No longer am I a lonely soul
Waiting for someone to find me
My nights are not so desolate
I don't spend all my time crying
The tears I shed now
Are the ones of raw emotion
That stir deep down within
Just knowing that you love me
And it is a love without end
Like shards of electricity
I feel your thoughts come through
A portal we have, that brings me you
Your love has touched me deeper
Than any I have known
My angel was smiling down on me
The day you were sent you see
We giggle when we talk of little nothings
We giggle when we talk of little somethings
It is a warm and passionate feeling
That knowledge of someone who truly cares
It looks like the dreams of love I always had
Are definitely coming true
This is something that makes me glad
With each moment and every passing day
I am ever grateful that you love me.