Angel thinks, as she sits with her laptop at the desk. The writer's workshop was turning out to be a great asset, teaching her many things she would need for writing her book. In the meantime, she enjoyed her freelance newspaper and magazine articles and the time they offered her to gain experience and an audience. She works on her next article for a while, then checks her e-mail. A new message pops up in her chat window. "Hey there," types her e-friend Victor. "Hi yourself," Angel types back, a smile spreading quickly across her face. "When were you going to tell me you were coming to Chicago?" he asks. "Oh, by the way, I'm in Chicago Smile2.gif" she replies. He smiles at the thought of the lovely writer he'd met in an online chat room being so close to him, his body reacting favorably to her proximity as well. "Want me to show you around?" he types, hoping she wasn't too busy. Vic was a handsome sight himself - standing over six feet tall, his hair and eyes dark, with an infectious smile. His playful, silly nature making him quite an enjoyable person to be around as well. He began mentally making a list of fun things to do, wondering how long the auburn-haired beauty would be in town. He thought about Angel's curvy five-foot-seven frame, flashing green eyes framed by long dark lashes, and fair skin; her soft lips that just begged to be kissed... "Damn," he thought, "if I don't stop thinking this way, I'm going to have an embarrassing problem when I meet up with her!" Angel was having similar fantasies, her mind racing with thoughts of finally meeting the man she'd enjoyed chatting with face-to-face. She looked again at her itinerary for the conference, then at the plane ticket dated to return home a week after its end. "We meet every day from 10 until 4, and the conference ends on Thursday," she types back. Angel smiled at his reply indicating his regret at her leaving so soon. Waiting a few seconds, she types back, "I never said I was leaving Thursday, I said that's when the conference ends Smile2.gif I'm not leaving until next Sunday." Upon reading this, Vic was so ecstatic he jumps up from his desk shouting in joy. After asking what she was doing that evening for dinner, she replies that she was eating early with some other writers, but after about 7:00 she would be free. He agreed to pick her up at her hotel room shortly after 7, and it was her turn to dance around the room. She went into the conference that day on cloud nine. All through the day, and dinner after, she could think of nothing but her date for the evening. She ate only a salad, as Vic promised to have a special dinner later on. She ran up to her hotel room to quickly shower, fix her hair, reapply her makeup and find something to wear. He'd told her to be casual, but she wanted to look nice so she donned khaki capris and a white blouse. She pulled her shoulder-length curls back on the sides, and slipped her feet into comfortable leather sandals. She had just enough time to brush her teeth before there was a knock on her door. She was just putting her earrings in as she opened the door and immediately met a strong, broad chest, her eyes traveling up to the handsome face she'd been waiting to see all day. Angel invited Vic in as she clasped her earring and then logged out of her laptop, closed it and bent over to pick up her purse. Victor was in awe. He'd seen her pictures on her online profile, had even seen her on cam a couple of times when they were chatting, but had never anticipated her to be as lovely in person as she was! His eyes traveled up and down her body over and over, taking in every detail - from her soft curls to her jade eyes to the porcelain skin he longed to reach out and touch. He could control himself until Angel bent over to get her purse; his body reacting immediately - almost painfully. Vic stood there staring, his jaw slack and eyes glazed over until Angel turned around. She saw his expression and her eyes immediately traveled his body, noticing the noticeable bulge in his shorts below his dark green polo shirt. She smiled, licking her lips as she closed the distance between them. Angel gently, coyly, closed his jaw with one soft finger, then said quietly, "Victor, if we start something like that now, we'll never leave this room. Let's go out and enjoy ourselves - we have almost two weeks to explore each other." Vic agreed, his desire subsiding somewhat. He took the chance, however, to close the distance between their lips, both feeling the near-electric shock as their tongues began a slow, sensual dance. Wrapping her up in his long, muscular arms, the kiss lingered on and on. Finally prying loose from each other, they walked hand-in-hand through the halls and out of the hotel. Opening the car door for her, Vic again silently thanks the powers that be for bringing this beautiful creature into his life, if only for two weeks. He climbs behind the wheel and starts the engine. "So where are we going, handsome?" Angel asks with a smile. He would never get used to a woman like her saying such things to him, and blushes furiously. She laughs, reaching over and taking his hand. This makes Vic blush even more, but he smiles and squeezes her hand telling her it's a surprise. They talk about various things as they drive, until he turns into a parking ramp. They walk to the street level, and start down the sidewalk. Soon, she realizes they are approaching Navy Pier. She gets more and more excited as they draw nearer to the attraction, and when Lou stops near the arched entrance and looks down into bright childlike green eyes, he nearly laughs at her barely-controlled joy. "I take it Navy Pier is an acceptable first date," Vic says, his own eyes smiling. Throwing her arms around his neck - what she could reach, at least, Angel affirms his choice of venue. They walk toward the water in the beautiful summer air. They enjoy the view from atop the ferris wheel, as well as some more long, lingering kisses. Victor's hands roamed her body while they were out of view of the other ferris wheel patrons, but would still on a less-conspicuous spot when they came into view. He tempted her soft, full breasts with his large hands, teasing the nipples until they were hard and aching, Angel's breath coming fast and hard between kisses and she would moan softly against his lips. He could barely keep his hands off her gorgeous body, his own body receiving some tantalizing touches from her soft hands as she urged him to continue his sensual assault on her tingling flesh. Angel's hands ran over his broad chest, up his strong back, then she ran her fingers up the back of his neck and up into his hair. As it became apparent they were going to be stopping to let some patrons off, she let one hand slip down over his stomach, feeling his breath catch and a moan escape his lips as her fingertips ran down the length of his rock-hard and throbbing erection through his shorts. She purred softly as she enjoyed the feeling of his physical reaction to her, whispering in his ear, "Oh Vic, it's so hard. You want me really bad, don't you? I want you too, baby. I have an idea, if you're game..." He quickly let her know he would do anything if it meant he didn't have to wait any longer to have some relief from what she was making him feel. Grinning, Angel then informs him of her devious idea to go for a walk on the beach and find a nice, secluded place where she could give him what his body so craved. His eyes were on fire as their turn to exit the ferris wheel came. They got some knowing looks from other couples, and jealous looks from others, as they started walking toward the beach. The amorous couple walk closely, hand-in-hand across the sand, watching the sunset on the water and growing ever more needy as they search carefully for a secluded place. They both see it at the same time: a boat rental building with one side up against a rock outcropping, and not a soul around for over a hundred yards in any direction. Vic's body starts to ache at the prospect. Their eyes blaze with desire as they look at each other and walk toward the perfect spot for their sunset rendezvous. Vic sits down on the sand, as he watches the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen dropping to her knees in front of him, then crawling toward him. His straining erection begged to be set free as her hands descend upon the bulge in his shorts. His head drops back, and a deep moan escapes his throat as Angel caresses up and down its length - then again as her fingers start to unbutton and unzip his shorts. She teases the hard, throbbing flesh through his boxers before tugging the waistband down and grazing her lips over Vic's swollen, sensitive balls. His hands wind themselves into her soft hair as he groans at the touch, and her tongue traveling up the aching shaft then taking his large erection in her mouth. She sucked on him until he could no longer hold back. He started to buck his hips, his fingers tightening in her hair, as he moaned over and over, "Oh god, Angel, you're making me cum." With a deep groan, he felt himself going over the edge. His hot, sticky cum shooting forcefully across her tongue as she milked every last drop from him, swallowing as fast as she could so as to not spill a drop. Finally it seemed to stop, and she pulled her lips from him, looking up almost sheepishly into his glowing hazel eyes. "I hope you didn't mind, Vic... I love doing that, and you seemed to need it so much..." Victor's response was to pull her up atop himself and kiss her lips deeply. "Angel, I've never, ever felt anything as wonderful as what you did to me just now. That was amazing! If that's any indication of what is to come the next two weeks, I just may fall in love with you..." Vic blushed furiously as he realized what he'd just said, then tried to save himself from the admission of feelings he'd just made. Angel let him think he'd made amends for moving so quickly and saying what he did, but she kept it in the back of her mind and thought it over during the evening - and the next two weeks - often. Pulling back from the kiss, he looks deep into her eyes, saying, "What can I do for you? You were so wonderful, I'd love to return the favor..." But Angel replies softly, "I want to wait, because if I start this now, I will just want to keep going - and I want to fulfill all of my desires with you tonight," with a wink. Vic kisses her one last time, then redresses and they walk back toward the pier. He asks what kind of food she likes, and the first thing she replied was fresh seafood, so they decided on a restaurant there on the pier that specialized in shrimp and crabs. They talk, laugh, hold hands, and eat wonderful food. The sunset turns to dusk, then to darkness, as the lights of Navy Pier make them feel miles away from reality. They walk the shops, each buying some small souvenirs, until they get to a vendor at the end of the shopping row. Angel sees it immediately: a beautiful antique-looking silver ring with a freshwater pearl and lovely details. She tries it on and debates over the price, deciding she will wait until she was ready to leave to buy it - if she has enough spending money left. Angel told Vic she was going to stop at the ladies' room before they left the pier, since it was just across from where they stood. He agreed to meet her right there, but that he was going to go check on one thing in a shop while she was gone. They separate with a soft kiss, Angel to the restrooms and Vic back into the jewelry vendor's shop. The lady's eyes light up, and without a word from him, she took the ring Angel adored out of the case. He pulls out his credit card and asks the lady to wrap it for him. He leaves the store with a small wrapped box in his pocket that he hopes will help capture the heart of the woman he was quickly falling helplessly in love with. Angel thinks about Victor, and her rapidly-increasing feelings for him, while in the restroom. Her mind whirls, remembering the evening and the way he'd looked at her. She knows that look, and while it scares her a little, she also knows her heart is growing ever-more fond of the tall, handsome man. She was falling for him, and falling fast. She had butterflies in the pit of her stomach, her heart raced, and she felt like a teenager again. She felt so comfortable with Vic, like she didn't have to pretend, or hide anything about herself. She felt so safe with him, even though she had just met him face to face hours before. His personality was so engaging, his excitement so contagious, that Angel felt completely caught up in the moment with him. "Whatever happens, happens," she thinks to herself, secretly hoping her feelings are reciprocated by him. As Angel exits the restroom, she looks around and quickly sees Vic walking toward her from across the pier. His smile is immediate and he quickly slips an arm around her back, kissing the top of her head, and asking if she'd seen enough of Navy Pier for the evening or if there was anything else she wanted to do before they left. She sees a used book store and begs to stop in, her eyes looking up at him with such a sincere clarity that he is left almost breathless. He feels he's looking directly into her heart and soul at that moment, and is lost in love. His heart aches as he sees his own feelings mirrored in her eyes - and this small voice in his head says "she's the one, Victor, don't let her go." Wrapping his arm around her waist tighter - his other hand on the back of her neck - and not caring who was watching, he leans in and kisses her deeply, passionately, feeling again the electricity between their tongues as they stand in the middle of Navy Pier kissing like they would never see each other again. When he finally backs away from the kiss, his mind reeling from the intensity, her eyes were even more ablaze than before and he has to look away to keep from being drawn back against her addictive body and lips. He whispers in her ear, "let's go look at those books." Smiling broadly at her excited reaction, he lets her take hold of his hand and nearly pull him into the shop. She looks around in amazement, everything drawing her at once. The smell of the leather and old paper, the beautifully-kept antique volumes all calling to her. She scans the shelves, not sure what exactly she is hoping to find, but knowing she would find something. Her fingers cross the soft leather spines, barely scanning the titles, until one catches her eye. She pulls out a lovely, slightly-worn copy of poetry by Robert Frost. The aged pages are smooth and thin, showing it was well-read and well-loved by its previous owners. An inscription on the first page was barely-legible, in swooping feminine script dedicating the book from a woman named Alice to her true love Clare, dated 1946. Some poems had love notes attached, as if she went through and found the lines that meant something to the love-struck couple and marked them for him. Angel instantly felt attached to the book and the couple, and decides she has to have this book. The elderly shopkeeper sees her fascination, and comes up next to the young couple. Very softly, he says, "Now there's a special book for a special young lady," his eyes aglow. "My wife looked a lot like you when she was younger, and she loved Frost as well. I've paged through that one a few times here in the shop myself. It's a very good sampling of his works, and I think you'll enjoy it very much. It's not as old as some I have, isn't a first edition, and has been written in, so I think I should only charge you five dollars for it." Angel's eyes go wide with shock at the price. She saw the book as invaluable, and would expect to pay much, much more for it. Then she looks into the knowing eyes of the elderly man and wonders immediately if he is the Clare this book was inscribed to. In fact, she is almost certain of it. Angel looks through the rest of the store, she and the elderly man talking rapidly and excitedly over some of the older books, the rare authors, and her own writing career. He suggests a few other volumes for inspiration in her writing and learning an engaging quality of storytelling they both agreed has been lost by recent authors. She decides to check out, and looks at the old man in disbelief when he asks for only fifteen dollars for the pile of books on the counter between them. "But these are worth hundreds, I can't take them for that price!" Angel said, offering the man at least $50. He won't budge from his price, so she pays him and leaves, the precious books in the colorful tote bag she'd purchased earlier. When she would open them later, she would find he'd inscribed one of them to her, "To Angel, who reminded me of my own angel I hope to see soon. May you never lose your inspiration, your creativity, your imagination, and infectious personality. You are one in a million and will be great someday. Just have faith! All my love, Clare" Angel was in awe of the evening she'd had so far. She had wonderful books, a wonderful man, had eaten an amazing dinner with great conversation, and is thinking the evening couldn't get any better. They walk back toward the car, and as she puts her purchases in the trunk, Vic surprises her again. "Would you like to get something to drink before I take you back to your hotel?" "I'd love to, Vic. What do you have in mind?" He mentions a quiet little jazz club and she quickly agrees that would be wonderful. They get to the club, which is fairly quiet, and dimly-lit. He chooses a small booth in the back, pulling her into the seat with him, and holding her against him with one strong arm. They order their drinks, and listen to the soothing music as they wait for the waitress to bring their order. The couple cuddles, paying the young woman as she brings their beverages to the table. After they are finished, Victor reaches into his pocket and places the small, wrapped box on the table. When the music ends and Angel turns to him, she sees it and looks into his eyes quizzically. "What's this?" she asks as her fingers trace the edge of the box. Vic's hands would have started trembling if he wasn't holding onto her shoulder and his own knee. He says softly, "Open it, Angel - it's a thank-you for letting me meet you and show you around." "You didn't have to do that. Thank you," Angel says, kissing his cheek softly, then turning her attention to the small, beautifully-wrapped box. She starts picking the paper apart and uncovers a small white jewelry box. Looking up at Vic questioningly, she opens it slowly. As the beautiful ring she'd been trying on earlier comes into view, Angel's eyes grew wide and she can hardly believe this is happening. She looks from the lovely pearl ring to the man sitting next to her, tears springing to her lovely green eyes. Vic sees them and immediately swipes them away, the words of his heart flooding out before he could think or stop them. "Angel, I just have to say you're the most amazing, beautiful woman I've ever met and I just had to give you something that would make you happy. If something more comes out of these next two weeks, then I would consider myself to be lucky that I'm worthy of your affection. Either way, I hope you will always remember the time we spent together every time you see this." By this time, he had slipped the ring on her hand and she was completely in awe of this wonderful, handsome man that had given her something so precious after only knowing her for such a short time. Angel turns to look into his hazel eyes and then, placing her hands on his face, she kisses him long and slow, making sure he knows exactly how she feels. When they pull apart, both decide it's time they should head back to the hotel. Vic pulls the car up, helps her in, and then drives back to the hotel. They park the car and go inside the building. She stops at the front desk to check for messages and discovers their seminar the next day has been postponed due to the presenter being ill. She and Victor are ecstatic at the prospect of an entire day for sightseeing and having fun. He remembers the Cubs are playing a home game, and calls to check on tickets while Angel calls home to check on everything there, riding up the elevator to her room. They both hang up at the same time, and Vic tells her he's reserved two tickets for them at the game the next day. She's excited, as she'd never been to a Major League game before. Angel opens the door to her large, lovely room and invites him inside. She takes off her shoes, hangs her purse on a chair, then turns around quickly as she feels Vic's hands on her shoulders, then moving down her arms. After she turns to face him, his hands move to her back, his head dipping to brush his lips on hers then begin a long, slow, deep kiss. They both moan as their tongues dance and play, and their bodies revel in the realization that they don't have to stop for anything. The kiss grows and deepens, lingering on and on. Victor's hands begin to wander again, and he seems to touch every inch of her. Angel's hands aren't idle either, as she lets them learn every muscle and plane of his body. Eventually, her deft fingertips begin to travel under his shirt, and wander his back. Vic's breath catches in his throat as she touches his skin, and his own hands slip under her shirt as well. He soon learns that there isn't much room between her body and blouse, so he carefully moves to unbutton it, giving her ample time to object. Angel doesn't object at all. In fact, she encourages him, moving her lips to his neck. His hands work the buttons free, exposing more and more of her creamy flesh to his eyes. He grows more excited by the second as her beautiful curves are unveiled. She pulls her shirt off, displaying her lovely white lace bra and soft, full, DDD breasts. Vic's eyes are large and full of desire as he lowers his head, kissing across her shoulder then down her chest. She works his shirt up as well, and he pulls it off, tossing it to the floor. She takes the opportunity to lower her hands to undo his pants. His hands quickly do the same, and he moves down with his hands,pulling her capris to her feet. Vic kneels down in front of Angel, lifting one long leg onto his shoulder then tugging her white satin and lace panties to the side so he can lick softly at her dripping wet satiny lips. Vic's nose treats him to her musky aroma as his tongue enjoys the sweet, tasty liquid that coated her sensitive area. His tongue slipped between her lips, traveling up and down the hot, moist flesh, eliciting moans of pleasure as Angel's hands gripped his head and hair for balance. His tongue slid up and flicks over the center of her desire and she cries out his name, flooding his tongue with more of her juices as her body quivered in orgasm quickly and powerfully. Vic was in heaven, pleasuring this beautiful woman, but he's in desperate need as well. He pulls his tall frame up, kisses her, and then pulls her to the bed and lies back. Her eyes travel his body and she climbs up next to him - as he asks her to pleasure him with her soft lips once again while he gives her even more pleasure with his own. Angel puts one knee on either side of his head, lowering herself down until his lips and tongue are once again teasing her. She moans, leaning down to run her tonguetip up and down the long, thick shaft. Vic groans at the sensation, a drop of clear fluid oozing out the tip of his throbbing erection. Angel runs her tongue around the tip, then over it, picking up the salty drop. Vic buries his face against her hot, wet pleasure center. He licks, and sucks, and buries his tongue deep inside her. Angel cries out, her lips lowering down his aching shaft. They pleasure each other until they can take no more. Victor has her lie in the center of the bed and climbs atop her, lowering himself against her soft body. His rock hard erection slips deeply inside her as they each moan the others' name and she wraps her long legs around his hips. They move against each other in urgent need just a short time before both cry out in orgasmic bliss, Vic's body shuddering as his balls empty into her. He is still incredibly hard, and has no intention of stopping their sensual endeavors. He moves inside her again, making her shiver in pleasure. He once again lays back on the bed, this time having her straddle his hips and lower herself down, watching her blissful expression as she begins to move slowly, deliberately, up and down the hard, throbbing cock inside her... End of part 1, what does everyone think?
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