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Missing You

Missing you Grandma. I am taking your loss rather hard. I try not cry, but my eyes burn so bad and tears just start to pour down. My throat feels like a rock is stuck in it. I can't swallow, and feels like I can't breathe. I miss you and have for a long time. Now it is just that much longer before I see you again. Distance created so much time lost together. I never got a chance to tell you just what you meant to me. I miss hearing you sing Country Gospel music, I miss your hugs, and your laughter. You are such a beautiful lady. You are so humble, you never had a bad thing to say about no one or nothing. Everything was always beautiful or pretty in your eyes. You will never know the impact you have left on my life, never know just how much I loved you Grandma. Now, Im here and I know you are in heaven waiting for us to come home. I just feel that my breaking heart can't bear much more pain. I try to smile for my lil ones and my mind gets flooded by how much I am MISSING YOU. The selfish side of me just wished I had one more day, just wished I could have told you what I never told you. Now, I can't just hop on a plane to see you and share with you all these things and much more. It just means that much longer before I see you again. I never knew the last time I saw you would be my last time seeing you. Ohhhh how it hurts..............Miss You Grandma and I will always love you and be proud of the lady you are. I hope I carry forth some of your qualities. Love always and forever, Katie

Who wants a good laugh?

We women give our men TLC and spoil them to no ends. When they (men)are sick, we wait hand and foot, medicate, and love on. When they are hungry we feed them, when they want us we never refuse them, and when they are hurting we rub them down and try to make the pain go away. However the men are so not the nutruing kind. Take for instance my old man. I get sick, he yells at me to go take medicine. No such thing as being waited on, nor getting the meds for me to take. I yelp in pain and he yells go take a hot bath! No rub downs, no TLC to try to take away the pain. I say I'm craving something to eat, or hungry he yells go fix us something to eat then! I am in the mood to be frisky and well my tummy hurts, my back hurts, or something is just hurting. Does this sound like your man or men you dated? Guess us ladies need to say it like it is, and quit giving away all our TLC. Start taking care of our needs. Wonder what would happen then? Hmmmm the things that make you go Hmmm.....LOL


Was by far the worst concert I went to. Not due to the performers of course. I had a series of disappointing events that took place that night. FOR INSTANCE: State decides to do highway work the night of the concert. Closing many exits, freeways, and causing the biggest traffic congestion that I have ever seen. To move 1 mile, took nearly half an hour. Waiting in this line like everyone else. When the worst happend. My car decides of all nights to break down, that was going to be the night. Blew off a new hose to the radiator!!! Great, now I am more reason to hold up this traffic. Desparetly seeking a spot to pull off, or turn around the people did not budge. So I took the dirt road off to the side there, and to my surprise started being attacked by pissed off concert goers. They would take their cars and litterally try to push me into the side walls or hillside there!!! Some cam real close to hitting me. Meanwhile I try to explain my car is breaking down on me and I just wanted to get out of the way. Not one person was kind enough to let me off the road. Completely broke down now, and in front of some lil apts there. I was stuck there, can't get home until after the concert. Asked tenants there if my car could stay there and explained the ordeal I faced. THEY WERE REALLY NICE FOLKS! Not worrying at this point. I then decide to walk to the concert, so our group all starts walking. I had no clue of that mission until I developed a blister the size of a half dollar on my feet. My boots were now my eneimies. That 5 mile walk took nearly 40 mins to get there. The guys are wrestlin around and I am falling behind. People asked if I needed I ride but looking from my point of view, I declined gratefully. I got there before they ever made it to the corner. Cops giving me a hard time, could be cause the way I was dressed, then again I get told I look like trouble alot. Who knows? Finally, we are there!!! Oh yes I am thinking!!! Ohhhh can't be that easy. What the heck happend to the rest of our group and the lil dude with the tickets? Holy hell if they did not decide to party it up with the tailgaters in the parking lot. OH NO!!! I DID NOT GO THROUGH ALL THIS, AND GET THIS FAR TO LOSE MY TICKET NOW!!!! Waiting by the fence for 30 mins are so, finally their drunk asses show up and just laughing and one even puking on himself. THE start of getting mad is sinking in. Our tickets are for lawn. Ohhhhhhhhh what a walk that was. Now I have a hill to climb while I am there. I am hearing Motley Crue, and seeing lights. Excited, smiling and just happy to be there. No cares in the world now. Forgot of ordeal and pain for the time being. Made our way to the top of the hill. I planted my feet, and damnit if I could not see. Too damn short even with the crappy boots. Great, our group is seperated again. Rockin out to the music, and missing the view. Just rocked on anyways. WHAT THAT WAS IT???!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE DONE. I ONLY HEARD TWO SONGS!!!! This can't be happening. Disappointed, and feelin that burn from all the hiking and climbing we did. Oh well there is still AEROSMITH!!! They opened with some good old favorite songs. Smile from ear to ear during close up shots of Steven Tyler. HOT DAMN I CAN SEE HIM!!! SCREAMING OF HOW HOT THIS MAN IS!!!! I MEAN WHAT A GREAT SINGER HE IS!!! **BLUSHES NOW** Then the cell phone starts blowing up. I check to make sure it isn't the kids. Nope, it is the other half of the group. I am getting screams in the back ground, sounds of someone in pain, and tryin to get one to tell me where they are and what happend. Great, on a mission to find group and see who is hurt. Pain is settin in, pissed off is really occuring at this point. Not angry so much with the group just yet, more upset at the detours I went through to see my favorite bands. I find a third of my group being detained by security. Shaking my head, and just wishing I could be watching and enjoying the concert. Im not surprised by who is detained. The couple had been dating for some time now. The girl was crying. She was tackled down by security, hair pulled, bruised ribs, and even maced. WTF I said. The attacker was her ex boyfriend, which was the last half of our group. Great!!! Dude waits till now to explode on the new bf, which btw are half brothers. sighsssssssss.....The security escorted the attacker back to the concert and detained them. Calming everyone down, and with couple ready to fight. I decide I am sitting on the patios, ain't finishing this concert, and just disgusted with how it went down. Everyone insists lets go back, they promise to stick together. God, I feel like their mom at this point. Now, you guys should be saying yeah right, sucker. I get back to the lawn, not even taking off my boots. I got to see another song.. Smiles, and dancing........when bam!!! Stay here, we gotta go find so and so.............WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ??? BULLSHIT!!! I CAME HERE TO SEE A GREAT CONCERT AND IF THE GROUP WANTS TO ACT LIKE A BUNCH OF SNOTTY KIDS WITH HEADS UP THEIR ASSES.......FUCK IT!!! IM STAYIN HERE!!! The smell of bud is in the air, freezing cold now. How sweet my bf brings me ice cold soda cause he knows how thirsty I am. Gotta love him. ;) Back the truck up!!!! What is this they need to go potty now. Oh no!!! We are not serperating!!! Get down to the porter pottys and pain is so intense now that I can not make the walk back to the lawn. Im just sad now!!! I knew the next thing was the walk home. To make matters worse I run into the ex hubby with the bimbo wife. They see me and how sad I look, they smile at my pain. THE @#%$#@^*$@ sons of a blank blank. Let it roll I say. The bright side is I did see them play, even for a moment. It rocked!!! As they always do. I vowed anymore concerts..............I go solo, group can find me there and my ass is camping out there so the walking will not be so bad. So here's to a great concert, some fine ass man, opps I mean men. Loved the lighting effects and the tunes!!!! I would go through it all again just to see what lil bit I did see. ROCK ON AND PLAN BETTER!!! LOL Hope others learn from my experience. Thanks, and peace to you all. Katie
Hello again, Just after my posting the teen victory, I began developing internet lagging. Guess the world was waking up, while I was trying to vent and sleep. Who knows? So, still unable to fall to sleep thought Id give those remedies a try. The warm bath, the warm glass of milk(not good when you're lactose intolerant), but nothing seemed to work. My mind began of thinking who do I have to thank for these beautiful rambunctious teens of mine; besides God of course. AHHHH yes, it occurs to me the biological father, the ex husband(that married the bimbo he cheated on me with is and now married too). So just after 5 am and knowing it is his day off, thought Id call and say thank you. However, it was just the one ring which meant or was a code in he knows all too well. I just had to say thank you though............for how boring would my life be without such teens, and this calmness set in of how delighted it is being a mother. (By far a perfect or great mom) Just know I was truely thankful for my blessings and had to say so. After hanging up, and feeling calm, peace and gratitude for my rude awakening. Something crossed my mind. Now, the wife is going to get mad at him and think hes cheating on her. So was not my intent. Kinda ironic how life seems to have patterns that repeat itself. Oh well, just had to say thanks and was able to fall to sleep. Snuggled in, eyes fell fast and no other thought crossed my mind but hope all in the world knows of such a peace. I wish for nothing more for everyone. Strangers included. PEACE EVERYONE, AND JOYFUL BLESSINGS TO YOU! At peace finally, Katie
Well just wonderful!!! (Grumbles and growls, all while yawning, and so wishing I could be asleep now.) My wonderful teens thought theyd be cute and wake me from my sleep. They do this so often and no just to me but other siblings, and family members. So I decided tonight was payback time. Just as I heard them finally asleep, I would creep in the room and start tickling their faces, makin noises, or jumping on them and running out of the room. For the first few visits they acted like it phased them in the slighest. Then finally victory was mine!!! They started yelling and growling, and boy they were feeling my frustration this early morning. I clearly pointed out how inconsiderate, disrespectful, and mean it was to do such things to others, then while leaving the room---I flashed on the lights and GROWLED WICKEDLY; "DO IT AGAIN AND I WILL BE YOUR WORST NIIIIIIIIIIGHTMAREEEEEEEE!!!!!" So........Now I accopolished what I set out to do, but now I can't get back to sleep!!!! Them DANG TEENS!!! Tryin to rest, Katie
"Life is like riding a bicycle. You don't fall off unless you stop pedaling." "You are like a waterfall, beautiful, powerful and following your own path." "A positive attitude makes positive things happen!" "Your potential is so much greater than your limitations." "Everyday brings new opportunities for kindness." "YOU HAVEN'T FAILED IF YOU ARE STILL TRYING!" "People know how much you care." "Come out of your shell and fly!" Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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