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looing grip

loosing grip bye shelly stahl as she sat in the door way so unawhere and still i wlaked up behide her with intinsions to kill so much hate deep inside me from the bullshit in life i lost control of myslef and reached for my knife the closer and closer i began to get this tight hold i have on saiatny begins to slip not one thought in my head as i grab her from behind i started to stab "what starnge plesers i find" as the blood splatters upon the wall i smack the bitch as she trys to crawl the fight she's put up is a hard one i must say as i grab her agin i refuse to let her get away then as her lims finaly go week she looks up with her eyes and trys to speak but once agin i am perparied as i always seem to be stuffing the rag in her motuh so efrtlusly as her hart beats it's finaly beat i wipe my knife on her dress and head back onto the street then i get to my car and open the trunk i run my finger thor my hair "fuck, the cunt took a chunk" on my drive back home i rech in my purese i grab my cigs then my new lighter i took nothing could replace this adrenalin i feel her sreams say in my haed but i still love the thril place your opions apon this sick mind but these thought will soon be in your haed it's just a matter of time.




THE DANGER ZONE come and see me FROM 7AM-10AM http://cherrytap.com/lounge.php?l=5213

(repost of original by '***DJ Pistol***D-ZONE***' on '2007-02-15 03:21:28') (repost of original by '****Josh -( The Danger zone STREAKER ) -****' on '2007-02-15 03:38:38') (repost of original by '***DJ Pistol***D-ZONE***' on '2007-02-15 05:08:43') (repost of original by 'DJ IllogicalDanger Zone's Naked DJ CrewCASH(Kaes CT Husband)' on '2007-02-15 08:35:44')

random shit but it's fun

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.what dose it say? graham continued to wirht massage untill his daeth in the late 20s 2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What's there? my tv 3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? ummm thats so raven with harmony 4. Without looking, guess what time it is: 2:30am 5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 2:31am 6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? my fan 7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? about 2 hrs ago to smoke some ......... things 8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? my inbox 9. What are you wearing? slipnot shirt and blue jeans 10. Did you dream last night? nope 11. When did you last laugh? about 4 hrs ago and it was at my nice and harmony 12. What is on the walls of the room you are in? all my psters and pics of my babys johnny and harmony 13. Seen anything weird lately? ya my falimy bing nice 14.What do you think of this quiz? i love it sooo random 15. What is the last film you saw? the one about the musiom coming to life, it had ben stelar and robbin willams in it 16.If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? by a house and a car, pay off all my debts and johnnys debts bye a jet, kid nap johnny and harmony and move somewhere that no one could find us and if the wanted to see me i would fly to them, i would live happly ever after 17. Tell me something about you that I don't know: i'm a littel girl inside , and i just want to be loved 18. If you could change one thing about the world. money, and how much this world revos around it 19. Do you like to dance? all the time 20. George Bush: fucking dick 21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? harmony love stahl 22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? hummm i don't know but i want one soo bad 23. Would you ever consider living abroad? humm gess i never thougt about it , get back to me on that one 24. What do you want to say to God when you reach the pearly gates? ummm i think i took the wrong elavator What is your average bowling score? ha ha ha i still grany bowl Is rap severely overrated? yes and no the new rap shit i can not stand but.... there is some good rap songs out there Would you smoke Malboros or Camels? camel wides baby Which state do you think has the stinkiest environment? hummm porbaly new yourk , to many people alot of trash lol Which state do you think would be the coolest to live at? i so didn't say this but porbaly nevatda If you were granted $10 million dollars, would you go live in North Dakota? umm ya wheres the mony? lets go i'm ready now Even though no one has seen him in person, do you think God exists still? still? did he ever that is the ? ahhh. no and yes , i feel that there is a hier being yes but god? not so much well at least not the story book god , no one realy knows untill we die but i do feel like there is a resion for everything and it all happend for a resion as well . and that where just flopping aournd untill we get there. Would you rather have a $500 boombox or a $500 car sound system? car system Would you drive a Chevrolet Camaro Z28 or a Nissan 350Z? ummm camaro but i'm not good with cars How many stars do you think are in the sky? don't know but the second start to the right and all the way thor is wehre i'm headed Would you rather be in a pit of snakes or in an water tank with piranhas? snakes Have you ever picked your nose until it bled? yep , it sucks to lol What is your favorite box of cereal? cinnomen toast crunch Have you ever seen an eel? umm ya at the zoo Is it true that if you fear nothing, you love nothing? yes, very much so What is your favorite game show? let make a deal What would you do if you got locked out of your place and you were naked? um deping how cold it was i would break in , umm but if it was nice outside i would set out and tan Why are spiders feared but not lady bugs? spiders can bight ya, and lady bugs are cute Why are people so ignorant when they are driving? becase there not paying atcion to what they are supost to be Why are people so selfish and careless about others? becase ether one, they don't know how to be or two they have self confadise issues and feel like everyone else is out to get them so i'l get them first Where's the most ticklish spot on your body? my inner thy Why does gay marriage bother people when they aren't invloved in it? becase one "it is supost to be in this thing called a bible", and to people are sacre of what they do not understand if you had to paint a picture, what would you paint? it would probaly be alot of ranmo colers and lines and shapes cus i can't draw, but i can slig some pait around Would you rather live in a castle or an amusement park? hummmm, probaly a castle , then i could be a prttey littl prinsises all the time or be a bitchy queen. Have you ever been hacked on Myspace? nope well i hope not lol Does it/would it piss you off? if it fucked up my shit then ya but if someone whent in and read all my shit no becase i have nothing to hide What's your favorite animal at the zoo? the reptiles i love them all soo much A comedian once said cemeteries were pointless... Do you agree? humm i could if i tohught about it more and here the whole joke Have you ever ran with scissors before? he he he yes i stabed myslef one time in the hand lol Make a guess... how many tissue boxes have you used in your life? 333 Do you know anyone who has a pig as a pet? ya What's the most annoying TV show out there? the ones i don't wach apritnaly lol Do you know who Tom Tucker is? i rember a song about old man tucker and thats about it Who's your favorite NFL team? ramys cus i'm from the lu and i'm proud lmao!!!! What's your opinion on clouds? there fun as hell to wach How many deaths in your first family have you experienced? to many to count but if i had to geuss it would probaly be at least 30 If you could, would you burn a Abercrombie and Fitch store to the ground? yes i love to wach it burn and then set in jail for it wel wait if i wouldn't get chought ya Would you burn a Build a Bear store to the ground? nope that place is fun but i would change there prizes that place is super expinceve How much money would it take to make you retire early? ummm how much do ya think i need lol Is it possible for a normal person to win the lottery or is it rigged? it's all chacne and if you play then you have a chacn Would you ever live at a place with black grass instead of green? ya that would be fun If you could be any kind of bird, what bird would you be? i would be a crazy looking bird that had big wings and could fly for days When you lose the remote, do you look for the remote 1st or manually do it? i look for the remote What's the funniest road sign you've ever seen? well i have sceen some funny ones that have been made online , but in real life idk i like the bump ons thos are cute Should there be a test for SUVs so only non-power hungry people drive them? ummm no Do you like to eat at Arbys? yes 5 for 5 baby Would you rather have great friends or a great romantic relationship? well i long for romanc in my life but only with one person so if it was something new the frindship , if it was with anyone i would want romace with johnny Do you think we need to control the human population soon? i think all the stuped people need to stop breeding but no i don't just kill off all the idots ofut there , i could name a few that we could start wiht............. Can unbreakable combs be broken? yes all the time send this back to who you got it from let them know your random thoughts too!!!!
OZZFEST IS FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OZZFEST 2007...FOR FREE GROUNDBREAKING ANNOUNCEMENT PULLS PLUG ON TICKET PRICES "This will change everybody.s impression of the way touring in the summer in America should be."--Sharon Osbourne Imagine a day of wall-to-wall hard rock. Imagine the world's greatest headliner sharing a bill with cutting edge new artists. Imagine if this brass-knuckled beast was hellbent on coming to your town. Imagine this earth-pounding event...FOR FREE. 2007 will forever mark the year OZZFEST spiked the concert industry's punch and gave every head-banging American kid a reason to strap on an air guitar with the historic announcement that tickets to the summer.s premiere touring concert festival won't cost fans a dime. Testing one, two, three... That's right, OZZY and SHARON OSBOURNE and tour producer LIVE NATION broke the news today at the Concert Industry Consortium in Los Angeles that their 12th annual hard rock spectacular--a 25-date extravaganza launching July 7 in Los Angeles--is pulling the plug on ticket prices and giving the power back to the fans calling this summer.s OZZFEST "FreeFest." The other OZZFEST cities as of now are San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Dallas, San Antonio, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago, Indianapolis, Columbus, Pittsburgh, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Hartford, Charlotte, Atlanta, West Palm Beach, Nashville. Note: a final confirmed list of cities and dates is forthcoming. "For the last few years," says SHARON, "ticket prices have steadily climbed as artists demand more and more money for summer tours. We certainly want everybody to make money, however we also want the kids to be able to afford to come out and have an incredible experience. If we continued with the traditional touring festival model, we would have no choice but to raise ticket prices again this year." Cited as .one of rock.s biggest juggernauts. in the cover feature of Sunday's New York Times' .Arts and Leisure. section (6/25/06), OZZFEST and Live Nation will turn to sponsors to provide added support for the festival's new incarnation. This summer.s OZZFEST will provide select sponsors with a unique opportunity to engage fans one-on-one utilizing one of music.s best known brands. "We're reaching the same point we did years ago when kids no longer wanted to pay for overpriced CDs," compares Sharon. "As a result, they found alternative ways of getting music. That.s what.s happening with summer touring in this country, it.s out-pricing itself. We started this and we want to keep it and we want to make it bigger and bigger each year by getting bigger sponsors to be involved with the festival and underwriting the festival. That.s what it.s about." .For the past 11 years, music fans have made OZZFEST the most successful and enduring rock music festival in the United States,. said Jason Garner, Live Nation President of North American Concerts. .What better way to say .Thank You. to the music fans who have made this possible than inviting them to attend OZZFEST for free.. To gain entry into the event, fans will go to www.ozzfest.com or www.livenation.com to find links that will direct them to special sponsor sites where tickets can be secured. More details regarding the process are forthcoming. As OZZFEST.s founder and namesake, OZZY will make his triumphant return to the headlining position on this year's mainstage after surprising fans last year by performing on the down-and-dirty second stage at a handful of dates. Audiences can expect the Prince of Darkness to unveil new songs from his forthcoming studio album, OZZY.s first disc of new material since 2001. While the rest of the in-progress bill is under wraps, Sharon points out, "we have bands committed, but we.re hoping that after today's announcement we.ll have a whole influx of artists who want to be a part of something this ground breaking. We know there aren't any major headlining acts that would tour all summer for nothing, but we're confident we can turn some of the genre's biggest bands on to what we're doing and have them come out to play a date or two. If they're in town and want the rush of performing in front of 20,000 frenzied kids, they're more than welcome to join us. They can sell their t-shirts, CDs and whatever else they've got. They're also welcome to book their own shows in local venues on the day of OZZFEST. I.m not stopping them. People have to be creative and think of alternatives." Since 1996, OZZFEST has been a virtual breeding ground for rising bands. The festival has been instrumental in igniting the careers of platinum-selling artists like System of a Down, Disturbed, Linkin Park, Incubus, Slipknot, Queens of the Stoneage and Godsmack. Along with supporting bands on the rise including Avenged Sevenfold, Mudvayne, Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage and Lacuna Coil, among others. .OZZFEST was created to keep this genre of music alive by showcasing new talent," states Sharon. "You better believe we.re going to keep perpetuating that by hand-picking compelling new bands that are hungry for OZZFEST's career-making exposure." February 1, 2007http://www.ozzfest.com/news_2007.html

What Happend!!!!!

WHAT HAPPEND!!!! To forget and deny Pretend….. and then say goodbye Things will never be the same My heart is locked….. this question placed (Why?) I never knew that this is what I became A broken girl with a broken name How can I still have hope? When these hart Is trying to cope Lossed in my mind Angry,infuriated,confused Sumrged in feeling all the time I thougt I would know better But still, I'm left to lose Do I set an wait? And delay this pain? Or do i hesate, Contplating all these ideas And what if's But yet, My hart still metls. When my lips are next to yours And your touch , Leaves my sole only wanting more I opened my hart, And lisend to your turths Was i wrong To dream of my love, I once was convined was you Is it wrong to dream of us? A week away with rings,love,and I do As you Promisted me And all the things I wantted, I thought you wantted too Happiness,A word that was lost When She arived.for a small time Dreams crusted, For your Future But what about mine? Where I do I fit into your plans? Can you even see me there? Or am I just anther love lossed Traped by the Boy, that use to care. By Shelly Stahl

My Life

What is freedom, that is the question that I ask, Is it when you put on the clothes you want to where for that day, Is it being able to show the love that you have for someone in everyway Does it involve being able to go and eat when you want to eat, Is it like when your able to drive you car down the street, When your able to hug and kiss the ones you love, Is that freedom when push comes to shove, I wonder why when I lay asleep at night, When I wonder why i was handed down this so called life, I mean I feel nothing but pain deep in my heart, It always feels like my worlds being torn apart, I struggle and fight to live the life I live everyday Yet I cant because someone took away that right to live my way, I dont ask much, I dont ask for money or material things, All I want is the happiness my life use to bring, Everyone tries so hard to reach to my heart and help heal, Though they hit a steel wall everytime because of the way i feel, I have given to many and asked nothing in return, I just wanted to live my life to love, care and learn, Yes I'm able to lay my head down at night in my own bed, Yet it feels like I have to sleep when im told to sleep instead, Insomnia has almost take complete control over me, When I try to sleep at night and dream I still dream of not being free, Whether I have my own home, my own phone or my own car, I am so close to a new beginning yet so away so far, It seems like everywhere i turn its a new rule, Something else I cant say or another place I cant go to, I dont have control of this life it feels so true, I have do to every little thing im told to do, Not meaning by my family or friends because that would be fine, Instead I have to walk that straight and narrow fine line, What do you do when you have so much pain built up inside, Having no one to turn to or not even a place to hide, I just wanna cry my heart out to the world just to let them know, That I'm broken and bleeding inside my mind, heart and soul, I love my friends and i love my family so much its true, Not even I though can explain the pain that I feel or go through, So I will sit in my little corner of darkness all by myself, Never being able to ask family,friends or loved ones to help, I am trapt inside a body that just wants released, Just so i can have that freedom back that was taken from me, This is my life this is how I feel, This shows you in alot of ways just what is real, Ask any question you want about this and I will tell you the truth, Just so you know each and everyone of you are special to me to, I know your there and I trully thank you for that, Now back to my shadows of darkness I will go to just remember now matter what I love you all so always remember that. Written by:Lord Lestat aka Mike P.

what the hell am i doing .

have you ever had one of those days the just grab you by the balls . well that has been what i have feelt like all day today. i feel like i'm lost inside myself anymore aways doing shit for other peopele and never doing what i want to do but then such as today when i have time to do something , i set and wonder about all the shit thats going on in my life,and wonder what the fuck!!! i just feel like im traped most of the time . and always waiting till one day to be let free. i have so many hopes and dreams but the more i think about them i see how much i have to do to even get close. i'm tired of living this life . i want my own life sooo bad. it make me cry to think that i'm not free to do what i want when i want . and i think it has slowly started to kill me insied. i want out!!!!!! I WANT MY OWN LIFE!!!!!! IN MY OWN HOUSE!!!! AND IF I WANT TO SLEEP UNTILL 2 IN THE AFTER NOON I CAN BECASE IT'S MY HOUSE!!! I WANT TO BE ABLE TO SCREAM AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS AND NOT WORRY ABOUT WAKING SOMEONE UP. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO HAVE PEOPEL OVER WHENEVER I WANT THEM TO . OR CALL WHENEVER THEY WANT TO . I'M SICK OF IT . AND I NEED TO MOVE OUT NOW. BUT LIKE ALWAYS I HAVE TO WAIT UNTILL THE DAY COMES WHERE I GET TO LEAVE.AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so i'm pissed now. i hate it when people keep you wating . and yet when you call you get pushed away becase there bissy . it just bugs the fuck out of me anymore . i hate lies and the poele that tell you them are BIG FUCKING ASSHOLES!!!!!!! i'm buntling being vage but i just want to stab someone right now!!!!! it's fucking bullshit and i'm done puting up with lossers anymore. so to all the fuckers and users out ther FUCK YOU YOU LIEING FUCKING DICKS I HATE YOU , AND I"M SORRY I LET MYSLEF BELIVE FOR ONE SEC YOU WHERE TELLING ME THE TRUTH!!!!!
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