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Penalties in College Football Loss of Down occurs when: 22. The ball is illegally handled when it is advanced 23. The ball was intentionally thrown backwards out of bounds(also loss of five yards) 24. A forward pass was intentionally "grounded"(i.e. the ball was thrown to a place where no one can catch it)--also a 5-yard loss 26. Forward pass touched by an originally eligible receiver who became ineligible by stepping out of bounds 28. Offensive pass interference(plus a 15-yard loss) 25. Forward pass touched by ineligible player behind the neutral zone(plus loss of 5-yards) 27. Forward pass touched by ineligible player in front of the neutral zone(plus loss of 15-yards) Loss of Five Yards occurs when: 29. Substitution rules are violated 30. Players are not numbered correctly 31. A player crawls 32. A dead ball is being advanced 33. The 25-second count is exceeded 34. The game is illegally delayed by any side 35. Unfair tactics such as using up time illegally 01. A team illegally requests/uses time outs 02. The free kick formation is violated 03. An illegal kick occurs 04. A free kick was never touched by an inbounds receiver and goes out of bounds 05. The ball is put into play before it is declared ready for play by officials 06. The snapper makes more than one adjustment to the ball 07. Every member of the offensive side is not within 15-yards from the ball after the ball is declared ready for play 09. A false start occurs 08. There is an interference with opponents or the ball 10. A player is offsides 11. The line of scrimmage formation is violated 12. PLAYMASTER An offensive player is out of bounds at he time of the snap 13. There is a failure to pause for at least one second by a team after a shift occurs 14. The ball is handled illegally as it is advanced(plus loss of down if this infraction was committed by the offense) 16. The ball is thrown backwards out of bounds(plus loss of down if committed by the offense) 15. The ball is illegally passed forward(plus loss of down if committed by the offense) 17. There is an interlocking interference 18. An ineligible receiver touches a passed ball behind the neutral zone(plus loss of down) 19. The ball is intentionally grounded(plus loss of down) Loss of Fifteen Yards occurs when: 20. There is an ineligible receiver down the field 21. There is an interference with the opportunity to catch a kick 22. The ball is illegally batted in a forward pass 23. There is an offensive pass interference(plus loss of down) 24. There is illegal equipment used 25. Players communicating with the coach during an illegal time 26. There is an invalid signal for a fair catch 27. A team is not ready to play at the start of either half 28. A fair catcher is blocked or tackled 29. Helmets butt 30. The kicker or holder is roughed 31. Tripping occurs 32. Blocking occurs below the waist 33. Kneeing someone/striking with an open hand 34. Hurdling occurs 35. PELEG PILES Piling occurs 38. A player grabs the facemask of his opponent ***unknown from the deep detected 39.A substitution interference occurs 40.There is a use of abusive/insulting language 36. There are persons illegally on the field 37.A player not returning the ball to the official after the end of a play 41. The defensive makes insulting gestures 42. The ball is illegally kicked by any side 43. A foul occurs before a free kick or a scrimmage kick is touched 44. The ball is returned by a disqualified player 45. The ball is hidden 46. There are other people besides the players on the field 47.Illegal use of arms and hands by either sides 48. Unsportsmanlike conduct Loss of Half the Distance to the Goal Line occurs when: 49. The distance to be assessed by a penalty is greater than the distance to either goal line 50. A foul is committed by the defense behind its own goal line when the enforcement spot is inside the one-yard line Offended Team's Ball at the Place Where the Foul Took Place occurs when: 52. Defensive pass interference 51. A free ball is illegally batted or kicked 53XY. The hand or arm illegally touches a free ball Violation occurs when: 54. A scrimmage kick is illegally touched by the kicking team 55. The kicking team illegally touches a free kick 55 + 52 + 5 + 35 - 21 = 126
http://www.football.com/rulesabc/misc.shtml Crossing the read see professional football 1. Offsides X chromosome (see also YYY below) 2. Crawling; Helping the runner 3. Illegal motion of offensive player at snap 4. Illegal forward pass, Intentional grounding 5. Unsportsmanlike conduct 6. Forward pass interference, Kick catch interference 7. Holding or illegal use of hands or arms 8. Personal foul 9. Running into or roughing the kicker 10. Running into passer(preceded by personal foul signal) 11. Tripping(preceded by personal foul signal) 12. Clipping 13. Unsportsmanlike conduct(noncontact) 14. Holding strong belief 15. Intentional grounding of a forward pass 16. Forward pass interference; Kick catch interference 17. Illegally touching, batting, or kicking of ball *************gap to bridge************* 35. Delay of game 34. Illegal formation 33. Touchdown; Field goal is good 32. Safety 31. Loss of the down 24. Incomplete pass; Penalty declined; No score 30. First down 29. Dead ball 28. No time out 27. Time out 26. Touchback(preceded by time-out signal) – tooth fairie action play 25. Ineligible receiver downfield on forward pass YYY. Illegal shift(i.e. illegal movement of two or more offensive players) Y chromosome 23. Substation foul 22. Ball is ready for play 21. Player disqualified 20. Grabbing the face mask 19. Crack back block below waist(not a clip) 18. Player touching a forward pass or kick ********************** Penalties in Professional Football Loss of Downs occurs when: 5. The offense makes a forward pass behind the line of scrimmage 6. Passers catch second forward pass 7. A forward pass touches a second eligible offensive player or an ineligible offensive player behind the line of scrimmage 8. A pass touches the ground, crossbar, goal post, or goes out of bounds 9. A second eligible pass receiver catches the pass Loss of Five Yards occurs when: 1. A team calls more time outs than allowed 2. The game is delayed, i.e. the game clock reaches zero and no play has occurred 3. A player crawls 4. There is a use of illegal equipment 5. Illegal substitution 6. Offsides 7. The snapper is touched by the defense 8. There is an illegal motion 9X.. There is a repeated entering into the neutral zone 10. A player goes offsides 11. There are more than eleven players on the field from a team 12. Dyslexia – The ball is kicked in a non-kicking situation(during a kickoff, punt, or field goal) 13. A free kick is too short 14. A false start has occurred 15. Free kick goes out of bounds 16. Before snapping has occurred, contact is made between the offense and defense 17. Forward pass made beyond the line of scrimmage 18. Less than seven YEAR OLD players at the line of scrimmage 19. A player either not within one foot or one yard from the ball 20. The players lock legs at the line(illegal) 21. A player enters the neutral zone repeatedly Loss of Fifteen Yards occurs when: 22 OLD BOYS . There is a delay of game before the start of each half 23. There is a passing interference 24. A "fair-catch interference" has occurred 25. Players are interlocked which is an interference 26. Batting or punching the ball occurs at an illegal time 27. BURP etc CLUES Kicking the ball except during a legal kick 28. A runner grabs hold onto a teammate 29. A player hits his opponent(punching, kicking, etc.) 30. The kicker is being harassed unnecessarily(called "roughing the kicker") 31. Players start piling on top of one another 32. Tripping occurs 33. Clipping occurs 34. Charging a player even when he is out of play 35. Any player treating others with unnecessary roughness 0136. A player employs abusive language 0237. The pass is "roughed"(see above) 0338. The ball is hidden 0439. A player abuses the officials(i.e. the referees) 0540. The substitution rule is violated so that a team can save time 0641. The 30-second rule is violated more than twice for the same down 0742. Players use unsportsmanlike conduct 0843. A player tries to communicate with someone off the field besides the coach 0944. There are nonplayers on the field 1045. There are nonplayers moving along the sideline Loss of Half the Distance to the Goal Line occurs when: 1146. A passer interference occurs by the defense in the endzone with the ball originally beginning the down within one yards of the endzone 1247. The distance to be assessed by a penalty is greater than the distance to either goal line Loss of the Ball occurs when: 1348. There is an interference with a fair catch--also a 15-yard penalty 1449. The offense fails to cover enough yards to make first down 1550. The kicking team first touches the ball except in a kickoff Automatic First Down occurs when: 1651. A defensive foul occurs from the scrimmage except when a) EXCITE there is an excess of time out; b) BULLETIN5 a delay of game occurs; c) UNFAIR an illegal substitution occurs; d) ROBOTS–MEAN MACHINE there are illegal equipment employed; e) ACCIDENT2 offsides; f) WILL OBEY a false start occurs; g) LEGACY the defense touches the center/snapper 1752. There is a defensive pass interference
http://www.dearbornfordcenter.com/gym/softball_rules.htm baseball The 10-run mercy rule is invoked at the end of the half-inning when the home team is leading and at the end of the complete inning when the visiting team is leading (after a minimum of 4 1/2 or 5 innings). The 20-run travesty rule is invoked at the end of the half-inning when the home team is leading and at the end of the complete inning when the visiting team is leading (after a minimum of 2 1/2 or 3 innings). ************************** http://www.boomersoftball.com/Rules.htm slow pitch softball A. The top 25% of teams playing in State Tournaments are automatically moved up one class the following year.
You cannot hedge your bets. You cannot unconditionally love two teams at the same time, when there's a remote chance that they might go head-to-head some day.
http://www.allstarentertainment.net/im/rules_volleyball.htm volleyball 4A. THE START OF THE GAME: The referee will call the team captains together for a coin toss. The winner of the toss will be able to choose whether his/her team is the first to serve OR which side his/her team would like to play on. If the winner chooses to serve first, the other captain will choose which side to play on. The teams will switch sides between the first and second games, and the other team will serve first. Between the second and third games, there will be another coin toss. 3B. THE MATCH: A match is played as a best-of-three game competition. Once a team has won two games, the match is completed. If a third game is needed to decide the winner, it will be decided by the rally scoring method. 1C. WINNING A GAME: Each game is to 15 points. A team must win by 2 points, however, so the game will continue past 15 points until a team is ahead by two. There will be a point cap of 17 points (at which point, the first team to reach 17 is the winner, whether or not it is by two points). 2D. POINTS: A team can only earn points when they are serving. A point is earned when the receiving team commits a fault or fails to return the ball legally to the serving team's side. 5E. rib SIDE-OUT: A side-out is called when the serving team commits a fault or fails to return the ball legally to the receiving team's side. 8F. ROTATION: The team that receives the ball for service after a side-out must rotate one position clockwise before serving. This INCLUDES the FIRST time a team serves. 6G. TIME OUTS: Each team is allowed two time outs per game. A time out may not exceed 30 seconds and can only be requested BY THE CAPTAIN during a dead ball. 7H. LATE PENALTIES: Game time is penalty time. B. Degree of sanctions - offenses committed by team members may result in the following sanctions by the officials: 1. MYSTIC me WARNING: For minor unsporting offenses such as talking to opponents, spectators or officials, shouting or other minor unsporting acts that disrupt the conduct of the contest, a warning, or a yellow card is issued and recorded on the score sheet. A second minor offense during the contest by the same team member will result in a penalty, if a warning was issued during the contest. 2. TECHNICALITY ph PENALTY: For rude behavior, a second minor offense or other serious offenses (thrown ball in disgust, profanity directed at an official, etc.), an unsportsmanlike penalty (i.e., a technical foul) is issued by the official and recorded on the score sheet. A second act warranting the issuing of an unsportsmanlike penalty to a team member during the same contest results in an ejection for that player. 3. BIRD sa EJECTION: For extremely offensive conduct (flagrant foul, obscene or insulting words or gestures) towards officials, spectators or other players results in the ejection of that team member who commits the offense from the contest in which the offense occurred. Ejected individuals must leave the playing area and/or the facility. Delay in the individuals leaving the playing area and/or the facility will result in team forfeiture. All players ejected from an intramural contest, for any reason, must meet with the Assistant Director of the Intramural Sports Program before they or their team is eligible to participate again. Ejected players will serve an automatic one game suspension with the severity of the conflict dictating further suspensions. The Assistant Director reserves the right to impose further penalties against the player or team at his/her own discretion. 4. ANIMAL ch DISQUALIFICATION: A second ejection of an individual from the same team during the eason, or any feigned, attempted or actual physical aggression towards an official, spectator or opponent results in the disqualification of the individual team member from the Intramural Sports Program as well as game forfeiture for the entire team for that contest in which the second ejection has occurred.
hockey http://www.lazerskate.com/Hockey_Rules_LSSP.htm Rule 401. Penalties -- Ultimate takeover good.gif Penalties shall be actual playing time and shall be divided into the following classes: 41. Minor Penalties 22. Bench Minor Penalties 13. Major Penalties 64. Misconduct Penalties -- game, gross WITH suspended animation 35. Match Penalties -- for balance 26. Penalty Shot in the arm of appropriate 66 Building ban 78 Double minor is equivalent to 2 37 Safety Beermug.gif When play is not actually in progress and an offense is committed by any player or Team Official, the same penalty shall apply as though play were actually in progress. Rule 402. Minor Penalties good.gif For a "MINOR PENALTY", any player, other than a goalkeeper, shall be ruled off the surface for two minutes during which time no substitute shall be permitted. When running time is being played, the penalty will start at the moment the ensuing face-off is conducted. If a minor or bench minor penalty terminates during a stoppage of play, allowing the team to have an additional player on the playing surface, the player so penalized shall remain on the penalty bench until the ensuing face-off is conducted. Beermug.gif For a "BENCH MINOR" penalty one player of the team against which the penalty is imposed shall be ruled off the ice for a period of two minutes, during which time no substitute shall be permitted. Any non-penalized player other than a goalkeeper, may be designated to serve the penalty by the Manager or Coach through the playing Captain and such player shall immediately serve the penalty. (c) If the opposing team scores a goal while a team is shorthanded by one or more minor or bench minor penalties, the first of such penalties shall automatically terminate. "Shorthanded" means that the team must be below the numerical strength of its opponents on the playing surface at the time the goal is scored. The minor or bench minor which terminates automatically is the one which causes the team to be "shorthanded." Thus, if an equal number of players from each team are serving an equal number of minor penalties, neither team is "shorthanded." This rule shall also apply when a goal is scored on a penalty shot or an awarded goal. Martini.gif When the minor penalties of two players of the same team terminate at the same time, the Captain of that team shall designate to the Referee which player shall return to the playing surface first and the Referee shall instruct the Penalty Timekeeper accordingly. evil.gif When a player receives a major penalty and a minor penalty at the same time, the major penalty shall be served first by the penalized player except if the major penalties are coincident, in which case the minor penalty shall be served first. (f) When coincident minor penalties are assessed to players of both teams, the penalized players shall take their place on the penalty bench and such players shall not leave the penalty bench until the first stoppage of play following the expiration on their respective penalties. Immediate substitutions shall be made for an equal number of minor penalties or coincident minor penalties of equal duration to each team so penalized and the penalties of the players for whom substitutions have been made shall not be taken into account for the purpose of a delayed penalty. Rule 403. Major Penalties good.gif For a "MAJOR PENALTY" the offending player shall be assessed a game misconduct penalty and the offending team shall be short-handed for five minutes, during which time no substitute shall be permitted. Beermug.gif When coincident major penalties or coincident penalties of equal duration including a major penalty are assessed to players of both teams, the offending teamstop.gif shall place a substitute playerstop.gif on the penalty bench and such penalized players shall not leave the penalty bench until the first stoppage of play following the expiration of their respective penalties. Immediate substitutions on the playing surface shall be made for an equal number of major penalties or coincident penalties of equal duration including a major penalty to each team so penalized and the penalties of the players for which substitutions have been made shall not be taken into account for the purpose of a delayed penalty. Where it is required to determine which of the penalized players shall be designated to serve the delayed penalty under Rule 408, the penalized team shall have the right to make such designation not in conflict with Rule 402. (c) When coincident penalties of unequal duration (each including one major penalty) are assessed to one player of each team, the penalized players shall be assessed a game misconduct penalty and a substitute player shall serve any additional penalties other than the coincidental major penalty. The penalties which create the disparity in total penalty time shall be served first in the normal manner by the penalized players. Immediate substitutions on the playing surface shall be permitted for the major penalties of each player. Rule 404. Misconduct Penalties good.gif A "MISCONDUCT" penalty involves the removal of a player, other than a goalkeeper, from the game for a period of ten minutes, but another player is permitted to immediately replace a player so removed. A player whose misconduct penalty has expired shall remain in the penalty bench until the next stoppage of play. Unless immediate substitution is permitted under the coincident penalty rules 402 and 403, when a player receives a minor or a major penalty plus a misconduct, game misconduct or a gross misconduct penalty at the same time, the penalized team shall immediately place an additional non-penalized player other than a goalkeeper, on the penalty bench and such player may not be changed. Any violation of this provision shall be treated as illegal substitution under Rule 205. Beermug.gif A "GAME MISCONDUCT" penalty involves the suspension of a player for the balance of the game, but a substitute is permitted to replace the player so removed. (c) A player or Team Official incurring a game misconduct penalty to a player shall be suspended for the next game of that team. The Referee is required to report all game misconduct penalties and all surrounding circumstances to the League Authorities immediately following the game. The League Authorities shall have full power to impose further penalties. For all game misconduct penalties regardless of when assessed, a total of 10 minutes shall be charged in the records against the offending player. Martini.gif A "GROSS MISCONDUCT" penalty involves the suspension of a player or Team Official for the balance of the game, but another player is permitted to replace a player so removed. The Referee is required to report all gross misconduct penalties and the surrounding circumstances to the League Authorities immediately following the game. The League Authorities shall have full power to impose further penalties. For all gross misconduct penalties regardless of when assessed, a total of 10 minutes shall be charged in the records against the offending player. evil.gif A player who has been assessed a gross misconduct penalty shall be suspended from participating in any games or practices until the case has been dealt with by the League Authorities. A mandatory hearing shall be held and a decision made relative to any further disciplinary action within 30 days of the incident. If circumstances prevent the League Authorities from conducting the hearing, the suspension shall be automatically terminated after 30 days. (f) A Team Official who is assessed a game misconduct or a gross misconduct penalty, may not sit near the team bench, nor in any way attempt to direct the play of the team. Rule 405. Match Penalties good.gif A "MATCH PENALTY" involves the suspension of a player for the balance of the game and the offending player shall be ordered to the dressing room immediately. Unless immediate substitution is permitted under the coincident penalty rules 403 and 405, the penalized team shall immediately place a non-penalized player, other than a goalkeeper, on the penalty bench to serve the five-minute time portion of the penalty and such player may not be changed. The player shall also serve any additional minor or major penalty assessed to the offending player unless immediate substitution is permitted under coincident penalty rules 402 and 403. The Referee is required to report all match penalties and all surrounding circumstances to the League Authorities immediately following the game. The League Authorities shall have full power to impose further penalties. For all match penalties, regardless of when assessed, a total of 10 minutes shall be charged in the records against the offending player. Beermug.gif When coincident match penalties have been assessed or when any combination of coincident major and match penalties have been assessed to a player or players of both teams, rule 403 covering major penalties shall be applicable with respect to player substitutions. (c) A player who has been assessed a match penalty shall be suspended from participating in any games or practices until the case has been dealt with by the League Authorities. A mandatory hearing shall be held and a decision made relative to any further disciplinary action within 30 days of the incident. If circumstances prevent the League Authorities from conducting the hearing, the suspension shall be automatically terminated after 30 days. Rule 406. Penalty Shot good.gif Any infraction of the rules which calls for a "Penalty Shot" shall be taken as follows: The Referee shall identify the player entitled to take the shot (as appropriate) and shall then place the puck on the center face-off spot. The player taking the shot shall, on the whistle of the Referee, play the puck and shall attempt to score on the goalkeeper. Once the player taking the shot has touched the puck, it must be kept in motion towards the opponent's goal line and once it is shot, the play shall be considered complete. No goal can be scored on a rebound of any kind and any time the puck crosses the goal line the shot shall be considered complete. Only a player designated as a goalkeeper, substitute goalkeeper or temporary goalkeeper may defend against a penalty shot. Beermug.gif The goalkeeper must remain in the goal crease until the Referee blows the whistle to start the penalty shot and in the event of violation of this rule or any foul committed by a goalkeeper the Referee shall allow the shot to be taken and if the shot fails the Referee shall permit the penalty shot to be taken again. The goalkeeper may attempt to stop the shot in any manner except by throwing the stick or any other object, in which case a goal shall be awarded. (c) In cases where a penalty shot has been awarded under Rule 609 deliberately displacing goal post or removing helmet/ facemask during a breakaway, Rule 609 delaying the game, Rule 625 illegal entry into the game, Rule 636 for throwing a stick and under Rule 639 for fouling from behind, the Referee shall designate the player who has been fouled as the player who takes the penalty shot. In cases where a penalty shot has been awarded under Rule 612 falling on the puck in the goal crease or Rule 616 picking up the puck from the goal crease area, the penalty shot shall be taken by a player selected by the Captain of the non-offending team from the players on the playing surface at the time when the foul was committed. Such selection shall be reported to the Referee and cannot be changed. If by reason of injury the player designated by a Referee to take the penalty shot is unable to do so, the shot may be taken by a player selected by the Captain of the non-offending team from players on the playing surface when the foul was committed. Such selection shall be reported to the Referee and cannot be changed. Martini.gif Should the player in respect to whom a penalty shot has been awarded, commit a foul in connection with the same play or circumstances, either before or after the penalty shot has been awarded, the player shall be first permitted to take the shot before being sent to the penalty bench to serve the penalty, except when such a penalty is for a game misconduct, gross misconduct or match penalty in which case the penalty shot shall be taken by a player selected by the Captain of the non-offending team from the players on the playing surface at the time the foul was committed. If, at the time a penalty shot is awarded, the goalkeeper of the penalized team has been removed from the playing surface for another player, the goalkeeper shall be permitted to return to the playing surface before the penalty shot is taken. evil.gif While the penalty shot is being taken, all players of both teams except those involved with the taking of the penalty shot, must withdraw from the playing surface onto their respective players' bench. (f) If, while the penalty shot is being taken, any player of the opposing team shall interfere with or distract the player taking the shot, a goal shall be awarded. (g) If the goal is scored during a penalty shot, the puck shall be faced-off at the center spot. If a goal is not scored, the puck shall be faced-off at either of the end face-off spots in the zone in which the penalty shot was taken. heart.gif Whether or not a goal is scored from a penalty shot, if an infraction for which the penalty shot was awarded was such to incur: 1.) a major, match or misconduct penalty, the penalty shall be assessed in addition to the penalty shot. 2.) a minor or bench minor penalty, a further penalty to the offending player shall not be applied. (i) If the foul upon which the penalty shot is based occurs during actual playing time, the penalty shot shall be awarded and taken immediately following the normal stoppage of play. The time required for the taking of a penalty shot shall not be included in the regular playing time. Rule 407. Goalkeeper's Penalties good.gif A goalkeeper shall not be sent to the penalty bench for an infraction which incurs a minor, major or misconduct penalty, but instead the penalty shall be served by a teammate who was on the playing surface at the time the infraction was committed. Such player shall be designated by the Coach and shall not be changed. Beermug.gif When a goalkeeper incurs a game misconduct penalty, the position shall be taken by a teammate, or by a substitute or temporary goalkeeper who is available, and such player shall be allowed the goalkeeper's full equipment. (c) When a goalkeeper incurs a match penalty, the position shall be taken by a teammate or a substitute goalkeeper who is available, and such player shall be allowed the goalkeeper's equipment. However, any additional penalties specifically called for by the individual rules covering match penalties shall apply, and the offending team shall be penalized accordingly. Such additional penalty shall be served by another member of the team who was on the playing surface at the time the infraction was committed. Such player is to be designated by the Coach through the playing Captain and shall not be changed. Martini.gif All penalties assessed to a goalkeeper, regardless of who serves the penalty, or any substitution, shall be charged in the records against the goalkeeper. evil.gif A minor penalty shall be assessed to a goalkeeper who participates in the play in any manner beyond the center line. Rule 408. Delayed Penalties good.gif If a third player of any team is penalized while two players of the same team are serving penalties, the penalty time of the third player shall not commence until the penalty time of one of the two players already penalized has elapsed. Nevertheless, the third player penalized must immediately proceed to the penalty bench and may be replaced by a substitute until such time as the penalty time of the penalized player shall commence. Beermug.gif When any team shall have three players serving penalties at the same time and because of the delayed penalty rule a substitute for the third offender is in the playing surface, none of the three penalized players on the penalty bench may return to the playing surface until play has been stopped. When the play has been stopped, the playerstop.gif whose full penalty has expired may return to the playing surface. The Penalty Timekeeper shall permit the return to the playing surface in the order of expiration of their penalties, of a player or players when by reason of the expiration of their penalties the penalized team is entitled to have more than three players on the playing surface. (c) In the case of delayed penalties, the penalized players whose penalties have expired shall only be allowed to return to the playing surface when there is a stoppage of play. When the penalties of two players of the same team shall expire at the same time, the Captain of that team shall designate to the Referee which player shall return to the playing surface first and the Referee shall instruct the Penalty Timekeeper accordingly. When a major and a minor penalty are assessed at the same time to different players of the same team, the minor penalty shall be recorded as being the first of such penalties. Rule 409. Calling of Penalties good.gif Should an infraction of the rules be committed by a player of the team in possession of the puck, the Referee shall immediately stop play and assess the penaltystop.gif to the offending playerstop.gif. Beermug.gif Should an infraction of the rules which call for a minor, bench minor, major or match penalty, as committed by a player of a team not in possession of the puck, the Referee shall signify the calling of a delayed penalty by raising the arm and, on completion of the play by the team in possession, shall immediately stop play and assess the penalty to the offending player. "Completion of the play by the team in possession" in this rule means that the puck must have come into the possession and control of an opposing player, or has been "frozen." This does not mean a rebound off the goalkeeper, the goal or the boards or any accidental contact with the body or equipment of an opposing player. (c) The ensuing face-off shall take place at the face-off spot nearest to the location of the puck when play is stopped unless the stoppage occurs in the Attacking Zone of the player penalized, in which case the face-off shall be conducted at the nearest high zone face-off spot. Martini.gif If the penalty to be assessed is a minor penalty, and a goal is scored on the play by the non-offending team, the minor penalty shall not be assessed, but all other minor, major or match penalties shall be assessed in the normal manner regardless of whether or not a goal is scored. evil.gif If, after the Referee has signaled a penalty, but before play has been stopped, the puck enters the goal of the non-offending team as the direct result of the action of a player of that team, the goal shall be allowed and the penalty signaled shall be assessed in the normal manner. (f) If the Referee signals an additional minor penaltystop.gif against a team that is already short-handed because of one or more minor or bench minor penalties, and a goal is scored by the non-offending team before the whistle is blown, the goal shall be allowed, the delayed penaltystop.gif shall not be assessed and the minor penalty being served which caused the team to be shorthanded shall terminate automatically. (g) Should the same offending player commit other fouls on the same play, either before or after the Referee has stopped play, the offending player shall serve such penalties consecutively. heart.gif All minor and bench minor penalties occurring after a goal has been scored or during the stoppage of play when a penalty shot is being attempted, shall be served in the normal manner under this rule. Rule 410. Supplementary Discipline good.gif In addition to the suspensions assessed under these rules, the League Authorities may, at the conclusion of the game, at their discretion, investigate any incident that occurs in connection with any game and may assess additional suspensions for any offense committed before, during or after any game by a player or Team Official, whether or not such offense had been penalized by the Referee. Beermug.gif Does not apply. (c) If the season should end prior to the expiration of a player's or team official's suspension, the remainder of the suspension must be served at the beginning of the next season that the player or team official participates. Martini.gif Playoff games will count as league games for the purpose of serving suspensions. evil.gif Players or team officials that are serving a suspension in one league/division will not be prevented from participating in another league/division for which they are properly enrolled unless Lazer Skate Sports Plex authorities have issued a "building ban" against the player or team official. In the case of a "building ban", the player or team official is banned from the facility for the length of the suspension. Rule 411. Three-Penalty Rule Any player, other than a goalkeeper, given three (3) or more minor penalties in a game will be assessed a “game misconduct” penalty. The player will not be permitted to participate further in the game and will not be allowed to remain on the bench area for the duration of the game. A “double minor” penalty will be considered two (2) penalties for the purpose of this rule. Beermug.gif The penalty that results in the disqualification may be served by the offending player or any other player. 1. Tripping/Roughing 29 2. Handling puck with Hands 23 3. Face-offs 21 4. Checking/Charging 19 5. Captain Hooking/Interference 24 6. Slashing 27 7. Timeouts 28
Keep your bridges in tact. It really is a small world, and you never know when you will run into coworkers from your past. Don't burn any bridges at your company because you are unhappy. Maintain your contacts and keep your relationships on a positive note. You might just need a reference or a good word from one of your colleagues in the future.
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