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39 Year Old · Female · From Reseda, CA · Joined on September 19, 2007 · Born on January 18th · 3 referrals joined!
39 Year Old · Female · From Reseda, CA · Joined on September 19, 2007 · Born on January 18th · 3 referrals joined!

I am a 21 year old LOTR and HP fanatic. The movies have really not done the Harry Potter books justice, go read them if you have not or I will...um...get my dragon to eat you! Now then, I am also a huge fan of Anime, as well as books, art, photography, and of course my passion in life: Acting.

After having taken both a costume class and a make-up class I've come to realise that should acting not work I'd love to try one of those! Needless to say I'm a Theatre major at my college, and a Junior now. I also really like Psychology, and thinking of getting a degree in it, maybe a double major, not sure.

I love the stage and thrive upon it, my favorite shows are: The Phantom of The Opera (got me into acting), Les Miserable (love it), Little Shop of Horrors, Cats (longest running show on broadway), Fiddler on the Roof, Avenue Q (The internet is porn!), and tons more.

I also love computer games my favorites being Final Fantasy XI (online) and Command and Conquer 3 (though I've played them all this is by far my favorite right now). I love DDR, but I hate doing it in public I get so embaressed (go figure an actor who get's jittery when people look at her when she's practicing or playing DDR).

I have a fasination with Ancient Greece and Egypt (mostly though the mythology, I LOVE mythology!) and hope to travel to Egypt, Japan, England, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland and who knows where else!

39 Year Old · Female · From Reseda, CA · Joined on September 19, 2007 · Born on January 18th · 3 referrals joined!
Anime, Games (strategy, RPG, online), Books ^^ and Manga, Photography, Dancing, Singing, Acting, Musicals, Cards (I read them, yes like tarot, no not tarot, I read playing cards, much safer ^^), shopping but who doesn't >.>.

Robin Hood: Men In Tights
Blazing Saddles
Lord of The Rings Trilogy
A Knights Tale
The Mummy
The Mummy Returns
Back To The Future
Pirates of The Carribean (all of them)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Howl's Moving Castle
Spirited Away
My Neighbor Totoro
Kiki's Delivery Service
Princess Mononoke....pretty much anything by Hayao Miyazaki
Julie Andrews and Ian McKellen. I bow before them. ~bows~

Criss Angel, really anyone that can do the kinda stuff he does is right up there in my book.

Itzahk Pearlman as well, listen to his stuff he's a violinist and is amazing.

Johnny Depp, I look up to him.

As cheesy as it sounds, those that are in the military and those that are out, the ones I know and the many I don't.
Video Games
FFXI, Comand & Conquer (played them all but LOVING Tiberum Wars), Kingdom Hearts, LOTR The Third Age, LOTRO (that's Lord of The Rings Online, doing a trial of it and it's pretty nice reminds me of Guild Wars), Guild Wars, James Bond: 007 Golden Eye (yes that N64 classic I love it, Automatic, Power Weapons, Snipers, and Proximity Mines were my loves lol).

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