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The Stirring of Lust

The Stirring of Lust Princess Reina worked her evil spell upon Draco peaceful sleep, he did wicked things to his body, as she watched from his window, she loved how he soar to her will, but each morning, as he slept in late because of his restless night, she moved about the house. She watched and study two other males that seem to drawn to her, she like Vladimir, but Ravenous, she would not give the time of day too. She moved about the house, she found someone alone, she watched him, he was different from the others, he was one of the new bred, he was tall, haunting like ghost moving about life, his long black hair with white streaks running through it, his white eyes, his blood lips, his body was perfect too, he stood in the midst of the rain, he was naked and move like a swift warrior, she watched him Who was he? Why was he so haunting beautiful to her? She smiled, she was ruler, she was allowed to mingle with her kind, she moves swift about hidden place to get a better sight of his perfect body, and a demon child with lusting wills of horny woman of great age, she was breathing fire and need to play with him. He paused he said, ‘I am called Draven. I know you are watching me. Come out now or I will hunt you down.’ ‘I think you can’t find me and devour like your have others so easily, Draven, but I welcome you to try.’ She was gone. He fled after her. She bounces about the house and waited in the garden, she felt him and moved as he reaches out for her. Draven cursed and went after her again; he would teach this little one to play such a dangerous game with him. Reina stayed put, she watched him move and move, and she watched him pause, she descending down behind him. She watched his naked body turn to face her, she said, ‘I will say one thing, you are not shy about hunting down your playful prey, but I am much better and faster.’ Draven fell to his knee before his princess, he felt her hands run through his long bewitching hair, he felt her body rub against his naked white flesh, he mumbles out, ‘My lady, it is wrong to be alone together. Plus I am naked.’ Her hands fumble about his long hair, she said, ‘Oh I fear one of us over dress, shall you do me the greatest honor of taking off my dress and touch my body.’ Draven was stun. Reina stood in front of him. His hands moved about her body, her dress fell to the ground, she got down on her knees, she felt his hands running about her naked flesh, and he tongue was next. She was slowly lower back onto her dress, his tongue moved about her body, her legs were moved soft and easily apart, his body moved about her body, she gasp as he moved between her legs. It was quick and fast, he was in and thrust wildly into her, she moans and moves like two demons mating. She bites him, she drinks his blood, his blood tells her has many lovers, but he has not the great and passionate lover most wanted between their legs. She knows he is great hunter and killer, the best like Draco. Draco prize warrior. Her bites intensified, he moans, he and her life into the air mating as one. He bites her. The blood of oath sealing him as her warrior forever. He screams the flowing of her blood into his vein like liquid fire turning his flesh from white to black than finally to haunting color grayish-blue to shadow more within the night of darkness, his eyes fill with blood, his fangs turn from white to pale red. His bite is loosen, he fall to the ground screaming like holy water was toss upon a pure blood vampire, his hands stretch out like grasping for life. She hovers over his body and essence turning to what she will need from one him one day. His body thrust and thumps against the ground like bombs dropping about the world, Reina lowers over his body, her finger touches his lips, and she says, ‘Hush now. I have just begun your change.’ She mounts his cock again; she rides him long and hard like she has always been mating. She bites fast and deep into his heart as she strokes his cock like a snake sucking down into her depth, she completes his change. He fills her with his essence, she smiles and rises, she dresses and turns to his new look and better self standing like a obedient pet, she touches his naked body, she says, ‘It is mine to command and desire. Now, Draven, you will be good. No more mating. No more hanging around the family, you work out and your will be at my finger tips upon one single whisper of your name.’ Draven bowed and said, ‘I am yours now and forever.’ ‘When I need and request it. You will kill Samuel.’ Draven said, ‘I will be honor to kill him for you, my princess.’ Reina moves about his body, she says to him with great warmth, ‘You were the first to mate with me. Be honor, I chose you. Now go rest and speak not of what we share together.’ Draven was gone. Reina loved her life; she loved being what she was meant to be. She felt a calling to her, she moves about the garden, she moves towards the house, she opens the door, she moves about the huge main room, she wonders what doom and gloom her family hides in this house, she walks to the fire, and she stares into it. Two older males enter the main room also found them-selves lost to her beauty standing in front of the fireplace… Ravenous and Vladimir from the new bred. Reina didn’t like Ravenous, but Vladimir, she found easily movable into darkness, she would lead him about like willful pet upon this journey, she smiled and bowed, she chatted and flirt with Ravenous and Vladimir. She turns to flirt with once again like she did before, she says, ‘Hello, Vladimir and Ravenous, I see you wish to come speak with me. What shall we speak about today?’ Her words like full grown and powerful new bred, but she was just a few days old, but in human years she was now almost four years old, unknown to them and the entire family, she was in control of her body, powers and wicked things stirring about her, since she was born. She knew actually what she could and would do. Plus she knew no one dare to step into her way of getting it or gaining the mate she wanted for life. Ravenous smiled. Vladimir moved about her body, he sense her up, but he could not feel her out or touch her mind, he was stun. ‘Not nice to try to read my mind. Best not try again, Vladimir.’ Ravenous laughed. Vladimir hit him and said, ‘She not into you, old man. She is more into me.’ Reina moves away, before they figure she had moved she was out of sight of them, she turns to look back into the shadow, she moves him into sight, she says, ‘Best you stop spying on me now, Samuel.’ Samuel hated it. Reina moves about the hallways, she smells the mating going on, she feel the intense heat her urge to mate, she falls against the wall, her hands move about her body, she bites her lower lip, her race beats faster, and her breathing becomes heavier, her eyes turn golden honey, she moves swiftly about the hallways, she will her door open, she falls to the floor in pain, she whisper out, ‘Draven.’ Her words make him rise, he moves like a mist towards her door, he sees it open and moves in, it closes behind him, she rises and they come together like two demons in midst of war. Their talons rip off their clothing, their fangs descends into each of their necks, the feast and mating begins like two colliding star bursting in flames that take control over them. Their bodies hover in the air, the flickering of the flames burst like flame thrower. Their kisses and touches are stirring and endless. Moment later a tap is upon her door. Their moaning comes to a stop. Draven lays naked upon her bed cover in their union, she places a robe on, she moves to the door, she knows who it is, she opens it, and she smiles at him. ‘Reina, I wanted to know if you are okay.’ Draco asks. She says, ‘I am fine. I was about to go to bed. Would care to join me?’ Draco felt something was strange about her, but he smiled and said, ‘No. It is not best for you and me to become lovers. You are not yet ready for such acts upon you.’ The door slams shut. He knocks upon the door; he listens but no sound moving towards the door. Draven goes to rise from the bed, she touches his lips and says softly, ‘He is still there, but we are not yet done.’ They move together as the pounding of the door rings out her entire room. They kiss and play about each other bodies. The knocking stops. Reina hates this refusal from Draco, but she knew within time he would come to her way of thinking. She moves about Draven body, she makes him soar again and again, but she is still lacking the connection and depth of what she needs to bring her to fullness, she knows only he will be the one. Without Draco, there is no meaning to her life here; she has to win him over. She lays upon the bed, as her lover moves off the bed, he is dressing to leave, soon he must be with the others or they will sense something is going on, than begin to watch and question him, he knew they saw the change in his body and powers. Her blood was making him stronger, but changing too. He went to rise. Out of nowhere she bite him again, she feed upon his blood, she felt his heart flutter to death and life, she moved quickly upon his heart and sunk her fangs into his exploding heart, she felt him go still, she rose once she had drain him dry of essence, her eyes flicker like fire, her face went ash white, her nails become talons, with one powerful swoop across his chest, she reached in and pulled out his heart and ate it. His body explodes into ashes on her bed, she moved away and rose and soft stirring wind to raise the ash from her bed, she open her balcony doors and let the wind take his ashes away from her bedroom. She walks to her door, she feels him, and she taps her nails on the door. Draco listens to her tapping on it, he wants to tell her he is still there, but he goes to walk away. The door opens. ‘I know you want me, Draco. Why not be bold and come to my bed with me?’ He turns around, he sees her covered in blood and her body is changed once again, he moves to her quickly, he push back into her room, he closes the door, he turns to her, ‘What have you done, Reina?’ ‘I need to mate with him, who is chosen for me. It is you. Why must you fight me or yourself on this issue?’ He said nothing, he moved her to bathroom, he started the water, he took her gown off, he drop into the sink of water, and he turns the tub on. He looks at her; he takes a deep breath and says, ‘Get into the tub now.’ He washed her off, each touch upon her body made him soar and need to be with her, the way her eyes stared at him, his hands tremble, he knew she was not like no human female, she was more and more what she be, what if they had it all wrong about her. What if she was born with the need mate and feed with much need and fury? Could the foretelling of her be somewhat be misleading in ways so neither side could not stop her or control her, even kill her? Could she be right about him? He trembles to her hand brush about his hair, she lean into him, she whisper, ‘Touch me. No one is here but us.’ His fingers moved between her legs, he rub against her soft and fresh pussy lips, he played about move them part with his two of fingers, he slip his other hand down her body, she willed him, his fingers slip up into her, she whisper into his ear, ‘Do it now. Do what your dark and twisted heart desire? Do it now! Surrender to you need to belong to me.’ He moaned as his two of fingers sled in and out of her, he moved her sweet pussy lips apart, he pushed deeper, he saw the lightening flashing in her blue eyes for him to do more, he felt her legs move farther apart. ‘You want me. Take me now. I am yours.’ He rinsed her body off, he picks her up and carries her to the bed, he moves about her body with his hands, than he wicked long tongue glided about her body, she moved her legs over his shoulder, she stroke his hair, she coached him to dare more, ‘Do it now. Make me complete.’ Draco flicked his tongue about her clit, she moaned with pure delight, she felt the raging fire building in her toes, her eyes burst with fire, she smiles, she knew he was the one to bring her to fullness, soon she would possess all the power she need to bring forth the pathway for her and entire family. Out of nowhere…. To end the hold upon him once again was knock upon her door, she curse and push him away, she rose and said, ‘Who is it?’ ‘It is me, Courkey; it is time to come down to main room. All are gathering upon this night.’ ‘I will be there soon.’ She touched his face, she said, ‘Go out my balcony. Go to your room now. I will call you back later.’ Draco said nothing. Once he was gone, she rose and opens her door, she smiles and let the women in, they fix her hair hanging down her back with long luscious curls, her make up is perfect, her long black satin ball gown hovers about her body that is changed upon each night. She is getting to be perfect vision to lead her family into power over the humans. She moves about the party like she was princess of this family. All watched her charm and graceful ways of luring males and females into her biding, she feels him watching and waiting for her, she looks over at him, she smiles at Draco. She moves about the party. He trembles to his need to go to her, but he fights it, he says softly to himself, ‘She is not meant to be yours.’ He watches the males about the house watching her. He sees how three of them drooling to get to her, he now very worried about her, but she was off limited to him, so he could not stop her or say anything to her about what she was doing. All the pure blood vampire’s were slumber during the day, but a few who was restless from her charming and haunting beauty stirring fire within their loins toss and turned within their beds. Reina sits on her bed, she wants him to come too her, but she just not sure how to make all this interruption stop happening. She know he can move about the daylight as she can, she moves to the doors, she opens them, she walks out into the sunlight, she rises up on the roof and moves about like she did once before, she moves about the wall, she will his window open. She enters his room. He is under the sheet, he is laying still, his eyes are shut, she moves closer and closer. She hears him breathe heavier, she waits and watches. She moves again, she moves closer to his body, she slowly raises the sheet up, she screams, ‘You are so bad!’ He rises with his hands upon hers; he rolls over and looks at her to say, ‘Wicked are you? Wicked little one to test your fate with a full blood werewolf in need of something your body can’t give me.’ The challenge was upon her, she rose and said, ‘Why not try me out than Draco? How else will you know if can or can’t take what you have between your legs?’ He rose from his bed, he stood in front of naked and erected, he pulls the sheet quickly up and says, ‘How did you get here in my little demon angel?’ Reina turns and is gone like air, he falls back on his bed, he says, ‘you are truly surprising little minx these days, Reina.’ Turning of the morning the house was busy, but only with the new bred….Wereire’s moved about with the pure blood werewolves. Reina was resting. Samuel had sent the three women to take her back to her room, he would not risk her life, she was young and naïve to her life here, but most of her kind had died upon her three day of life, but Reina was still alive, so Samuel was not going to risk her life. Reina need to reach five years old, than she was out of death reach, she was loving torturing Draco with each passing day and night, she had him wondering how she got into his room or out now. She had him not sure if she was or wasn’t in his room. She made sure he was always pins and needles Night rose. Reina burn like fire, she tossed and moaned to her changes, her body was changing fast, her sense was sharpening, yet so far the need to drink blood was still lost upon her. Now five years old and full of life, Reina gave the elder female about the house issues, they could not keep up with her; she was too fast and quick. Her powers were strong, better and sharper than normal vampires or werewolves, even twenty times better than pure blood new bred. None compared to her. Reina went looking for Draco like she always did upon rising from her bed, she moved about the house. She was not thinking about anything or anyone else, but him, she moves about the house, she smell him, she moves about the hallway, she sees him with another woman, and she listens. ‘Draco, why have you not come to me or sent for me?’ Out of nowhere…. Draco saw Reina, who said, ‘Sera the vampire whore. Why are you touching my life mate like you own him?’ Sera smiled and said, ‘Draco is not your life mate. It would mean his death.’ Sera hit the wall, she rose to see Reina’s eyes flickering fire, she said to Sera, ‘If you ever touch him again, it will not be his death, but yours. He is mine. He will remain as mine forever, your vampire whore!’ Sera hissed. Draco wanted to laugh, but he loved this in way, he just watched and listened. Reina screamed her eerie death scream and the walls shook, the floors moved and the stain windows burst into millions of pieces. Sera and Draco were stun. ‘Best you keep your distant from him.’ Draco watched Sera scatter away like a frighten cat. When Draco turns to look at his little demon angel, once again she was gone. He shook his head and went back into his room. Reina moves about the house, she is mad at the vampire whore trying to get to her mate, she is not think or watching where she is going, she runs into Vladimir, she was hot and lusting for play, she was no mere human child, she was lustful and blood thirsting demon of endless death, if she so choose it for her sweet prey, but right now, and she was hunting Vladimir, since he was about her. Vladimir bowed to her. ‘Why must you bow to me? I did not require it from you.’ Vladimir rose and said, ‘It is the law, my lady.’ ‘Silly law, I think but okay if you must bow to me.’ She moved about his lean body. Her hands sled about his long silky hair of white, he was not like the others, and she smelled him. He held a different smile upon his essence from Draco and Ravenous. She moves in front of him, she stands close to his face, she says, ‘Smell me now, if you dare.’ Vladimir smelt her essence; he found it hauntingly stirring to his blood, his cock rose. She sense Draco about, she looks over the railings, and she see him talking to the same woman. She watches him take her into his arm and dance about the main room. Vladimir rises and walks behind her, he sees Draco dancing. Why is the princess watching him? Once again she saw him standing alone, but than the vampire whore was moving towards him, he took her hand, he dance with her. They surround him like dancing flames of the candles they hold, their bodies move closer and closer to his keeping him from the princess. She is off limit to this mere human male, who wants to dazzle her with his sweet words of haunting lies, he is not worthy of her time or essence. The gently-swaying of the alluring bodies made him forget all about the woman he wanted to dance and woe into his desire of making love to her all night long upon his bed. Their princess, their goddess of salvation stood in the midst of the darkness watching her mother people dancing about the floor keeping him away from her, she smiled. She could still smell his alluring scent about the hot air, she sighs. ‘He is not true to no vampire, any werewolf or humans. He is player, my princess.’ Reina turns around to see him, Vladimir; he was not human, he was in fact born to a mother and father, who were half vampire and werewolf each, so he was a pure blood of new species. The two species had come together long ago when her mother’s parents married and brought united to both warring sides like her mother was, but her mother parent’s were the being of the two species, her mother’s mother was werewolf and her mother’s father was vampire. Now Reina was much more combining three species into one, her fate was to bring forth a better, strong and more powerful species to one take over the world. No longer were Vampire’s or Werewolves fighting each other. They were cross breeding to bring forth a much stronger species, but so far only a few offspring’s lived. Only the strongest lived, the weak dead moments after birth or lingering in torturous life of lingering death. She could barely touched his naked chest, he stood 6’3 with long white hair pass his shoulder, his cobalt eyes made her long for a kiss from his sweet lips of wine, but she knew better. He was not the chosen one for her to mate with, but still she wanted him. His broad shoulder, strong and lean legs was turning her on too; she could not believe a pure blood werewolf could be such breathtaking. She bites her lip. She just stood five foot even, she was growing faster than most of his kind, but she was twice bolder and curious about things, she was reaching into the darkness with Vladimir without second thought to what she should not be daring with him just yet. He moaned as her hand felt his erect manhood up. Vladimir loved how her touch made him soar and tingle like he was alive more than his essence before she was born. ‘I have never seen one. Show it to me now, Vladimir.’ Her words were demanding, plus she was lying to him, she had seen one, touch one and even had one, but Draven was no more. Vladimir looked down into her haunting heavenly eyes, his hands fumble with his belt and zipper, and he paused. ‘I want to see it now.’ Reina demand but she was commanding him to surrender to her will. His hands push down his pants. He stood there half naked from the waist down. He bites his lip. Her hand moved about his family jewels like she was milking them. Her hand slides up and down his rising thickness and length. She lowers herself down to look at it as it rose to greet her. ‘My lady, if I am caught allowing you to do this. It would mean my death.’ He took a deep breath as her hands stroke it more and tighter. His heart stir to the flames, his soul scream for mercy, he knew he was in trouble. Reina had been told about such weapons upon werewolves and vampires, by her mother as she grew in her womb, but she died at childbirth, so she was being raise by the elders, who had yet to tell her about such things, she was learning and bolding testing the hidden desires. Three men and two women; two male vampires and one male werewolf, one each on the female side, their balance in power were not equal, but all of them knew the main and true power belong to Princess Reina. She was now just five years and too curious for Elder Samuel liking. Reina dare the forbidden rules. Reina smiled and said to Vladimir, ‘I won’t tell if you don’t. I seek more knowledge from you. Come with me now.’ She rose and motions him to come with her. Vladimir knew better, but he obeyed her words, she was the ruler. Awaken now deep with her body, heart and soul was desire, she wanted Vladimir to be the one to teach her the naughty things to allure her chosen one into her web of death. Reina watched him fix his pants, she lead him back into the shadows, she lean against the wall, she took his hand and ran it up her leg to where his fingers felt nothing but flesh under her long skirt, she whisper to him, ‘I want you to do it now. I want to know what its like to have him deep within my sweet place. Be the one to do bring my desire to full height.’ Vladimir knew this was wrong. He could not give her all the passion and fire to what two people like them could share, he said, ‘I will come to you later. Here is not safe place to do the honor of being the first to awakening your lustful desire for passion. Please my lady, I will gladly come to you later.’ Reina walks away, she says nothing to him. Reina is raging that male werewolf would deny her the rights of mating with him; she moves about the club, she will seek another for her need. Reina eyes scan the floor and area, she sees him…. Draco was gone…. The woman was gone… Vladimir coldly said, ‘They have left joined together as they always do.’ He saw she didn’t know about Draco and Sera, so he added, ‘Sera and Draco have been lovers of years behind close doors, but some of us know about it, yet we always look the other way, since most of us are doing too. It’s okay as long as you don’t get caught at it or produces a child from it, it against the rules and law to mate to create life, unless you are bided for together as life mates.’ Reina heart and soul comes crashing down. Draco never told her, she never thought he would betray her, she thought once she had bitten him twice and tempted him, she would have hook to her forever, but her dreams and reality were crash around her. Nothing was making him belong to her. She wanted die, she just wanted to leave this life and never come back. Vladimir touches her hair with long and wicked touches, he whispers, ‘Fret not over him, princess. You can have any one of us, if you desire so.’ Reina turns to him; she smiles and takes his hand. They join the party. Elder Samuel doesn’t like it, but he can say nothing in front of the entire family. Princess Reina is meant to be with one of the new bred. Wereire’s were the future in life. Vladimir dance with Reina. Draco and Sera got busy on his bed, but each stroke, there was pain. His heart and soul could not let him make love to Sera, for they belong to Princess Reina. He rolled off her. She rose. ‘You have never stopped before. Why now?’ Draco rose and washed off her scent from his body, he coldly said, ‘You are not mine to lie with Sera. It is wrong of us joining behind close doors. I feel the hidden thoughts about us. We are risking our lives. Only the Elders can join us as life mates, only than are we allowed us to come together as one. Leave now. I have to think.’ Sera dressed, she leaves. Draco looks in the mirror; he says to his reflection, ‘I am doom for loving her. Why must I be denied her love and essence as mine? Is there chance like she said….a chance for us to be one in the future? Help dark father to stop loving her. She is our princess born to breed with a Wereire not me.’ Two hearts sealed as one; one willing and the other at war of his true feelings for her. Now he was risking losing her to Vladimir, who was now chasing and reaching out to her. Continued ©2009 Firestar
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