36 Year Old
Joined on July 11, 2007
Born on September 10th
1 person has a crush on me!
Im a hopeless romantic sometimes, I like to kiss and be kissed, Im an extremly emotional person, I like having alone time, Or days when i want to be with everyone i know, Im usually pretty down to earth, i can get along with everyone, i like to think im artistic and that i can sing... heres some more things that i ♥... chocolate/ animals/ tattoos/ people that make me laugh and smile/ sitting out in the sun/ playing in the rain/ watching movies/ Driving, doesnt matter where../ swimming/ camping /shopping /tokyo toys/traveling / rainy days watching the autumn leaves falling/
36 Year Old
Joined on July 11, 2007
Born on September 10th
1 person has a crush on me!
♥concerts, movies, music, fashion, art in every form, tattoos, piercings, body modification, make-up, synthetic hair, poetry, painting, creating things+ more
Pan's Labrynth+ little miss sunshine+ Nightwatch+ Running with scissors+ tankGirl+ hackers+ the princess and the warrior+ run lola run+ the fifth element+ donnie darko+ when night is falling+ crazy in alabama+ headwig and the angry inch+ the last unicorn+ legend+ labyrinth
Eh, just lookin' around, and came across your profile, and gave you a 10. Come by my page and check it out, and rate it for me when ya get a chance. Thanks....
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