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Princess Reina’s family of Death The blood of the queen ran like liquid velvet from her womb upon her belly, it was thick and black as night, it was the end of her life, but just beginning for the new royal bloodline, once foretold in Romania. Now is the time for Princess Reina reign upon life was here. Princess Reina’s family is darker than anyone human nightmare and wild with alluring awakening of bring death upon life, she was about to come into her mother dark world of twisted life that was against everything man-kind thought they stood for be failed to see all life had the right to live and breathe, but now the world had come to place where Princess Reina’s family was growing stronger in numbers. A darkness thought was long erase, but still breathe and flourish upon their island of immortal damned ones, a place where life was beginning anew for the vampire’s and werewolves. Nothing would be the same now. So many would have reasons to worship and fear new heir, but some with much darker reasons lurking in the shadows of her. The queen lay dead upon her bed. The new heir cried an eerie cry about the room and flow about the wind flowing about the entire inside and outside of the house. Those in the house rejoice to her cries upon the still night of death. Others in a caged prison feared what was going on about the island, they were trapped on. The females looked at each other, they had lost their beloved queen to death, but her daughter was alive, but for how long. All felt their queen had mated with one of the new bred; this child was at risky of death within the first few days of her life. All needed her to live, none of them wanted Samuel to take the power, until Sebastian returned. They saw her skin pale as snow, her body tremble, she screams like demon. They gather the blood of her mother into bottles and feed it to her. The princess screams and cried still. Nothing soothes her sorrow or pain. None of them knew what princess was feeling, she stopped crying and screaming, her nose picked up a scent, she allow her mind to roam about the hallway down into the main room, she sense him. The one her mother spoke of, she smiled and slumber peaceful. The woman laid her down and watched over. Reina was suppose to have been born with the need to feed but she was, yet she was born with a higher sexually drive than her members in the family, she who was born upon this unholy night was now a hunter and predator of her kind and human kind. Reina was the foretold one, but would she turn on them and humans, or would she move about life like all the rest in the shadows of darkness. All would pray and hope she would bring them to full power over the world they live upon. The baby was place in crib. Her body tremble as it grew. Moments later, she was no longer infant, but a one year old child, who sat up and looks around her. They smiled to her healthy look upon her face, but knew two more nights has to pass in order for her to be safe from death. Most new bred females died upon birth or a few days later, some lived but turn against their kind; those ones were put down like mad dogs fast and quick before they could kill any of the old ones. The Princess’s family consisted of….. The pure blood vampires now in arranged in numbers two thousands and five hundred. All were not worry about their fate; they knew the daughter of their queen would be strong like her mother was. The pure blood vampires tremble to fear what Samuel would do, all knew his obsession with the queen, which lead him no where closer to power or gaining the throne. In secret all the pure blood vampires pray Sebastian was summoned to come back now the queen was dead and her daughter would need his help and protection from Samuel. The pure blood werewolves now also in arranged in numbers of two thousands and five hundred upon the massive island of dwelling death. They knew the daughter of their dead queen was the new destiny of change for them all within this family. It would lead to freedom hiding and always trapped here on this island where they fled too when all things got bad for them, but nature gave them one single hope on this island out of reach of humans. The Elders, where the oldest living life forms from vampire’s and werewolves, they were honored by the royal family in Romania to guide the family if ever the royal family was dead or waiting for the new royal to come of age. They were put in place to guide and lead the heir to the family upon the chosen pathway for their brighter and better future. All loved Sebastian. All feared Samuel. Most had thought Keylia and Sebastian would have become life mates, but their queen did not choose him, she sent him away. The new bred are Wereire, the offspring of crossing breeding a pure blood vampire with pure blood werewolves. The huge island was created with the day come of wicked storm upon life, the sky burn like fire; the waters raised and fell like flipping a coin in the air. Also the last day the earth shook and off the coast of California a huge island was created with endless abyss surrounds more than three miles wide, no ship could get to the island, but many drop from airplanes to explore the massive island, but none came back from the island. Rumors had it, they island was breathtaking and alluring, but some knew because no plane or ship could get to it, there was no way coming back. The huge castle sit high upon the mountain, it was far out of reach, unless you could fly like eagles. The home was wider than six football put together, longer than ten footballs side by side, taller than it should be like tower reaching for the heaven. It was dark and haunting with the feeling of doom. Nothing dare to fly or slither, crawl about the castle, but its ground surround it was said to be breathtaking and hauntingly alluring to the eyes, heart and soul. Men had their wives and daughter taken there, some become the vampire’s and werewolves sexually playthings, than the law changed. Forbidden any vampire or werewolf to mate and produce children with the female humans. Those who were mates were slaughter, the children were impure bred, and so was toss down into the endless abyss of darkness with no way back. On the island those who came there were herded into a special area with high walls and roof to keep them in like cage animals, they were allowed to breed among themselves, but when they got too many. Some were chosen for the hunt. Animals were brought to the island by two’s, they were breed, but allowed to grow in numbers. Every ten or twenty years, the older ones were picked off for food. Giving the younger ones time to age and breed. No vampire or werewolf was allowed to kill anything on the island until the night of the hunter’s moon, which came ever ten years or twenty if they were not allowed by the queen to hunt, now she was gone, it was upon the elders to see fit if they hunted upon ten years or twenty, until the new heir came of age. All could were made to take mates from their opposite cursed bred. No two same species could breed with each other. The law was simply. No lying to the Queen or elders, but cheating and stealing from the mainland or others were allowed. Sharing females were allowed, having more than one mate was allowed for men, but never were you to mate with one that was not seal to you as a life mate. Crimes against the rules or laws were punishable by death. Secrets within the house ran wild and dark like night upon the huge castle, which was waiting for news of the young heir. Some feared what she will do or change, but change was well need within the family. A lot was stirring in their hearts and souls. The new bred members….Wereire’s Ravenous, the oldest of new bred, he was more ready to bred than most of the others, he earned his right to be chosen for the honor of mating with the princess, he was one no one could figure out, he was open at times, but cut off from them, he refuse to go to the mainland, he wanted nothing to do with humans. He dark eyes and long black hair, his body was something lacking of beauty or alluring, he was like the ugly vampire from werewolves leftover, so he seemed to the females and Princess Reina in the near future, she would be turned off by his sweet words or attention coming from him upon her. Vladimir, the next in line to the oldest, he was the lover of females, the swift dealer of charm and allurement, but he was most willingness to share his body with any female bold enough to come play in his bed of sinful passion. His long white hair, his cobalt eyes and wicked smile made the hearts and souls lingering his lime light to bold go where he would seductively lead the female or females into. He was known to bed two or more at the same time, but he was nothing to compare to Draco, a pure blood werewolf that all females upon the island wanted and lusted for. He stood merely 6’3”, he was powerful and skilled charmer, he wanted to be the first male to bring Reina out, but would he. There were two males standing in his way, Draco and lastly Samuel. Arcturis hated Vladimir attention upon the princess, all of them were to have turns to court her, but Vladimir was trying to keep her all to his self. Arcturis, a male with no moral and essence for obeying the rules, he was loner and wild card among the new bred, he was just barely six foot tall, red flaming hair and white eyes with black iris’s, he was not alluring, he was brutal in and out of bed, he was forbidden to touch or court a female, due his wildness and brutality. He was the one lurking, watching and studying all his brothers within the new bred, and he waited for their mistakes to bring her closer to him. Locutes was watching and waiting for his turn to dance with the princess, he stood at 6’3” and dark as night in ways of the meaning dark, his heart was cold and uncaring to any female in the family or outside, he was skillful hunter like Ravenous. Locutes was loner and thinker and creator, he could careless who won princess his heart or was fated to become her life mate, he knew any one of the males would be lucky to have her and rise in rank of within the family. SireDemon was six foot too, he was handsome, but he was not interesting to mate or romance even the princess at this time, he was just one wanting to flirt and dance about life waiting for the moment to hunt. He loved Dazzie, but he and she were forbidden to be together, but even time he got closer to Dazzie; she would have nothing to do with him. He believed there was hope there was a way of winning her over to become his. Setroc, he was bewitching, stirring to hearts and souls, he was 6’2” blondish hair and sultry eyes of green, which was rare for the new offspring to have, but he did, he lurking about the house like thief in the stirring night of hot passion. He was stealer of food and whatever else he cold steals away from the others. His long black hair touched his waist, his dark soulless eyes focus upon Princess Reina, but he wanted Twilight Vamp, who was one of the female new bred, but she was promise to someone else. He was very hard to figure out. No one knew what he wanted or lusted for. He played his game very close to his chest. Antyoch, the brother too Locutes, they were born three years apart, twin to Twilight Vamp. He stands 6’3”, he was taller than his twin sister, his eyes were blue, long blonde hair, his body was molded by the blood god, and he was a walking dream that brought down a hideous nightmare upon your life. Antyoch was poet, he spin words of sweetness and lingering about the night like watcher, he never once hunted; he was dweller within his mind and seeking knowledge. Draven, the skilled new bred with weapons of death, he was well trained and well focus on protection and fighting. He stool like tower over the others, he stood 7 foot even, his lean and tone body was like brick wall, nothing fazed him or moved him. His long black with streaks of whiteness made him stand out with deadliest of looks, even his white eyes had the keenness of sight in day or night, he loved how human women wanted to mate with him, he dabble in with them, but he always never went back for repeats, since all of his lovers were dead and erase from life, his sultry green eyes stirred passion like hot summer day upon females. Kristopher, he was looking for nothing, but battles to fight. He stood merely 6’2” foot even, he was soldier in their enforcer team, a team that would swift kill and devour a whole town upon a single breathe of becoming a threat to them, it was rare when he had to act upon it, but once in while, when they were feasting three days straight, they picked a small out of the way town to attack and feed upon, than burn it down with no leads who or what did it. His yellow eyes and ash gray skin, his long blonde hair made him most feared by humans. Seth, a gentle soul, a warm heart new bred, he was not willing to hunt anything like prey, he wanted perfection and peace with his immortal life, he hated the hunts, he hated the fact he had been warned twice about not going on the hunts or feeding upon human like cattle, he ate his fruits and drank the cow blood mixed with human blood. He liked his way of life, leaving all life to its own to create or destroy itself. He was the giant of them all; he stood about 8’5” huge in body size, his long black hair hung in his face, and his yellow eyes glisten of nothing, but freedom and existing to be nothing more or less than what he was born to be. He would become the protector of Princess Reina’s children; he would bond her like a faithful demon dog. The female within the New Bred…Wereire’s Twilight Vamp, she was standing in the shadows wishing the males looked at her like they did upon Princess Reina, who was thrice the beauty of her and the others. Why not her? Why was she not the chosen one? Why was being denied the male she wanted, she turns to see him move about the house, she was not looking at Setroc, she was looking at Draco. Her long blonde hair about her waist, her dark soulless eyes watched Draco move about. She longs to have his body join with hers, so many other females in their family wanted him, and he was more seasoned male, even if he was pure blood werewolf. Twilight Vamp has yellow glowing eyes, long blonde hair standing 5’11”. Atlantia, she was in love with Arcturis, who want not in love or lusting after her like she was over him. She had brown hair, hazel eyes, her body was perfect like all the others, and she was just stood merely 5’5”. Her eyes always seem to hold Arcturis in them, but she never got a kind word or lustful look from him. She hides in the shadow of his existences, hoping and praying he would reach out to her. MistyRain, the fowl tempered one, she wild and cold blood more than the other females or males within the entire family, she seeks out death upon the humans, she would soar into the sky and hunt upon the mainland like she demon release from hell to feed upon life. She had black eyes like her black heart and soul, her long white hair with one streak of white down the middle set her off from the others, she stood 5’7”, she was alluring siren also upon the high seas, and she was well known as the flying sea witch. Ships fell to her prey, she would soar into the sky than falling into sea like someone needing help, and she would feast upon them, allow the ships to adrift or sink to the bottom of the sea. She neither wanted nor needed any male to control her life; she was in control of over her life. She was into Dazzie; they were lovers behind closer doors. Moonglow, she was something of odd one, she never managed to get over four foot two, she was more like a woman forever trapped in a child body, she had white hair, even her eyes were solid white, her skin was the whitest of them all, she always cried and wandered about the house and garden like she was lost in another world, time and place. No one bother her. She was swift killer even upon birth. Sorella, she was last to be born and she was wanted by all of them, but she was promised to one of the Elders, she would soon come of age and breed with him, he the only elder, who was werewolf. She stood 5’6”, her yellow eyes and long black hair, she was the songstress of the family, she loved to dance and sing for entire family. No will. No need or desire other than was place upon her by the queen or Elders. Sorella was crotch down and rocking her body in fear to what Samuel would do now the queen was dead, her daughter was too young to guide the family just yet. She prays Sebastian would soon return, if he did all things would be okay, but worst. She felt something looming about the house like living essence searching and searching for one that will belong to it, she turns to see a foggy mist floating about air within the main room, she watched it float and glow about…. It had chosen Draco. She fell to her knees, she bow and prayed her eerie words of silence to her, who was just born, she pray this floating mist was not death or doom, but something told her, it was more than that. She stared at the mist, it felt like new life searching for her one life mate, why had it chosen Draco? She watched the others, she looked back at him, and it was still looming about Draco than it was gone. The three male elders… Sebastian, the oldest, he stands 6’4’ haunting eyes of gray, long brown hair to his shoulder, built like god with strong arms and legs. He was the lover from her past life. Sebastian had lived ten lifetimes. He had been the coach and first lover for their lovely, but now dead queen, he was order to leave the island and go back to Romania after his beloved had taken a mate rather than taking him as her life mate, and he understood her and her laws and rules. Yet his desire for her still raged within his essence, he obeyed her command. He had been gone two life times, he had heard about the queen’s mate being killed by humans on the mainland, but he was never sent for, so he could be with her. His time with her had come to halting end. He knew his queen would never come back to him, he also felt Samuel was the big key too his not coming back, but one day he would come back, it was her wish he come back the day of her death and birth of her child, he knew his queen knew her death was coming. The only thankful thing he knew or had was Samuel would never be the one chosen to breed with her. Keylia had sent him a message to come back, he was on his way home, when the queen died, but it was long and hard journey, he knew he would not get there in time for the birth, he pray he would get there before she become of age to crown. He knew his brother could not be trusted with her, his heart and soul had to reach her in time. He flew upon the night sky and seeking safety just before the sunrise. Samuel, the next in line of the oldest, he stands merely 6 foot even, he stands in the shadows of his brother, who he hates and envies because of great power and hold within the family and homeland where all vampire’s and werewolves begun. Hair black as night, but short than most the others, his soulless were black as this hair, but worst he had plans for taking over the family in the near future. Samuel had lived only six lifetimes. Sebastian and Samuel are the two only male’s vampires in the Elders. Samuel lurked about the bedroom door, he wanted to see the new heir, he wanted to be the first to hold her, but he was kept out by the queen helpers. He hated being outside, he could had been there for the queen in her last moment of life, he could had told his beloved queen, he would look after her daughter. How he wanted to help the child strive in life? How he wanted to awaken the dark side of her essence and gain her favor? He moves back and forth like pacing demon waiting for the gates of hell open, so he could soar upon life within freedom. His long slender hands rub against his body like an eager demon waiting to ravish the new life, his tongue moved about his lips, his darken lips of death. His soulless eyes watched the door like hawk waiting for its prey to come, so he could descend upon it and devour its essence away from its prey. His not so lean or heavy body wanted to see her; he needed to see if she was his or Sebastian. Did she look like her mother? Would she be easily moved more than her mother was? He had tasted her mother sweetness many many years ago, but she denied him once she saw what he had between his legs. He was not match for Sebastian or Maximus, but he made sure Maximus’s life was cut short by betraying their hidden place, so the vampire’s hunters could kill him and others, but the hunter’s failed to kill Sebastian. The one other he wanted dead, which stood in his way of being with the Queen. Now he had new change to win the hand and love of the new heir. He paused…. Was it a girl? Or was it male heir. Never had there been a male born to the royal family since the King, he shook his head for no, he mumbles out, ‘No way, our queen had a male. No way.’ He paces and paces, he watches the door. The doors remained closed. The last elder male is a pure blood werewolf, his name is DarkWolf, he was kind, but viciously cruel if you betrayed the family, he had picked Sorella as his mate. He stood 6’7” his skin was sweet dark like melting chocolate, his yellow eyes and long white hair told a wicked, but lustful story of his hidden desire. He was no werewolf none of the family wanted to cross; he was the father of Draco and Dazzie, whose mother was Latina beauty he took as his bride, which was killed long ago. Dark Wolf wanted the best of the new heir, but he feared the worst for her, he also saw something strange lingering around his son, who was pacing and lost, he seem fighting a strange urge within his essence, but he shook it off. He focused on the others; his daughter was pacing wildly with fear. He knew it was because of Samuel being at the door of the new heir like death hovering about the new heir. He hated this waiting; it was like doom never coming, but yet closes by. He rose and moved outside the house, he need air. He stood lost in the signs of the chosen one being born under, he took a deep breathe in. He knew trouble was upon them with this new heir, he looks up. He falls to his knees, the star of new bred and werewolf flicker closely together like they were becoming one. This could not be. Never had the books told of this sign. Did the vampires know of this sign or was he the only that knew of it, since he was the oldest werewolf among this family still living? He rose and knew his son was in trouble for sure, the signs linked Draco and princess together. May their dark father have mercy on the damned souls? The only two female Elders… Courkey, the only female vampire elder, who stood just 5’4”, she has long flowing red hair to her butt, her breast were small like honey dew melons, she perfect in many ways, but deadly in others, she hold no liking to Samuel. She could see upon each day after Sebastian left for the homeland. Samuel begun his plotting to gain control over the queen and family, but he failed. She watched and waited for the wrong word or move; than she knew the queen would kill him. Courkey had lived three lifetimes. She was the reader of history, she was the only one allowed in the ancient library of knowledge, she saw the signs, but one. She was no so good on the werewolf foretold words of chosen one. She just knew her kind stories. The princess was the chosen one for sure because all the signs within the sky. Dazzie, the only female werewolf, who was the sister to Draco, she worshipped her elder brother; they had always watched each other backs. She had lived only three lifetimes compared to her brother, Draco, who had lived almost seven lifetimes, but he had stopped counting after five. She stool 5’11”, she was about 140 pounds of terror. She feared the coming of the chosen one, she knew too all about the Samuel hidden desire to take over the family. What would happen if he did? She fears for Draco because she knew Samuel would order Draco to be put to death. Draco had always stood in Samuel way. Her dark eyes and long brunette hair touch her knees, she always had two snakes wrapped around her arms, and her pets were the most deadly of snakes. She and Draco were the offspring children of DarkWolf and Collette. Collette was killed upon the night they were attack in small place well forgotten about now. Their mother led the hunters away, so they could escape from harm ways. Dazzie knew her brother had never forgotten that night, she knew he blamed himself for not helping their mother, a pure blood vampire. The secret child of the King of Vampires, Drac was Collette. Drac’s first mate children were the royal heirs to the family, but when they were all killed, he sent his sole daughter away, a daughter that would be queen…..Keylia, who his daughter with female werewolf, the first of new bred, she would be the last in the bloodline to be royal blood heir, upon the day all the others were killed. She saw her brother double over and fall to his knees in pain; she went to him and helps him up. ‘Draco, what is wrong?’ Draco moaned out, ‘I am pain. I have this dire need to go somewhere. I have this feeling my mate is close by. Dazzie, this is never happen to me. Why is wrong?’ She shook her head and said, ‘I don’t know.’ Draco rose, he was lost to what in hell was happening to him, his heart and soul felt her. He tremble, he could smell her. He looked around; he was lost to what was going on with him. He moved about the main room looking and searching what was causing him to react this way, he found nothing. Draco…..pure blood werewolf, who was unknown to vampires and werewolves he was the chosen one life mate for Princess Reina. Lost to what the new princess was doing to his essence, she was reaching out to him. The two signs were making him drawn to her too. He could sense her heart beating, her soul calling out to him, but he just couldn’t find her. He stood there fighting himself, he wanted to greet the new heir, and he knew she would be allowed to see everyone upon the passing of three days. He had not idea what started with the queen now was born within her daughter to carry out; his queen had choose him to be the life mate to her only heir of power within the family. His blood was boiling like hot water, his heart was flutter like wings of death, his soul was dancing alive like it was just coming to life finally, and he held onto the edge of the fireplace, he stared into the fire, he wanted it to end. He did not understand why his body, heart and soul were doing this upon the death of the queen and the birth of the new heir; he hears a sweet voice about him. Keylia whisper in his ears, as her mist essence lingers about him, ‘I choose you for my daughter. You are the one to bring forth the foretold child with my daughter. Draco, I choose you.’ He turns to see nothing, he moves about the house, but the words followed him, she said, ‘Do not deny her. Do not risk losing your heart and soul forever in damnation.’ He leans against the wall; he moves down the wall slowly, he trembles to the words, ‘She knows your scent now. She will find you. You will know her too, if you fight it. It will only bring down the walls of this entire family. Best you not fight or resist her love or your love for her. Draco…..her name is Reina.’ Draco eyes opened, he mumbles the name out, ‘Reina. Reina.’ Morning rose, the entire family was drinking and chatting about the new heir. They dance and feast upon endless feast of flesh and blood. The music played on. The baby cried endless. They feed her blood of her mother, they feed her fresh meat and fruits, and she fussed and screams all the time. Her crying filled the one her mother and she chosen ears with her endless need for him to come soothe. Draco rose, he walks through the bodies, and he walks up the stairs. ‘Draco, where are you going?’ Dazzie asked him. DarkWolf touched his daughter hand, he says, ‘He must call to the one calling him. He must not deny it.’ Draco moves up the stairs without a single word to his sister or father, he moves to the sound calling him. He walks the hallway, he turns to take the next set of stairs, he walks down the hallway that seem to get long and longer each time he enters one. The fifth set of stairs, the finally floor where the queen chamber are, he has never boldly dare to come here, he walks down the hallway. He goes for the door knob. Out of nowhere….. continued..... ©2009 Firestar
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