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Intoxyc8me's blog: "Short Stories"

created on 04/23/2008  |  http://fubar.com/short-stories/b209682

A Morning Like This

A Morning Like This by LateNiteFantasy© Right now, before lunch and the hospital, she went for a walk around the pretty lake. Despite the chill in her mind, the quiet of the day grew on her. She soon stopped hugging her arms around her body and stretched out, balancing over the pebbles of a little woodland stream, trickling beneath her feet. There was no one there to tug her close and wrapped an arm around her waist. There was no one there to give her an affectionate or almost possessive squeeze as she drew close to the lakeside. Even so, she liked it here, under the fringes of the woodland canopy, where the green leaves gave way to the sunny June skies. Even alone it felt quiet and almost romantic, walking along, her mind wrapped in dreams. The sound of the water interrupted her thoughts and the feel of the distant sea breeze made her lift up her face to smile at the hidden sun. If only it could always be like this then every day of her life would be filled with sweetness, and every night would be filled with beautiful memories of everything that would have happened during the day. -You know - she whispered to herself, turning her head towards friends far away - that a morning like this makes life worth living. It all seems so very special.- And then she heard the echo of a voice in here head though, an irritating, hectoring, reminding voice... - Late nights are more ambiguous though? - - They can be. - She shrugged. - I don't mind that sometimes. - - That is as well. - the condescending voice of her conscience nagged her. - It's just that... this wasn't supposed to happen - she muttered and let her hand fall to her side, looking away across the lake. - His life wasn't supposed to happen? - - No, of course not. - - Well, it's a relief not to have a life thrown back at least. - She held her hands to her head and quenched a sob. - Hey - the maternalistic voice seemed to murmur, as if to reach out to restrain her anger. - I'm sorry. I feel so shut me out. I just want some peace, that's all! - - He wants peace too - the thought echoed in her head until her bottom lip was trembling and her eyes were filling with tears. She touched her cheek, the pressure drawing down a tear. Turning her index finger face upwards to halt the flow, she could feel the tear wobble on a finger tip. She lifted it carefully to her lips, tasting her frustration, her need, her desire. Then, she paused and let her hands drop back to her sides, staring glumly at the horizon. - I just can't explain what goes on in my head, - she said to a passing cormorant, that had settled on the large boulder behind her, with a loud thought-quenching squawk. - I should, perhaps confront it, rather than...than turning away - The cormorant stared at her beadily from his perch. She stood next to him, looking over at him without expectation, but eventually realising that miracles discounted, he wasn't going to add anything to its first enigmatic utterance. She sighed and crouched down before the rock, watching the cormorant parade up and down. Then she closed her eyes and let the lapping of the waves wash over her. They seemed to remain there for an age. She didn't want to break the silence in the hope that someone somewhere was waiting for the right moment to reach out and bring her back to him, before the cramp in her calf grew from painful to excruciating. - The tide's going out - she finally remarked idly, musing to herself. - Well, I never knew that the lake was tidal. I suppose it's just an inlet of the sea. It does seem to cut quite deeply into the land, admittedly - almost as deeply as the ambivalence of a stranger's silence might cut into me? - Her face softened and she reached up to touch her tear streaked cheek again. - Ah - she thought. - What would a stranger say to me? How about I promise you that, after the grey silences, you will see the sun again. - And what would I have to say to that. Maybe I feel the grey too deeply, but still I might treasure their feelings. - Sometimes, it's hard to tell and sometimes, words are unnecessary.- Yes and sometimes, I just want...and sometimes isn't always enough - oh hush, girl. A soft breeze blew gently across the water, bringing in the mixed tang of the sea and the freshness of the pine forests that blocked off any sight of the sea from where they stood. She wanted to cover her face with a soft mantilla and absorb the pretty scent on her fresh female skin. Her body leant softly into the breeze, lips parted without any expectation of a soft meeting of tongues. The idea made her ache. She slipped her hand into her shirt and caressed her camisole. Then she buried her head in the crook of her arm, pushing her face against the linen sleeve, smelling the abrasive dampness in the rock. She could feel her bottom lip quivering with emotion as she wrapped her arms around her head, trying to shut out the daylight, standing there, uniting with her yearning. Did she want to just rest there, she wondered, as she paused, lost in thought. Ambivalence might have been banished but ambiguity remains, she grumbled silently to herself, waiting for the minutes to tick by. - Girl, - she whispered. - What do you really want? Do you want to belong, to be satisfied and content, and then to lose the fire? Or do you miss the burning delight so much more? Why can't you be more pragmatic? She made a face, wanting to hear that inner voice saying 'then delight in yourself, you fool.' What would a dominant do for her? What would a lover offer up? Would he tell her to come and lean down to grab both her wrists pulling her and levering her up, so she lay face down looking into the rock from a different angle? Would her backside be swatted until she blinked, knowing that her selfish obsessions maybe deserved the little retributions? Would she have to absorb the questions and the hand that runs over the body, trying to take no glory in the admiration for her form? She wanted to take control, to roll over onto her back high up on the rock, like a Promethean waiting for the fire gifted to her to be shared as her clothes were pushed to one side and her moist warmth was entered in a sudden rush. She wanted to feel the thrill of being taken in this exposed place. She wanted to hear whispering that would hold her forever and so never be lost in thought again. She couldn't help it. It was like a deep need to call out those things had built up inside her. Her mind was no longer in control, only the build up of passion was: a huge tidal wave from the sea, rushing up and across her to engulfing her. She wanted to vibrate with sexual energy as her wetness caressing another. She wanted the penetrating slide, so deep, deep, deep inside her, pounding her as she built towards the shared climax and the liquefying sensations she so needed. It all seems so very special. -Yes, it is for sure - she smiled, drawing her skirts down, stroking the creases away from the bunching round her waist, and tugging at her panties, drawing them up and over her once eager, parted thighs - A morning like this makes a life worth living -
The Last Flight of the Raven by LateNiteFantasy© This is a true story from my Forest Reconn Days. I'd like to thank my friends, for helping me edit and do the corrections. I dedicate this story to them. * As we dropped altitude and closed in on the beachhead, the spectre groaned as Cowboy banked hard to the left. The call sign suited him well. He always wore an old straw farm hat, and those non-issue chrome plated sunglasses. I could never figure out how he got away with having them. He was always smiling, and he was the best pilot I had ever known. Tommy the crows nest operator tapped me on the shoulder, and as I turned, I noticed a screen shot of the area we had just past. He shouted to me over the roar of the cannons. "Do you recognize this geographic?" "Yea we just flew by it," I called back to him. "First cav is about to get a rude awakening down there. We got Congs flanking from the left, looks to be 30 or 40 men. The cav's pinned down hard right now, and the Congs are closing fast. When we make the next pass, paint the mark." "Got it," I shouted. "Remember, we are gonna be in close proximity to the big red one, so make sure you don't hose the whole place down." "Give me a shout when we reach the mark," I said. I was exhausted from strafing the area with the chain gun. The vibration of the ship melded together with the constant side-to-side motion from the 105 mm howitzer, and the cannon fire could wear a man out in no time. Not to mention that god-awful hole at my feet, a result of the last burst of flak. It was making a horrible sucking sound now, as if it wanted to take my very soul. Tommy motioned me again and said, "Here goes, sport. Be ready." I blinked to clear my eyes and peered into the sights of the gun. The ground movement looked like a group of tiny ants marching in unison. It seemed as if they were going to make a single mass movement towards the first cav. I didn't think they had a clue as to what was in store for them. Tommy shouted "FIRE!" and I squeezed the trigger. Every seventh round was a tracer, but the Vulcan fires so quickly all you can see is a single arch of red light from its barrel. The frantic movement on the beach instantly stopped. Tommy said, "You got 'em all man! No movement on FLIR!" I felt a momentary sickness wash over me. Yes, I knew what they had planned to do. I couldn't let them massacre our people on the ground. My only thoughts were I had just done to them what they had wanted to do to us. I had to forget it. Clear my mind for now. The spectre shuddered hard from a violent blast of flak, and the aircraft waffled wildly from side to side. The tail rudder had been hit but the damage was minimal, and the ship slowly regained its posture. The VOX radio channel crackled, and I heard cowboy tell the control aircraft we were heading to a higher altitude to re fuel. We started to climb and the AC130 moaned loudly. I wondered how much more we could take once we returned to the beach. The Raven was a late 60's model, and I had no Idea how much combat repair she had undergone during Vietnam. I knew the fuel cells were still weeping from the botched repair at Hulbert Field, and I worried she might split her tanks at any moment. Silence filled the ship as we rose above the 3000-foot mark. The looks of the faces on board were varied at best. The cannon operators were sweeping shells up, laughing, and joking. Tommy surveyed his information and went over charts with his usual conviction. Tipper, the loadmaster seemed nervous as he looked at various hard mounting points and checked the landing gear. I did some light maintenance on the Vulcan as I crossed myself, thankful I was still alive. VOX crackled again as the KC135 tanker operator urged Cowboy to hold the Raven as still as possible to avoid a collision. It was plain to see this was not as easy as it sounded. The tail section must have been damaged worse I thought. After some harrowing moments, the connector was uncoupled, and we pulled away. The Raven banked right and started her descent. If anyone had told me that I would be here 3 days ago, I would have laughed aloud, but it was real, and we were in the thick of it all. Tipper's voice shattered the silence. "Are you alright Ark?" "Yea buddy," I said. "I'm just trying to rest a moment and regroup before we head back into the storm." "Ok brother" he said. It looks as if this ol' girl has seen better days." "What do you mean, Tipper?" I said. "I think the Raven is damaged worse than any of us realize." he said. "We're leaking hydraulic fluid from the main and secondary cylinders, and I noticed a lot of slack in the tail rudder control wires." "Thing is Tipper, This bird has never let us down unless you count the fuel cell repairs at Hulbert." I said. "I'm sure if we were in any kind of real trouble, Cowboy would find a nice soft place to set her down." Tipper smiled and shook his head. "No place to soft land here, kid." He said. He headed off towards the rear of the Raven, and left me alone with my thoughts. I hoped he wasn't right, but he always was on this sort of thing. There was no way we could set down on the runway at Salinas. The Cubans still had ground control, and it might be hours or even days before anyone could land there. With all the ordinance we had dropped in that area, it might be damaged so bad that it was impossible to land on the island. We dropped altitude again and Cowboy circled to the right. I checked the Vulcan and loaded a fresh volley of ammo into the breach. Everyone seemed anxious to get back, and I was worried about the lack of ground support since we had left to refuel. With only two spectre's circling the island, the "Crow" was the only one there at the moment. Sure, one spectre could do a lot of damage, but two were guaranteed to keep the wolves at bay. We dropped the last few hundred feet and started to circle the island again. Immediately the flak burst and anti aircraft fire lit up the sky all over again. The next few hours seemed to race past as we continued to try to keep the enemy off the backs of our troops on the ground. We took several hits, but managed to stayed air born. Suddenly I heard ground control's radio message to Cowboy. "Areca to Raven" the controller said. "The runway is clear for you to land." I waited for the reply from Cowboy, but there was only silence from the cockpit. "Areca to Raven" The controller called again. "Do you copy? The runway is clear." Again, the mic was silent. A million things went through my mind at that moment. Did Cowboy not hear the radio transmission? Could everyone be dead in the cockpit? What was going on? I unbuckled my harness and tapped Tommy on the shoulder. "I'm going up topside." I said. Tommy looked around and said, "Hope everyone's alive up there" I climbed the crew ladder slowly not knowing what I might find. If they were all dead, we were in a world of trouble. We all had a few hours of flight simulation, in the event that we had to limp home without a pilot but I prayed none of us would have to find ourselves in that position. I looked around the cabin bulkhead, not wanting to see what I might find. As I looked I was thankful to see them all alive. The co pilot and Cowboy were having trouble controlling the plane and the navigator was frantically pouring over his charts trying to find the right approach to set the Raven down. Cowboy looked back and saw me standing there, scowling. "Why the sour look, Ark?" he asked in his usual unconcerned way. "What the hell is going on up here, Cowboy?" I shouted. "I ain't gonna lie to you," he said. "We are in a world of shit right now. The outside starboard engine is about to give out, and we've got major prop damage on the rest of them." I could see that they were doing all they could to try and steer the Raven, but it looked like a loosing battle. We had too much damage, and there was no way we could stay in the air much longer. At that moment, the engine died, and the prop feathered to a halt. As I looked out the starboard window, I could see the engine smoking lightly. Cowboy hit the extinguisher switch and the smoke dissipated into the slipstream. The prop on the engine was bent and chewed up, as if a huge dog had used it like a chew toy. "You had better get strapped in back there, Ark." Cowboy said. "We are gonna try and set this big bitch down at Salinas." I made my way back down the crew ladder and Tommy was standing there waiting for me. I didn't want to tell him or the others, but there was no turning back now. "What's going on up there?" he asked. "I gotta tell everyone." I said. "Listen to your headset" "Listen up guys!" I said as I keyed the mic. "Were done up here. We've lost an engine, and we got major prop and control damage. Everyone needs to secure there weapons and strap in. Looks like we are gonna have to brace for impact at Salinas." Jack, the new kid that operated the 105mm howitzer, said, "Crash? Damn man you got any good news to tell us?" "Sorry kid" I said, that's all I got for the moment. "I didn't sign up for this shit!" he whined. I secured the Vulcan and buckled myself into the jump seat. I could not believe this was happening. Yesterday I was at Hulbert field happy as hell, and now I was going to crash into some god forsaken Caribbean runway and die in a thousand pieces. I thought about all the things I would miss. I could not believe I wouldn't live to see my son being born. All of this was just too much. I knew Cowboy would do everything he could to set the Raven down in one piece, and freaking out now wouldn't do me any good. I though about what Para Rescue had done for me. It had taken a small town kid with no real direction, and turned him into a good man. I had learned so much about myself in the last few years, and I was proud to have been a part of all this. If I died and never got to see my son, I hoped someone would survive to tell him that I had tried to make a difference in people's lives. Tell him his dad had died doing what he loved. I hoped he would know that I loved him more than anything and that I had given my life freely so that he could live in peace. We started our descent towards Salinas's airport. The ground control operator told us that the runway was clear, but that wasn't the case. The sky lit up around us as we rolled into position for the landing. I knew they were doing all they could down there to help us get down in one piece. "Hold on to your asses!" Tipper cried out. "I can't get the rear landing gear all the way down. This shit is gonna hurt!" The Raven slammed down hard onto the tarmac. The impact jammed me upwards towards the ceiling, but the jump seat straps held fast. I felt as if I was being compressed into a small box. Cowboy threw the turbo props into full reverse, and the sound was deafening. [At that moment, the nose gear gave way, and the Raven pitched downward towards the ground, the nose gear tore into the asphalt and shook the ship violently.] "This is it." I thought. "Once the sparks from the gear start hitting those leaky wings, we will burst into flames." Thankfully, this never happened. The Raven had slowed a bit, but not enough to make a complete stop on the runway. We missed the last stop markers, and plowed into the sand breakers at the end of the runway. The Raven continued along, and the jungle was closing fast in the cabin windows. To this day, I don't know how he did it, but Cowboy pulled up just short of the tree line. The AC130 ground to a screaming halt, and he killed the ships power and switched to auxiliary. The Raven would never fly again. Cowboy called out "Report in! Is everyone alright back there?" Everyone had survived the crash, maybe a little banged up, but OK. The emergency lights and warning signals made the inside of the Raven look like a Christmas tree. Cowboy killed all the alarms, and we all got ready to exit the plane. "There's a lot of gunplay going on out there." Tipper said. "Everyone get there flak jackets on and be ready to run for shelter. Get your game plan ready before I lower the rear hatch!" Small arms fire was hitting the side of the Raven. We all huddled into the tail section. Bill, the other howitzer operator was an old veteran to this sort of thing. He looked at me and said, "You want to make it out of here alive?" "Is that a trick question?" I said Don't be a smart ass boy!" he said. When the hatch opens, I'm gonna flank right with grazing fire, and Tippers gonna flank left. All of you need to stay low and head straight out the back of the plane. Intelligence told us there is a bunker that we control about sixteen to twenty yards right behind us." Jack said, "Hey old man, I can fend for myself. I'm gonna run to the left and take cover behind those sheds we saw coming in." You'll never make it there, kid." Bill said. "You'll get shot before you get ten feet." "I'll take my chances." Jack said. "Suit yourself!" Bill said. "Ark you run as fast as you can towards that bunker," Bill said. "If you do what I tell you, then you'll make it there. We can't loose our only medic." "You don't have to tell me twice!" I Said. "I got you the first time." Tipper hit the release mechanism on the tail bulkhead, and the door hydraulics started to whine. This is it, I thought. All the training and hard work had come down to this moment. I had never been so scared, yet so alive in my life. There was no time left to contemplate any of this. It was time to go. I said a silent prayer as light streamed into the cabin. The bi fold doors opened even wider. "God, please let me make it home alive."

Broken Dance

Spinning me faster and faster round and round hands shaping me making me into a vessel for your needs friction heating me you moistening where needed becoming by your perfect design merely an object for everyday use my destiny my glory my fate until I crack and you find another disposing of me in a heap. see, if you will the things that pass before my eyes can you see the beauty I do in each and every thing? Images.... a wife...a daughter smilng at me my lovely leading lady stretched out on the green blades, my daughter, our creation, nine months old..with a grin bigger then herself a foudry... air as dark as silt glow of molten steel pouring in a mold sparks flying, grinding off excess a forklift... balanced above my head, on wooden blocks not made to hold the tonage but my job to remove the bearings...replace them, so it could roll again... a break, with coffee and smoke. watching trains on a tack go by moving something, only rich could buy a lake...soft and smooth while in a boat softly rocking waves lapping the sides... sounds softly repeating... a woman, lean and sure swiftly moving on her way... some unkown destination, but... fluid enough for sore eyes christmas, a child in line to see Santa in the red suit face lit up like a hundred watt bulb believing in the unbelievable a sunset...in fall the angle of light low and fading color of orange, red, yellow vibrant on the brain.... a car speeding through an intersection to beat a red light... gray smoke from the muffler roaring pistons as it goes... a bum....on the street bending down to pick up a butt... still some meat on it, in his pocket it goes... a friday, at the grocery store...the lines long. baskets filled with evey color under the rainbow...pink, dark red, meat passes a scanner a trip across the west... the road waving infront.. mirages they call them dancing upon a mind walls of rock surround you, into the past you drive the night sky, so quiet and lovely points of light above...creating patterns you recognize a early morning lake, fog rising above the water far off...a lonely cry a loon calling it's mate a hot afternoon...the sun high in the sky, blinding the eyes...you shade them.... but it does no good...nothing can you see a flag waving...above an old school an M for macdonalds, smell of meat in the air... concrete...a highway...never ending infront of you...behind you a ship, huge to a human... bringing ore to unkown destinations, the blue water swallowing it...but it doesn't sink... a sky so blue...with threads of white..in the distance small black shapes wave their wings to fly... a bridge spanning to nowhere...spreading across the water, arches are all you see...as safe in your car you cross... an ancient church, a steeple so high...above the trees, in the distance a gold meadow, with corn standing tall....upon which the shadow of a car passes... abondoned farm houses, now and then, from the road you can see the angles the roofs are caving in.... old dirt roads, dust rising as you pass, in a rearview mirror the past speads by.... a fish, swimming in the tank...orange in color, so gracefully swimming, you wish you could move so fluid.. a dog on a lawn, leaping in the air to catch a frisbee...in the afternoon...he's brown, the grass green, the sky blue a rock....around your shrubs, sparkles at you..you pick it up, and slats of something like diamonds crosses through it... Images... electric signals in a brain... neurons firing... still... we are the same... just.......... images.

morning musings

Oh lord... just woke up pressure headache bad dreams letter from a different time zone forgot already what I posted yesterday wtf is TS talking about? I am sooo full of love and passion this am morning prayer today... Please ... just one time today let my lips kiss away real pain let my hands heal a real hurt let me taste and smell just once what the world used to be like and let me see what is really there to see and in return I give this day to You waiting.... I will hear You. Sorry you guys... I'm in a ramblin mood... but a good one Hope each of you recognizes the magic when it stirs in your life today Late Nite Fantasy
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