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34 Year Old · Female · From Winter Park, FL · Invited by: 1766990 · Joined on March 12, 2010 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on January 19th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Read This Or Be Rejected.

Don't send me blank friend requests. If you send them you will be denied.

Don't send me sb,inbox,drink messages hitting on me. If you do you will be denied,removed and or blocked.

Don't message me in my inbox or sb giving me your messenger IDs. I will ask for them if I feel I want to talk to you outside of fubar. But please,by all means don't hold your breath because I don't talk to many off of fubar.

Don't message me in my inbox or sb asking me for my messenger IDs. I will offer and or give them to you if I trust you and know you well enough. Other then that it's not happening.

I am engaged and live with my fiance. He is on Fubar himself by the name of Daemon. He's the first guy on my friends/family. Please respect that fact every moment you're on my page or every time you talk to me and we'll be just fine. If you can't then I suggest you find another profile to visit.

I do not do drama. At all. Ever. If you bring it to me then don't be surprised about what you get back.

Don't offer me your dick pics or ask me to look at them. It's not happening. Chances are it's small anyway and I have all the peen I need right here at home. K thanks.

Don't come to my page and spew your bullshit at me and then block me. It makes you look like a bitch who can't handle themselves when you pick a fight and then run & hide behind the block button. Just sayin'

Understand that anyone who is a friend of mine on this site,if you start shit with them be prepared for me to turn you into my little play thing. Don't fuck with my friends and I won't fuck with you :).

I will not trade my NSFW pictures for bling,blasts,VIPs,HH etc. You will only get access to those pictures if and when I allow you to have access.

If you buy me anything of monetary value on this website then you understand you're doing it under your own discretion. I earn everything I have on here on my own and do not have money to spend on here like many do. If we have come to an arrangement where I am supposed to return the favor then I will,but if it's not specified and we have no arrangement don't expect it back as I most likely will not be able to.

Trading to gain spots on someones family list for any reason. I will do under my own discretion if I have the means to do so. If not then please don't hound me about it. Accept it for what it is and walk away.

If given love I try to return it. If I for some reason missed you then please leave me a message in my inbox or sb about it and I'll get to it as soon as I can. Thanks.

From now on,only members with salutes will gain access to anything on my profile. If you don't have a salute then get one. If you can't get one then find one of the fubar bouncers,I'm sure they can help you.

------- Below This Is Info About Me And Reading It Is Optional -------

~All The Need To Know Info~

I go by Dev or Devi. To people I'm close to I go by Kat.

I'm 23 years old

I'm engaged

No Kids & never been married

Openly Bi

I don't take shit from people. Period

If you cross me,I will find you,rip your arm off and beat the shit out of you with it.

I love music

I love movies

I love computers

I'm a sweet person most of the time unless given a reason not to be

I can be your best friend of your worst enemy

I'm very protective over people close to me

I'm pagan,however,my path at this time is not determined

--Anything else you want to know,please send me a message--

34 Year Old · Female · From Winter Park, FL · Invited by: 1766990 · Joined on March 12, 2010 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on January 19th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

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