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created on 10/30/2006  |  http://fubar.com/-/b19506
There are days when I wake up and ponder ... what happened to the easy life? You know, the lie you believe in when youre small, that all people are geniune, that no ones stronger or smarter then your parents, and that life is and always will be easy. God I long for those days, when your most critical issue is what should I wear and will I ever be popular. Now it seems its slipped through my tightly clasped fingers and all I can do is wonder...does it ever get easier? Life throws lemons at me it seems, and I blink through the sting and still smile everyday because as a good friend once said to me, any day above ground is a good day. Each day holds the possibility of change and with change it becomes a little easier. So each day I awake with a smile, try to learn something new and change a little...just for me :) Even if it doesnt get easier, it doesnt matter because atleast I can say I tried, which only few do.
Here are 45 Randoms things about me.... 1) I have a thing about smells... if a hotel room, or a restaurant smells "funny"... I have to leave, or hold my breath. 2) Adding to my smell thing - I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way babies smell; their heads especially. My ex husband had always said that if you blindfolded me and put me in a room with 50 children, I could find all mine by head smell in about 5 seconds flat. 3) I love kids... love them... any age... any gender... I love to just sit back and LISTEN. It's amazing what you can learn by just listening to them talk. 4) I drink, smoke and curse like a sailor. My family taught me to hold my liquor well, and I've been known to drink grown men under the table. 5) My favorite season is summer. 6) I procrastinate... a lot... a LOT. 7) If I could, I'd live barefoot. 8) I love playing with hair. Cut, color, you name it. In a rut? Go wild... go red, or even purple! So many women spend copious amounts of time worrying about their hair. It is only hair after all. 9) I love black and white photos. Especially nudes or partial nudes... nothing "gynecological"... just the beautiful artful curves of the human body. 10) I ran away from home when I was 16 years old. I was gone for about a month. It was horrible, but life goes on. I don't regret a thing about my life... it's all a part of who I am today. 12) I try not to be insecure.. 13) Daisies are my favorite flower of all... simple, not pretentious... long lasting... nature's smile. 14) I believe in the spirit of Santa Claus, the power of Chi, and all things magical. 15) I think that M&M's are possibly the best candy ever invented. I miss the purple ones. 16) I was born and raised catholic, yet have a very universal belief about God and spirituality. I think that organized religion is one of the most destructive things to the human spirit on the planet. I find myself becoming more and more intolerant of people who call themselves "Christian". 17) I believe that too many parents today want to be their children's best friend. Being a parent means that often, your child WILL NOT LIKE YOU. This is okay, it is not my job to be my child's friend... it is my job to teach them and keep them safe. 18) I LOVE Renaissance Faires!!! There is something about that time period... the romance, chivalry, art, expression, laughter 19) I love to play Spades... and not on the computer... the old fashioned way... with actual PLAYING CARDS. 20) I have 2 sisters and 1 brother 21) I love watching it SNOW!!...I hate the cold thou...Go figure!! 22) I have learned that men, know how to fight. They argue, get in other's face... express their feelings... then punch each other in the arm and all is good. Women complicate things. 23) I am a shameless flirt. 24) I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE – BREAST IMPLANTS!!!! (get it?) 25) I love idiotic humor, and movies like Dodgeball, Wedding Crashers, anything Monty Python, Mel Brooks... laughter is the best medicine!!!!!!!!!! 26) I am stooopidly sensitive sometimes... but you'll never see me cry. I'll go the bathroom and turn on the water to do that. 27) There are times when I want to stomp my feet, whine, and get generally pissed off when I don't get my way. (WHO DOESNT FEEL THAT WAY AT TIMES??) 28) I have 5 very very bestest friends..and 2 are males 29) There are days... (only SOME days mind you)... where I would trade sex, for FOOD. 30) Ghost Hunters is one of my most favorite television shows EVER. I am a FIRM believer!!! 31) I love literally every kind of music with the exception of "twangy" country, and "gansta" rap. 32) If I could only wear one pair of shoes for the rest of my life, it would be my sandels..The most comfortable pair of shoes ever!! 33) I love baseball caps 34) I love to garden, I could live in the garden and the sunshine 24/7 if possible. 35) I am terrified of spiders and snakes... When I garden, I have a "talk" with all the creepy crawlers, they stay out of my way... they stay alive. 36) Paris Hilton makes me want to puke. But I do like one of her songs 37) I am hopelessly romantic 38) FUCK, is probably the best word in the English language, hands down. 39) I admit that I am a reality TV junkie. 40) Almost every single day I wish for a magic wand... literally. (It's not working btw, if you have any pointers, I'm all ears!) 41) I was in a deep depression for about 3 yrs 42) I believe that there is no such thing as "good" or "bad". Things simply are. How we choose to act on these things makes all the difference in the world. 43) I love anything with an engine...louder the better 44) I love going to car races,mudding..if its fast and loud..Im there:) 45) Sex IS better after 30...

Single Vs. Not

Hmmmmmm.....just lighter mood.... lol Things I enjoy about being single........ 1. No complaining about about my clothes or shoes lying around the house. 2. Channel surf as much as I want!! Even have two TVs going at the same time as I go from room to room I can listen/watch what I want! 3. Play my music as loud as I want! Not to mention I said MY MUSIC!! Things I don't enjoy about being single.... 1. No one to sit down and watch those DVDs with.... 2. No one there at night. 3. Having to go get the damn step ladder to get something off the top shelf (ok really I ment the next to the top shelf or the third to the top shelf) .... Being 5' 1 1/2 does have a few disadvantages.

Is Forever A Possibility??

Is forever a possibility? So many people fall in love and either get married or become a permanent couple and within a short time, for whatever reasons, they fall apart and they become just a memory of what they used to be. Everyone has someone in the past that they would soon like to forget. What was the final straw that made you stop believing in forever? I don't think forever is an impossibility. I don't think forever gives up on us but that we give up on forever. Relationships are a dime a dozen now days and we have the mentality that if it doesn't work with the person that we are with then there are plenty of other fish in the sea. What happened to the forever's that were alive in the days of our parents and grandparents? Does anyone even work on their relationships anymore? Everyone at some point has had a relationship where looking back they realize they could have done more. People play the if only game. "If only" I had done this or that it would have worked. No, not true. I am a firm believer that if you are meant to be with someone then life will work out to where you are together. Yes, you might have been able to do more or do things different but sorry, if it's not meant to be then it wouldn't have worked anyway. The forever mentality should always stay alive in your soul. I've had the good and the bad relationships and although none of them lasted forever I can't regret any of them. I think they all have made me what I am today. Everything in life happens for a reason and it's up to you to find the lesson that life is trying to teach you. I see people all the time just giving up because they say it's too hard or its too this or too that. What? Isn't this the person that you said you wanted to be with forever? Forever is not a couple of years. Forever is just that. It's FOREVER. Why throw forever away because the money is tight or he gets home late for work or the kids are driving you to the brink of insanity? It takes a lot to stay together forever. Love, commitment, trust, faith, and patience are just a few of the important things that you need. Don't mistake lust for love and don't toss out the "I love you" until you know that you certainly do. What are your ideas on forever?

Pursuit of happiness

There are days when I wake up and feel ready to tackle the day... and then, there are days like today... Dragging my sorry ass out of bed (er, couch), and stumbling into the kitchen for my bestest friend in the whole wide world... COFFEE.... Followed a close second by my other best friend.... EXCEDRIN ... This gets me to thinking... scary thought that! Is our happiness driven by our surroundings, by what's going on in our lives, the people we surround ourselves with, and our everyday activities? Or, is it driven by what we think. What goes on in our minds? Are we ultimately in control of our well being by our mental outlook on life? Should I have a Dumb and Dumber moment and crouch in that proverbial bathroom stall, pop my thumb in my mouth and proceed to "find a happy place"? So I ask you, dear readers...what do YOU do when you're feeling down? What do YOU do to pick yourself up and dust yourself off? Do you think your happiness is driven from within, or from your external surroundings? Share with me, oh enlightened ones... Momma needs a brand new bag!
Karma "I am the owner of my karma . I inherit my karma. I am born of my karma. I am related to my karma. I live supported by my karma. Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit. The Buddha, Anguttara Nikaya V.57 - Upajjhatthana Sutta INTRODUCTION "Countless rebirths lie ahead, both good and bad. The effects of karma (actions) are inevitable, and in previous lifetimes we have accumulated negative karma which will inevitably have its fruition in this or future lives. Just as someone witnessed by police in a criminal act will eventually be caught and punished, so we too must face the consequences of faulty actions we have committed in the past, there is no way to be at ease; those actions are irreversible; we must eventually undergo their effects." His Holiness the Dalai Lama, from 'Kindness, Clarity and Insight' The Sanskrit word Karma (or kamma in Pali) literally means action. In Buddhism however, karma mainly refers to one's intention or motivation while doing an action. The shortest explanation of karma that I know is: 'you get what you give'. In other words; whatever you do intentionally to others, a similar thing will happen to yourself in the future. Our largest obstacle to understanding or even believing in karma may be time. The 're-actions' or results of our actions show up with a time delay, and it becomes extremely hard to tell which action caused which result. Actions done in a previous life can create results in this life, but who can remember their past life? For ordinary humans, the mechanisms of karma can be intellectually understood to some extent, but never completely "seen". The idea behind karma is not only found in Buddhism and Hinduism; it seems that the Bible certainly conveys the same essence: Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A person reaps what he sows. (Gal. 6:7) All things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. (Matthew 7:12) Also the 'Golden Rule' of Confucianism makes a similar statement: Tzu-kung asked, "Is there one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one's life?" Confucius answered, "Is not reciprocity such a word? What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others."' From His Holiness the Dalai Lama's book Path to Bliss: "Some people misunderstand the concept of karma. They take the Buddha's doctrine of the law of causality to mean that all is predetermined, that there is nothing that the individual can do. This is a total misunderstanding. The very term karma or action is a term of active force, which indicates that future events are within your own hands. Since action is a phenomenon that is committed by a person, a living being, it is within your own hands whether or not you engage in action." You can find suggestions for a meditation on karma (or other subjects) in the List of Sample Meditations. WHY BELIEVE IN KARMA? Simply said, if we chose to ignore the workings of karma, we tend to create many problems for ourselves. For example, if we like to have something expensive, but we cannot afford it, it becomes very tempting to steal. If we are smart and attentive enough, we may never be caught stealing. However, by stealing, we create problematic situations for ourselves in the future, like poverty, or being the victim of robbers. Therefore, if we chose to ignore karma, the results of our actions will still haunt us. Every mainstream religion teaches us about the consequences of our actions. The explanations may differ, but does it really matter in the end whether the law of karma causes us trouble or God himself in his final judgement? Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. Unknown source Two of my personal favourite reasons to believe in karma, are that it represents ultimate justice as everyone will harvest the results of their actions, and even if karma would not exist, as long as I try to avoid negative actions, the world would be a better place to live in for everyone anyway. Science itself comes with another argument for karma. In physics. like every other Western science, there is a direct causal relationship between action and reaction. It may be interesting to look at the next explanation of the four laws of karma and see how "scientific" it sounds. Endless knotAs the Buddha taught: "Do not think a small sin will not return in your future lives. Just as falling drops of water will fill a large container, The little sins that steadfast accumulate will completely overwhelm you. Do not think a small virtue will not return in your future lives. Just as falling drops of water will fill a large container, The little virtues that steadfast accumulate will completely overwhelm you." The Auspicious or Endless Knot (see image on the right) symbolises the nature of reality where everything is interrelated and only exists as part of a web of karma and its effect. (It can also be seen as an auspicious sign for long life, as it is endless.) HOW KARMA WORKS A very good and succinct explanation by Geshe Tashi Tsering in his book The Buddha's Medicine for the Mind: Cultivating Wisdom and Compassion: Intention is the most important of all mental events because it gives direction to the mind, determining whether we engage with virtuous, non-virtuous, or neutral objects. Just as iron is powerlessly drawn to a magnet, our minds are powerlessly drawn to the object of our intentions. An intention is a mental action; it may be expressed through either physical or verbal actions. Thus, action, or karma, is of two types: the action of intention and the intended action. The action of intention is the thought or impulse to engage in a physical or verbal act. The intended action is the physical or verbal expression of our intention. Karma actually refers to the action of intention but in general usage it includes the intended action and the seeds that are left in the mind as a result. How do we accumulate karmic seeds? Every physical and verbal action is preceded by mental activity. Goodwill motivates a kind gesture; ill will motivates nasty words. Ill will is the intention to cause mental, emotional or physical harm. Thus, before and during a bad action, ill will is present in our mind. The presence of ill will before and during this act has an impact and influence on the mind due to which a certain potential is left behind. This potential is a karmic seed, a seed planted in our mind by physical, verbal or mental action. The strength or depth of this seed is determined by a number of factors, including how strong our intention is, whether we clearly understand what we are doing, whether we act on our intention and whether the physical and verbal action is completed. Seeds will remain in the mind until they ripen or are destroyed. Seeds left by negative mental events and actions can be destroyed by the four opponent or antidotal powers. The most important of these four powers are regret for the negative act and a firm resolve not to act that way again in the future. Seeds left by positive mental events and actions can be destroyed by anger. Even if we do not act on a negative intention, a karmic seed of diminished potency is still left in the mind. This incompleted seed is easier to remove. If it is not destroyed, a negative seed will eventually produce an unpleasant and negative effect while a postive seed will produce a pleasant and positive effect. Karmic seeds do not go to waste even after one hundred aeons. They will come to fruition when the time comes and the conditions assemble. Actions motivated by the wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings and dedicated to that end have a special feature. The positive effects of such an act will be experienced many times over without being exhausted. For this reason, virtue dedicated to complete enlightenment is likened to a magnificent tree that bears fruit every season without fail. Such virtues will bear fruit until Buddhahood is attained. A fragment of the The Sutra of the Causes and Effects of Actions by Shakyamuni Buddha, from Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archives that probably conveys the idea very straight-forward: "Then the Buddha spoke to Ananda thus, "This question that you are asking--it is all on account of a previous existence, in which every one's mind was not alike and equal. Therefore, in consequence, the retribution is of a thousand and a myriad separate and different minds. Thus the person who in this world is handsome comes from a patient mind, and the ugly comes from amid anger; the needy come from meanness. The height and noble comes from prayer and service, and the lowly and base comes from pride. The great and tall person comes from honor and respect and the short-legged person comes on account of contempt. The person who hinders the bright splendor of the Buddha is born black and thin; and the one who tastes the food of the fast is born deprived of food. The person who is too sparing of fire and light is born infirm; the one in whose eyes fault always appears is born night-blind. The person who slanders the Law is born dumb; and the person who does not want to hear the Law is born deaf. ..... The person who is compassionate is born long-lived, and the one who kills living beings is born short-lived. The one who gives gifts is born rich. The one who gives a gift of horse and carriage to the three jewels has many horses and carriages. Then the person who reads and asks about the sutra is born intelligent; but the stupid person comes from an animal existence. The person who cannot stay in his place comes from among the apes; the one who binds the hands and feet of living beings is born paralyzed in hand and foot. The person who is of evil passions comes from snakes and scorpions; the one who keeps the precepts (sila) is complete in the six kinds of organ, but the person who breaks the precepts is incomplete in the six kinds of organ. The unclean person comes from the existence of pigs; the person who likes song and dance comes from among actors. The one who is greedy comes from dogs; the one who eats alone, their neck is goiterous. The one who castrates living beings has incomplete pudenda; the one who on one side abuses his superior has a short tongue. The one who seduces the spouse of another, after dying falls among the geese, and a person who commits incest will fall into the existence of sparrows." THE FOUR LAWS OF KARMA Domino Globe1. Results are similar to the cause. Simply said, when I cause other people harm, I will harvest suffering myself. It is important to note here, that "positive" actions are defined as actions that have happiness as a result; "negative" actions are defined as actions that lead to suffering as a result. 2. No results without a cause. As is obvious within science, things do not just appear out of nothing. 3. Once an action is done, the result is never lost. Similarly as above, things do not just disappear into nothing. 4. Karma expands. Once we have an imprint of an action in our mind, it tends to be habit-forming. As is often said in wars for example, killing the first enemy is tough, but after a handful, one quickly loses count and it becomes "normal". Also psychology often stresses a similar point when e.g. explaining actions of adults from their childhood experiences. WHAT IS NEEDED FOR KARMA TO RIPEN? 1. A previous action, or karmic potential. 2. Conditions: the circumstances must be available before I can undergo a specific result. 3. A deluded mind. Without delusions in our mind, we will never experience the results of previous actions. This happens to Arhats and Buddhas; their minds have been purified from delusions, and they are beyond the realm of karma. It should be realised that without any karma to ripen at all, we could never experience anything unpleasant - most likely, when this occurs, we are in a blissful state of nirvana or full enlightenment. WHAT DECIDES THE SEVERITY OF THE RESULTS? The severity of the results of our actions depends on various factors: 1. Our intention or motivation - the intention is the most important aspect by far, as karma is mainly connected to the intention of the action, be it positive or negative. 2. The nature of the action: obviously, gossiping is less severe than killing. 3. The actual deed: whether we kill in self-defence or sadistically torture someone to death does make a difference, usually this directly related to intention. 4. The basis or object: it does make a difference whether we kill our mother or an ant. 5. Repetition; how often do we repeat the action, which reinforces the habit, and makes even killing feel less negative. 6. Doing the reverse: if we always behave negatively to others and never try to do any good, consequences will be severe. How we experience the result of an actions does depend on our other actions in life. For example, if we experience the result of being hungry for a day, there is a huge difference whether we experience this as a malnourished person in a hopeless situation, or as a healthy fast for an obese person. WHAT IS "GOOD" AND "BAD" KARMA? Interestingly enough, the Buddhist answer to this question forces you to think and decide for yourself. Positive actions are defined as their result being a pleasant experience, negative actions are defined by their unpleasant results. Obviously, the results mentioned here are unlikely to come immediately (so-called 'instant karma' is considered rare), instead the karmic result may take lifetimes to ripen. For example, if I steal an ice-cream and enjoy eating it afterwards, the enjoyment is not a karmic result of stealing the ice-cream; it may be the result of helping someone else. The karmic result of stealing an ice-cream is an unpleasant experience, like when something will be stolen from me. In A Living Buddhism for the West, Lama Anagorika Govinda expresses another approach: "All the suffering of this world arises from a wrong attitude. The world is neither good or bad. It is only the relation to our ego that makes it seem the one or the other." This approach relates to the way our mind perceives the world; see the page on delusions. WHAT CAN I DO TO REMOVE PREVIOUS NEGATIVE KARMA? Nobody likes to suffer, so we all like to rid ourselves of negative karmic potential. There are several possibilities, and in fact we may need to try and apply all of these methods as much as we can: - To avoid having negative thoughts that lead to negative actions in the future, we need to observe and control our own thoughts and behaviour, and destroy our negative attitudes. - Similarly, we can observe/study (meditate) our own mind and encourage positive thoughts that lead to positive actions. - We can avoid negative karmic seeds to ripen by purifying it, using the four powers of purification (see below). Although this does not eliminate the negative karmic actions, it can avoid the results to occur. - Ultimately, when we realise emptiness directly (see the page on Wisdom), and remove all our delusions, we are not under the control of past karma anymore. THE FOUR POWERS OF PURIFICATION The purification practices found within Buddhism are not unlike the practices applied in many other religions. The most essential mental factor that one requires is sincerity or honesty with oneself. When one wants to purify past negative karma, one has to do some action with the correct motivation. This is summarised in the following Four Powers of Purification: 1. Power of the Object: One should practice thinking of all sentient beings one may have hurt. Traditionally, one remembers all sentient beings and the Three Jewels of Refuge (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha), by generating compassion for all sentient beings and taking refuge. 2. Power of Regret: This should not be senseless guilt or self-recrimination, which are said to be useless emotional torture. What is intended here is to examine oneself and one's actions and to recognise that negative actions done in the past were very unwise. 3. Power of Promise: As a logical consequence of the above, one should promise not to repeat these negative actions. It is good if one can promise to avoid a negative behaviour for a specific time, or at least promise that one will put effort in avoiding repetition. Not being honest at this stage makes the practice useless or even harmful to oneself. 4. Power of Practice: Basically any positive action with a good motivation can be used as practice. Traditionally in Buddhism, one can practice e.g. making prostrations (throwing oneself to the floor - as a means to destroy pride), making offerings (to counteract greed), reading Buddhist texts (to counteract ignorance and negative thoughts), reciting mantras etc. It is often explained that one needs to clear a field by purifying it from rocks and weeds, then planting seeds by study and meditation, giving water and fertiliser by doing positive actions, and automatically new harvest will grow. PRACTICAL CONSEQUENCES OF KARMA "What fisherman looks for water in dry, dead riverbeds? He who hopes for spiritual progress, but cultivates neither wisdom nor merit." His Holiness the 7th Dalai Lama, from 'Songs of spiritual change' translated by Glenn Mullin. To begin with, I need to understand that I cannot immediately change my present situation, but I should understand that: - The reason why I am experiencing this is only due to my own actions in the past, my mind filled with delusions or positive thoughts, and the right circumstances for the karma to ripen. - I can chose to have a selfish reaction to my situation and create my own suffering in the future. - I can chose to have a reaction considering others' welfare and create happiness for myself as well in the future. - If I react without thinking, it is easy to create negative results for the future, and even make that a habit. - The others whom I like to blame for hurting me, are merely the circumstances that make my negative karma ripen. - Understanding karma means that I have full responsibility for everything that happens to me in the past, present and future. - Positive thinking and acting will do others and myself much more good than being negative and acting that way. "Karma is not something complicated or philosophical. Karma means watching your body, watching your mouth, and watching your mind. Trying to keep these three doors as pure as possible is the practice of karma." Lama Thubten Yeshe, "The Bliss of Inner Fire" FATE IS IN OUR HANDS - A PARABLE In a time long past, there was a an old monk who, through diligent practice, had attained a certain degree of spiritual penetration. He had a young novice who was about eight years old. One day the monk looked at the boy's face and saw there that he would die within the next few months. Saddened by this, he told the boy to take a long holiday and go and visit his parents. 'Take your time,' said the monk. 'Don't hurry back.' For he felt the boy should be with his family when he died. Three months later, to his astonishment, the monk saw the boy walking back up the mountain. When he arrived he looked intently at his face and saw that they boy would now live to a ripe old age. 'Tell me everything that happened while you were away,' said the monk. So the boy started to tell of his journey down from the mountain. He told of villages and towns he passed through, of rivers forded and mountains climbed. Then he told how one day he came upon a stream in flood. He noticed, as he tried to pick his way across the flowing stream, that a colony of ants had become trapped on a small island formed by the flooding stream. Moved by compassion for these poor creatures, he took a branch of a tree and laid it across one flow of the stream until it touched the little island. As the ants made their way across, the boy held the branch steady, until he was sure all the ants had escaped to dry land. Then he went on his way. 'So,' thought the old monk to himself, 'that is why the gods have lengthened his days.

Just a little something

Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course, we wouldn't fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cities. People come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky, a plane ride away.

Lesson in life

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be, your neighbor, your coworker, a long lost friend, or a complete stranger. When you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way. Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved,straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless. The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets. Most importantly if you Love someone tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store. Learn a lesson in life each day that you live. That's the story of Life.

Fall rain

It is unlike any rain that you see the rest of the year....spring and summer are the same...creating glistening water fields and dew upon flowers...the idea of new life is everywhere and rainbows come to mind Fall rain saturates the very core of the soul......it is felt deep within our bones warning us of the coming winter and the cold that the rain brings down... Even walking along the streets....the fog rolls up around the house...clouding everything in a mist of dulling color...the leaves lack their vibrance and droop under the weight of the heavy drops...sighing with the idea of their time coming to yet another end Fall rains brings what is to come not what is yet to come....it is the first reason to drag out the heavy cable knit sweaters and stand by the window drinking cups of tea....Fall is a beautiful season, but the heaviest in the cold dreary showers that make me want to spend all day cuddled down in my blankets...soon this rain will be turning into snow carpeting the land in a white blanket
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