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Three days after the Chosen One birth Draco went to bed, he had to rest for the rising of another night, she was to brought down, he was to see and watch her coming into the family, but what of her allurement upon him. He shut his door, he fell back onto his bed, he stared at the ceiling for hours, he moved to hope soon sleep would ease his thoughts about the new heir, he knew the heir was female, she had touched his face, but what else did she do to him that made him stir with need to be near or around her, he ached for her. He rolled over again; he rose and beat the pillows. He fell back. A haunting wind of lust stir about the day, she rose and flung the balcony doors open, she stood within the sun looking across the way, she smiles and leap onto the roof, she runs about smelling his sense, she crawled down the back side of the house that held the edges of death to the ocean, but she moved like well train vampire upon the wall fearing no death upon her essence. Her heart was pounding with his, she could sense him, she could feel his longing and need flowing within his blood, she moved about the wall, she smelled the air his scent brought her to the window that was his, she look through his window, she saw him laying back, she flung the window open, she perch there like bird of prey. His body moved about the bed. She touched his mind, she made him rise and undress in front of her, she watched as his shirt was flung to the chair, his hands roam about his tan flesh, she smell his lustful desire flowing within his body. She just stared her glowing yellow eyes at him, his hands moved downwards his body, his fingers strip for her like wicked pole stripper, his body moved to the sound of her wicked desire echoing about him, his finger twisted and pulled his nipples, one hand sled up and down his pants, he licked his lips, he moaned, he turn away and bent over to smack his firm and perfect ass for her. He did things he had no control over. She commanded him to do what she wanted to feel her blood come electrified, she study how his body look half naked. She care not what was lurking about outside his door, she sealed it and sound proof the knocking upon his door, she was not going to the let the female steal him away from her just yet, she willed him to do more, she whisper out to him, ‘Take it all off for me, Draco. Show me what you have that will soon be mine.’ He mumbled out, ‘I will do anything for you, my love.’ She watched his fingers move about his black pants, his finger unloosen the belt, he jerk it and slam it against the floor like lion tamer commanding his lioness to perform him. He drop the belt on the bed, he slowly worked the button and zipper loose, he sled his hands down and out of his pants, he turns away from her, he slightly bends over, he sleds his hands down from his hips down to his ankle, his nice ass was mooning her. She smiled, she was hot, yet not burning out of control, she wanted him to do more, and she willed it. Draco turns around his two hands are sliding up and down his semi-hard cock, he strokes and strokes, he leans back against his bed, his go slightly apart, he strokes and thrust, he does such perfection, he moans and moans to his desire building up in his wicked volcano, he screams, ‘Can I cum not….oh my love, can I please cum now!!’ She smiled and softly said, ‘No….I wants you to cross over the edge of return and ask me to taste you.’ Draco moves faster and tighter on his swelling cock, he lays all the way back, he thrust and thrust like stallion power driving one of his many mares in heat. He screams to the wildest, but wickedest desire, he moans out, ‘Taste me now.’ She moves swiftly, she descend upon his cock, her bites hot and stirring upon his cock, she sucks and sucks, his hands grabs his bed like he is fighting a demon, he screams out, ‘Oh yessssss!’ His eyes fill with blood, his mouth can taste the blood, his nails grow like talons, his teeth change, his long hair grows longer, she is taking too much, she feel his heart and soul colliding into hers, she release him, she rises. He lays stills. She hovers over his naked body, she smiles and runs her tongue about his face, it long and slither like a snake, she stops and says, ‘Twice I have bitten you. The last is to you give the words of sealing you to me, than after one last bite, you must taste my blood. Forever will you belong to me? Now you are mine.’ She moves away, she stands at his window, she coldly says, ‘It will not rise no more, until you mate with me. It belongs to me now and forever. You were chosen to be mine by mother and me. It is your fate.’ The pounding on the door woke him, he rose to find himself naked and lost to what has happen, he slips on his pants and goes to the door, but he pauses to see his hair is longer, his eyes….his eyes…what had happened. The pounding on the door again, he shook his head and forgot about it. He opens the door, he finds Dazzie standing there. ‘What is going on with you, Draco? Did you not hear me knocking?’ Draco sits on the bed, he is not sure what kept him from hearing the pounding on his door, but he felt great, he felt so sexually fulfilled that he could not find words or thoughts to express how he felt, he turns to look his sister, he says, ‘I was sleeping.’ Dazzie walks over to him, she sits down on in the chair, she looks at the window, she looks at him, she asks, ‘Who bite your neck?’ Draco rose and walks to the window, he shuts it and says, ‘No one.’ ‘Someone did, Draco because you have the marks on your neck,’ she rose and walks over to him, she leans into his body, she added, ‘You must not be with Sera. She is not your mate. Stay away from the blood thirsting she-demon.’ Draco turns, his hand touches his sister face, he says, ‘No pure blood vampire owns my heart and soul. I wait for my one life mate to come to me.’ He paused and moved, he said, as he walks towards the bathroom, ‘She is close to me now, even though she is not here with me yet. Why does her touch and call to me haunt me so?’ Dazzie watch him go into the bathroom, she feared if Sera had bitten him to hold her to forever, she pray it was not so, she said, ‘She will one day come to you. You are the greatest of all the werewolf pure blood; you are the fastest runner and hunter, even the best fighter. Draco, you are the trainer for the new bred who can’t fight or out move you, so what does that tell you.’ ‘I am alone and always doom to be alone with no mate of mine. I want to sire offspring; I have lived too long without being allowed to create offspring’s. I want a damn life mate.’ Dazzie knew it was hard for him, but she said, ‘I must get dress for the new heir tonight. He or she will come to meet us.’ Out of the shower a voice said, ‘She is breathtaking like a blessing from God instead from our dark father. Her eyes are blue as the ocean and sky about us, her long brown hair, her smile…’ Dazzie was shocked her brother had bold saw the heir, she said, ‘When did you see her?’ The water stopped. The shower door opens; he steps out naked and says, ‘She called to me. I told to come to her.’ ‘What did she say? What did she do? Is she all we have hoped for?’ Draco walks out, his holds towel in front of him, he says, ‘She is heavenly. She touched me. She….’ ‘She what? Come Draco tell me more about her. Does she look like her mother? Does she look like one of the vampires or werewolves…does she look like us?’ Draco walks to his bed, he sits down, he can’t remember much, and he says, ‘Dazzie.’ ‘What?’ Draco haunting words flowed from his lips, ‘She is my life mate. She has chosen me. I am damned for sure, if I let her touch me or even kiss me with those lips of endless love.’ Dazzie hit him over and over; she shook him and screamed, ‘She can not ever be yours, Draco. She is the princess of people; she will mate with one of the new bred.’ Draco turns, his tears fall, he sadly says, ‘I love her. She is my heart and soul. Dazzie, I would kill or die for her. I am really damned for sure now.’ Dazzie looked at her brother, she felt his pain and horror of his reality, he had given his heart and soul to one that will bring death upon, if ever the elders found out he loved her or made love to her, she said, ‘Stay away from her.’ Draco shook his head, he laughed and said, ‘How, when she all I breathe in and out now, since her birth. Since she called me, touched me and now I dream about her.’ He rose and moved away, he slip on his leather pants, he slip on his red satin shirt, he turns to ads, ‘I will try to keep my distant from her.’ ‘Good.’ Draco opens his door, he hugs his sister, and he goes to shut the door. A hand stops him. ‘I want you now, Draco.’ Draco looks back at Sera, he smiles and coldly says, ‘I don’t need you.’ He pushes her out of his door; he closed it in her face. Sera screams, ‘You know you want and need me to sex you up!’ Draco moves away from the door, he opens his balcony doors, he stands there, and he looks out over the ocean. Night falls upon them once again. The women watch and wait for the princess finish turning, she is now three years old and quick, swift and heart stealer, but unknown to them, she has twice tasted his blood, he would fight, but he would always come to her side. Upon the dark island of lostness and death dealers all hearts and souls were waiting for her to brought to them. The family drank and dance as their young princess was watched over, the women never left her side, they watch and prayed over her as her body from infant changed with each nightfall. The family could be comfortable now, their queen had given them the foretold princess, their queen had died in birth, their hearts and souls wept to her death in silence, but her daughter lived, so they rejoiced to the happiness that was honor upon them, all knew Sebastian would soon now return because of the princess birth, but when? All was perfect for now. Dazzling by the night of her birth, all gather to celebrate her birth within the main room of the huge house sitting upon the mountain that where you could see everything, it was wider than many football fields tall like endless tower wishing to touch the heavens, it was dark and eerie shadow upon life, it had been three wondrous day of life for her, which quickly aged her three years old, but she was fierce charming and enchantress now about to set free upon her family. The family waited for three days for the child to brought to them, the caretakers fear she would die, but with second of the three days, she only got stronger and willful, by the first day she walk and running about the nursery, by the second day, she was speaking thousand of languages and reading them and writing them, she was brilliant, by the third day, she was curious about her family and home, so it was time to bring her out for the entire family to meet and rejoice to her birth. Reina rose and she looked around, she smiled at the three women standing around her bed, they bowed and said, Welcome to your new life and family, princess Reina. It is time to come to meet and embrace your family.’ Children of the new bred was fast learns and skillful at everything in life, she looked around, she rose from her bed, she turns to them, ‘Tell me what is all this is.’ The women sitting in front of her feet were at her mercy, her mind linked with theirs. One by one told her by mind link the history of her family. Reina was absorbed it all, she knew all they knew, she knew of her mother death, because her mother had mind link with her while she carried her, she knew she was the head of the family, but she was still unsure about the way of life here, she moved about the room, her haunting icy blue eyes stared about the room, she heard a everything, the music that called to her, the haunting howls of death calling, she even heard one single heart beating wildly, she turns, she says, ‘I am ready.’ The three women moved quickly about the room to get her ready. The women said nothing, they open the door and lead her down to the main balcony in the house that would over look the main room, which held the entire family in it, but she was looking only for one. They moved about the stairs in haunting way, she paused and study the paintings on the wall, she moved on, she listen to the music and felt his heart beating, she smiles and walks behind the one woman as the two other women walk behind her. She was well guarded by them. Nothing would dare try to harm the new heir. Reina was brought out into the world, she was dressed in white dress with her long flowing brown hair down in curls, her haunting blue eyes stared upon many people, and she was not shy or fearful, she was eager to move about them. She was willful and daring like her mother, she also held her mother eyes, nothing of her father was in her, she was pure vampire and werewolf, the human side seems lost in the darkness within her essence never to be let out. All watched over her, she was now three years old. She moved about the huge house touching and figuring out what was what, who was who, why there was so many people in her home. She refuses to stand near Samuel to be introduced to her entire family in the main room, she moved down the stairs, as her family bowed. Samuel said, ‘I give you our new heir, Princess Reina.’ She saw him, he was bowing, but not like the others. She moved about. ‘Reina…..Reina!’ Cheered the entire family as the rose to greet her, she moved pass them, she grow enraged by them waiting to touch her, she moved closer and closer to the curtains, she smiled as she reached for the curtains. All gasps to what she was about or going to do, but there was nothing to fear its still night, the family moved about her like she was nothing but a willful princess, who would sooner or later calm down from her new surrounds. Samuel hated how she discarded him. He would not have that. ‘Reina, come here now. No….Reina, you must not do that.’ The vampire elder shouted as Reina pulled on the drawn curtains. Samuel’s unbeating heart flutter upon her sight, his soul melt in lust, his body tremble, his mind would claim her before anyone else could. He took her hand, he bowed and kissed it. She coldly announces loudly for all to hear, ‘You are overstepping you boundaries with me, Samuel. Rise now before you lost your life.’ The women behind her in the main room were shock to her words and coldness to elder Samuel, no one defied him. Samuel rose and descended down the stairs. All paused. All turn to see her. Her long flowing brown hair begins to glistens like flickering stars that flow around her body. ‘Give to you all, our new princess of this family. Princess Reina.’ As he latch his hand around her wrist. He didn’t see her rage building. All clapped and cheered out her name. Out of nowhere….. All gasps as she flung his body across the room, she rose in the air and scream like demon of death upon them, ‘Do not ever touch me like you own me or control me. You will find you death greeting you next time, Samuel.’ Draco smiled inside; finally someone was bold enough to go up against Samuel. Draco saw his own father was trying not to smile or laugh. All the others moved out of her descending way, she moves closer to him, she smiles with golden honey eyes flashing him a death warning, she shook her finger at him, she said, ‘You may be after the throne through me, but you will never achieve it. You may have lusted after my mother, plotted to kill her life mate, but warned…..’ She moved about him, she says as she looks around the room, ‘I will only play nice when things are going my way, if not. Hell will be upon anyone who denies me what I wish to have or possess as mine.’ Her words were ringing as death warning to them all. All bowed to her. All surrender to her now and forever, for life was better than death. She moved up the stairs to leave, but she was appoarched. DarkWolf bowed and said, ‘My princess, you must stay and greet your family. Honor them with you present. You are the last heir to your mother bloodline.’ Reina turns to face DarkWolf, she smells Draco scent upon him, she moves closer, she looks at him, she says, ‘You are his father.’ ‘No, I am not Samuel’s father.’ Reina touches his face and say, ‘No….him who is mine to breed with, he is chosen to be my life mate.’ DarkWolf rose and looked into her blue eyes, he said, ‘No my lady, Draco is not your life mate.’ ‘He is if I so will it. None here will deny me him. Will you be so brassy to dare such a deed towards me?’ DarkWolf bowed his head and said, ‘No, my princess.’ Reina said, ‘You and I know…..the foretold story says he and I will become one. Our children shall bring forth the chosen life upon this world. Is it not, DarkWolf, you may act dumb about the foretold legend, but you know as well as I do…..Draco is he who will be my only life mate and father of the children to bring forth the true change for this family.’ DarkWolf said with all his heart, ‘Draco doesn’t know about his destiny with you, my princess. No one here knows, specially the vampire’s.’ Reina felt his fear of his being put to the death, she said, ‘Fear not. Draco will not be killed. He will be what he is meant to be. I will make sure of it.’ DarkWolf watched her move up the stairs, he saw her stand and scanning the room, this new heir was something the vampire’s were not thinking would come to be, she was much more willful and strong, her essence was already soaring with lust and need to mate, she was more than the female from the new bred. There was danger and mystery about her ways that would cause a stirring with the entire family essence. DarkWolf moved down the stairs, he wanted to sing praise to her, she was what he wished upon them, and he had longed pray for her essence to grace them. Now she was here. Now she was searching for his son, Draco. Time moves about their gathering to greet and honor their new princess. The moon is almost gone; the sun is begun to rise. Reina scan the room, she scents something, she caught a shadow, she moved away from Elder Samuel, she moved down the stairs with such speed, she moved about the room, his heart was calling to hers. She wanted to find this heart, she wanted to see him, she wanted…. Draco turns to see her descending down upon the celebration for her, he is lost to what he is feeling and thing, longing to one day share with her, he is not thinking clearly as she walks down to greet her huge family, he moves about the part, he realizes she is the one, the one female in this house that owns his heart and soul complete. He moved from her sight, he was drawn to her for some stranger reason, he moves swift from her sight and reach. He stood there by the fire, he was tall, his long black hair flowed half down his back, and he was haunting moving her essence in ways she was not understanding. She watched him turn and greet a woman; she knew this woman was a vampire. Reina eyes turn golden honey, her hand balled up than stretched with claws like she demon upon life. She moved towards the heavy drapes on the wide and tall windows, she bite her lips, she smiled, and she reached for the curtains. Samuel gasped. The three women coward at Samuel’s feet to fear. Reina was willing to kill, but they could not see what had enraged her. Sera gasped. Draco turns to see the princess grabbing at the curtains. He went to her. Her hand was about to fling open the curtains. He moves faster, but as he reaches for her hand, the curtains flung open…. All the sunlight flooded into the huge ballroom. Vampires hissed and scatter like frightening fawns to the darkness. The werewolves wanted to laugh and cheer, but all knew better. Draco touched her hands; he found his emotion, his soul was reacting in ways no other woman had awaken his heart or soul too, his blood was boiling to her haunting. He saw a breathtaking angel of looking up at him. He loved her old way of dressing, it was vintage design of clothing she wore made her stand out; she was more than her mother or the ones before her. Elegance of her moving would impress any male’s heart and soul, she was perfection in imperfect world and life, and she could set hearts on fire with the brilliance of her ravishing smile, but it was her cold, icy blue eyes that haunted your essence most of all…. Each breathe and single word spoken from her ruby lips offer a glamorous allurement into a forbidden world of darkness. For a crescendo of sparkling sensuality, the haunt scent of aroma embodied the air, hearts and soul about the entire house, she was the amber light glowing in darkness you should fear and turn away from, she was bring of death or lingering hallow life upon you. She bring upon their lives a exotic sophistication that makes male’s heart flutter, their knees weak upon her just passing by or brush her body against their for a brief moment in time that seemed endless and haunting. Swirling within her arms of death, any male would find and realize she is the only woman in the world, who can bring their unlived passion to its fullest. This beautiful harvest princess of death is awakening deep with him a longing he had never dream about or dare to believe he could ever feel or share with one woman, but now…. Now he was offering her all his heart and soul, his one fatal mistake that will bring him upon an endless night within her Midnight Velvet death of his mortal soul and for now he is the bounty of her season harvest was stirring her in blood fast and wild. It was Draco, who goes over to her, help the pure blood vampires from being bursting into flames from the deadly sunlight flowing about the main room. He touches her hand, he says, ‘Princess, the others can not stand the sunlight, it is fatal to them. Please can we shut them now?’ Reina smiled and said, ‘Why do they fear the bright light? It feels warm upon my cold flesh. It doesn’t bother me or you.’ ‘You are different from them and me. We lived by day and night, but the moon rules us at times. The others must always live by night or die.’ Reina looks around seeing the others fearing the sun, she felt their pain and fear, she turns to the Draco, she says, ‘What is your name?’ She knew who he was, he was the one she had bitten twice, and he was the one she would get to make love to her soon. She studies his body again with all the clothing on, she like him better naked. ‘Draco.’ ‘You must explain all this to me, but for now you can close them.’ Reina watched him close the curtains. She smells like a female werewolf would, she hissed as she scents he was pure blood werewolf, her fangs fell now, her eyes turned blood red. Draco bends down to touch her face, he says, ‘Now you be my sweet angel and don’t go scaring the vampires in this house anymore.’ He saw her reacting to him, but he would not react to it. ‘You are pure blood.’ ‘Yes, I am my princess. I am pure blood werewolf born as one between a mother and father,’ He paused. She said, ‘You are lying. Your mother was Collette, she was not werewolf or vampire, she was one the King cast aside because her mother was half werewolf and human, bitten by him and turned into something else. You can not hide your true bloodline from me. You and your sister are first of the new bred never mention or see as part of the new bred.’ Draco was shock she knew his family hidden secret, he squat in front of her, he stared into her eyes which were changing once again back to her blue eyes. He wanted to ask, but refuse to ask her. his stroke her face, his touch soothe the raging best in her, she changed back as his hands stroked her cheek, she felt a soft burning feeling herself from his touch, she knew he was the one for her, the only one who could and ever will soothe her wild beast within her, she smiled and said to him, ‘As long as you promise too always be mine, Draco, I will obey your words.’ He smiled and kissed her forehead, he said, ‘I will belong only to you, my lady. Now go greet and meet your new family, I will always be around here somewhere.’ Reina did as he asked of her. Draco was handsome, he was kind and loving, she stood there looking at him, and she would why his flesh has a fresh, woody, musk scent that speaks of classic masculinity. Why did it draw her to him? Would he ever come closer to her upon this night or would he always be across around like he was haunting vision to look upon, but never hold close within her essence, her body moves about the party, she lost sight of him. But he always found her. He smiled and bowed to her like he was promising her he would always be within her sight. She smiled and motion to come over, she was lost when he didn’t. Why did her refuse to come to speak to her? Why did her heart flutter so? Why did her soul burst like fire within the fireplace? She looks up at the Elders, who talking and drinking blood. She moves again and again, she lingers by the fire, she hopes he will come over. A serene setting with a warm crackling fire waits for him to dare her endless torture upon his body, heart and soul with no remorse to what she will take from him in order to live another night, but she is not just a young girl of nature, she is huntress and bringer of death, he watches her study the fire. His heart and soul urges him to go over, his mind tells him there is nothing wrong by talking to her. Draco skims the huge ballroom, he sees everyone busy with other things, and he moves about the room, he stands near the black velvet chair studying her moves, body and entire essence. He sits down in the chair, he leans on his hand, his elbow his prop up on the chair arm, the velvet is not as soft as her skin, and he takes a deep. Her stunning silhouette is covered in deep pewtertone and bronzetones, highlighting her hidden darkness lurking about her as her movement bewitched him to come closer to her. He found her essence has a luscious, fruity, floral scent that exudes an essence of mystery and sensuality. She was going to play up to his exotic side, she knew he held attraction to her, it was within his body language and eyes, even at three years old, she sense his desire quicker than others did. A light with fiery was her passion which brought forth into his desire a hidden balance of good evil to embrace as if he ever dare to belong to something more powerful or intense than him-self. He indulges for a moment to remember her skin…. her skin was luxuriously soft, not even satin or silk could compare to her skin. Thoughts of her brought a hidden allurement of the wild safari into his heart and soul passion. For the first time, he allows someone close to his heart and soul, even if it the wrong one. Special essence she contains within her cold, dark and unbeaten heart was strength to be stronger than you, triumphant to control your thought and move or posed in quiet grace to make him seek her out, as if he was not willing her, she was going to go to him. The swirling grain of desire begins to flow in depth of his essence for her, he wishes he could reach out to her, but she needed time to learn, grow and see her true fate within her family, he rose, but as he rose, she turned, he stared into her blue eyes now flicker of light golden honey color in them, but still he doesn’t fear what is about fall upon him. Some people hide their most treasured things deep within their hearts and souls, even worst things under their beds or closets, but there is nowhere to hide or tuck away your mortal soul from her or her kind that will feed upon you, she was born into the world half vampire, half werewolf and half human because her father dare to loved her mother upon the night of his death. She was now the first of her mother new breed of nightmare upon the Midnight Velvet hunt for life. One-of-kind personality she had, but now her haunting eyes, heart and soul own him, he smiled at her. She said, ‘Why do you fear me, Draco?’ She knew he was lying, she knew he was feeling something between them, but she would play his game for now, she had time, but sooner or later she was going to win him. He said, ‘I fear no one, princess. You are the future of our family. Your destiny is to belong to one, who will one day be chosen to become your life mate.’ He wanted to get away from her quickly, he was feeling things for her, he knew was wrong, he saw the flicker of stirring desire for him, she could never be with him, so he had to find a way to end this attraction to her, but how, when her heart and soul, even her haunting icy blue eyes owned him out right now and forever, he took a deep breath in. Out of nowhere she said, ‘Why don’t you know, Draco? I have chosen you like your heart and soul as chosen me for your life mate.’ He bowed to her, he said, ‘I am honored, but he is chosen for your life mate will not be me, princess. I am not from the new bred. I am pure blood werewolf, so you and I will never be allowed to become life mates.’ Her move was fast. He gasps as he found her standing beside him. ‘I think you will one day come to see. I am yours. You are mine. You chose me. I have chosen you. Come in time the family will not come between us.’ He bent down to touch her face, he said, ‘Only in our dreams, my lady.’ ‘Our dream will be as one. You will see, Draco. You will see.’ She said as she moved away from him, she smiled and sit down near the fire, she took the poker and moved the logs, she stirred the flames like she knew she was doing to him, she asked, ‘Why do you think it will not be allowed?’ Her tone was warm and reassuring to his heart and soul, she could feel his heart and soul flickering to her words, she watched and felt his weakness in his body to surrender to her, and she smiled. Draco sits down; he is lost to her words and false reality to her fate within the family. What was it about her and her words stir hope and fire within his essence? Why did it feel right sitting here talking with her was all he ever need to do? She was haunting him with second his heart flutter, he knew she would make him regret turn away from her tempting dreams, a dream of belong to her and mating forever with her. He knew she was the only the one who could make him or any other male in this house complete, but his mind tremble with the reality. Never will they be as one; only in his wicked and naughty dreams could they be lovers forever. Reina rises, she says, ‘I will make it happen. Trust me and trust the love you feel for me.’ She went away from him, she moves around the people talking and smiling, she knows he is watching her, she likes he is always keeping his dark soulless eyes focused upon her. She moved away from him, she pause to look back at him, she whisper to herself, ‘If only dreams for now, Draco. Just wait till you fall asleep upon this night and all the others to come upon you, I will stir your desire; haunt your mind, heart and soul, until you surrender to me. I will have you as my life mate.’ Draco watched her move about the huge house, he smiled, but knew she was going to be too willful to control or makes live by the rules set long ago for them, and he feared her power over him and others. He found she was something more deadly than any werewolf or vampire or offspring between the two species. Princess Reina was special beyond what they could see so far. In a few months, Princess would be of age, she would be curious about a lot of things in life, she would no longer age. Most children from breeding stop aging after a few months, if they lived. Many didn’t. There had only been ten males and four females to live. Females died faster than the males. She watched him too moving about the house. She knew he was drawn to her; she had him forever as hers. No way would he forever stay away from her. Each second, each hour and each day changed Reina, she was growing perfectly without issue like most female of her kind had, and she was the one. Each second, each hour and each day Draco was haunted by dream of wicked sexually acts they had shared, he was sweaty, he was burn like fire, he was tremble and lost of air, he was unsure how to break from his dream of her, but he could not live without them either. She was all he smelled, all he felt and breathes; she was everything to his mind, heart and soul. He was damned. ©2009 Firestar
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