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61 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Butterfly · Joined on December 11, 2006 · Relationship status: Married · Born on July 8th · 5 referrals joined!
61 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Butterfly · Joined on December 11, 2006 · Relationship status: Married · Born on July 8th · 5 referrals joined!

Personal & Contextual: Visual Introduction...

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Witness in the First World´s Fest African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Countries. A short chronicle.

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I think, I am very passionate and independent soul.

I love humans groups, cultures, trust exchanges and working in networks, and specific teams for help the things happen, the utopy and dreams come true.

Traditionally, I try to be patient, explain everything detailed, because make me feel so bad, avoiding misunderstanding,frecuent thing in cross cultural and multidisciplinary works and dialogues.

I have values, as: solidarity, expectations for obtain excellence, in process, results, human contact and leisure.
I love people with ideas, concepts and values, with capacities for sharing, negotiate meaning, standards, and things linked with quality in arts, literature, organizations, business, society, ordinary life.

Nothing is the totally truth in my particular vision, that's means, we, together, you and me, need to find a rational or creative consensus, in each case.I love the complexity, diversity, contrasts, the dialectic into ordinary life.

I love pictures, cinema and make things with images... help others to practice, learn and show they own results within this particular field, in arts, communications and self expressive visual speech.

I believe firmly, if you are trying to exercise solidarity, methods, social sciences, education or management, you do not need to BE A BORING PERSON, to be out of control, stressful... you can do all these things, and be an optimistic, funny, person, with memorable humor sense, and communicative skills for transmit information to many different kind of audiences, message penetration, sensibilization and human (not cyborgs) interaction, kind, friendly, humild, with hope...

For me, to find, check, feedback these balances levels in my actions and thoughts, are a considerated focus, for open and close personals, institutionals, interinstitutional alliances and co-productions...

Y.F. Santos

YFS Personal Web

CCIAV.Our Channel for Cross Cultural Exchanges & Volunteers Works http://www.cciav.org


(Spanish, Short Version)


Creo que adquirir, un nuevo amigo o amiga, en cualquier lugar publico, en cualquier canal de internet, en cualquier circunstancia, es una victoria de la civilizacion, frente al temor, los prejuicios y la barbarie.

Como alma apasionada e independiente, siempre pocuro estar rodeado de personas que piensan con cabeza propia y tienen sentido del humor.

No soy amigo de los "yes men", prefiero siempre un buen debate, para llegar a ponernos de acuerdo, sobre los temas no solo urgentes, sino importantes. Evidentemente para lograr tal fruto, en el dialogo y la aventura multicultural, he aprendido que la mejor estrategia, es: hablar de forma detallada, evitando los malos entendidos, no dar nada por sentado, en un dialogo con una o varias culturas distintas.

La paciencia, la motivacion intrinseca y el interes en los temas, son tres factores que hacen posible el logro de objetivos de comunicacion multicultural, la cual no tiene por que ser aburrida o alambicada.

Saludos cordiales,

Yoe F. Santos
17 Dic, 2006

Pagina Personal, Yoe F. http://www.yoesantos.com

CCIAV. Canal de Intercambio Multicultural & Reclutamiento de Voluntarios http://www.cciav.org



Je pense, je suis âme très passionnée et indépendante.J'aime des groupes d'humains, des cultures, des échanges de confiance et travailler des réseaux, et les équipes spécifiques pour l'aide les choses se produisent, l'utopy et les rêves viennent vrai.

Traditionnellement, j'essaye d'être patient, explique tout détaillé, parce que rendez moi la sensation si mauvaise, le malentendu (une chose frecuent dans les travaux culturels et multidisciplinaires en travers).

J'ai des valeurs, comme : la solidarité, espérances pour obtiennent l'excellence, dans le processus, les résultats, le contact humain et les loisirs.

J'aime des personnes avec elle ou ses propres idées, concepts et valeurs, et en partageant, négociez la signification, les normes, et les choses liées avec la qualité dans les arts, littérature, organismes, affaires, société... Rien n'est totalement la vérité dans ma vision particulière, celle est moyen, nous, ensemble, vous et moi, besoin de trouver un consensus raisonnable ou créateur, dépendant si nous travaillons dans le processus, les sciences ou les services créateurs de consultation, dans chaque cas.

J'aime la complexité, diversité, les contrastes, la dialectique dans la vie ordinaire.

J'ai commencé à prendre des photos, vois d'autres la faire, ou essayer de faire des histoires familières en films.J'aime des images, cinéma et fais à des choses avec l'aide d'images... d'autres à la pratique, apprends et montre qu'ils possèdent des résultats dans ce champ particulier, dans les arts, communications et discours visuel expressif d'art de l'auto-portrait.

Je considère fermement, si vous essayez d'exercer la solidarité, les méthodes, les sciences sociales, l'éducation ou la gestion, vous n'ai pas besoin D'ÊTRE PERSONNE ENNUYEUSE de A, d'être hors de la commande, stressante, et personnalité folle... vous pouvez faire tout ces choses, et soyez un optimiste, drôle, personne, avec le sens mémorable d'humeur, et les qualifications communicatives pour transmettent l'information aux beaucoup de genre différent d'assistances, de segments et de places pour l'aide et améliorent la pénétration de message, la sensibilisation et l'interaction humaine (pas de cyborgs), la sorte, amicale, humild, avec espoir...

Y.F. Santos
YFS Personal Web http://www.yoesantos.com
CCIAV.Our Channel for Cross Cultural Exchanges & Volunteers Works http://www.cciav.org


Eu penso, eu sou alma muito passionate e independente.

Eu amo grupos dos seres humanos, culturas, trocas da confiança e trabalhar nas redes, e as equipes específicas para a ajuda as coisas acontecem, o utopy e os sonhos vêm verdadeiro.

Tradicional, eu tento ser paciente, explico tudo detalhado, porque faça me a sensação assim má, o engano (uma coisa frecuent em trabalhos cultural e multidisciplinary transversais).

Eu tenho valores, como: o solidarity, expectativas para obtem o excellence, no processo, os resultados, o contato humano e o lazer.

Eu amo povos com ela ou seus próprios idéias, conceitos e valores, e compartilhando, negocie o meaning, os padrões, e as coisas ligadas com a qualidade nas artes, literatura, organizações, negócio, sociedade...

Nada é totalmente a verdade em minha visão particular, aquela é meios, nós, junto, você e mim, necessidade encontrar um consenso racional ou creativo, dependendo se nós estivermos trabalhando no processo, em ciências ou em serviços creativos do consultancy, em cada caso.

Eu amo a complexidade, diversidade, contrastes, a dialética na vida ordinária.

Eu comecei fazer exame de retratos, v outros fazê-la, ou tentá-la fazer histórias familiares nas películas. Eu amo retratos, cinema e faço a coisas com ajuda das imagens... outra à prática, aprendo-a e mostro-a que possuem resultados dentro deste campo particular, nas artes, de comunicações e do discurso visual expressive do self.

Eu acredito firmemente, se você estiver tentando exercitar o solidarity, os métodos, ciências sociais, instrução ou gerência, você não necessito SER PESSOA ABORRECIDA de A, para ser fora do controle, stressful, e personalidade louca... você pode fazer todas estas coisas, e seja um optimistic, engraçado, pessoa, com sentido memorable do humor, e as habilidades communicative para transmitem a informação aos muitos tipo diferente das audiências, dos segmentos e dos niches para a ajuda e melhoram a penetração da mensagem, o sensibilization e (a interação humana não dos cyborgs), tipo, amigável, humild, com esperança...

Para mim, para encontrar, para verificar, o gabarito estes níveis dos contrapesos em minhas ações e os pensamentos, são a considerated o foco, porque abrem e fecham personals, institutionals, alliances interinstitutional e co-productions...

Y.F. Santos

YFS Personal Web http://www.yoesantos.com
CCIAV.Our Channel for Cross Cultural Exchanges & Volunteers Works http://www.cciav.org

Penso, sono anima molto appassionata ed indipendente.
Amo i gruppi degli esseri umani, le colture, gli scambi di fiducia ed il funzionamento nelle reti e le squadre specifiche per aiuto le cose accadono, il utopy ed i sogni vengono allineare.

Ho valori, come: la solidarietà, aspettative per ottiene il merito, in lavorazione, i risultati, il contatto umano e lo svago.

Gli amo la gente con o le suoi propri idee, concetti e valori e ripartendosi, negozii il significato, i campioni e le cose collegate con qualità nelle arti, la letteratura, le organizzazioni, il commercio, società...

Credo saldamente, se state provando ad esercitare la solidarietà, i metodi, le scienze sociali, l'educazione o l'amministrazione, voi non devo ESSERE PERSONA NOIOSA di A, per essere da controllo, stressante e personalità pazza... potete fare tutte queste cose e siete un ottimista, divertente, persona, con senso memorable di umore e le abilità comunicative per trasmettono le informazioni ai molti genere differente di pubblici, di segmenti e di posticini per aiuto e migliorano la penetrazione del messaggio, la sensibilizzazione e (l'interazione umana non dei cyborgs), il genere, amichevole, humild, con speranza...

Per me, trovare, controllare, risposte questi livelli degli equilibrii nelle mie azioni e pensieri, sono a considerated il fuoco, dato che aprono e chiudono i personals, i institutionals, le alleanze interistituzionali e le coproduzioni...

Y.F. Santos

YFS Personal Web http://www.yoesantos.com

CCIAV.Our Channel for Cross Cultural Exchanges & Volunteers Works http://www.cciav.org

61 Year Old · Male · Invited by: Butterfly · Joined on December 11, 2006 · Relationship status: Married · Born on July 8th · 5 referrals joined!
Our slide Show..for know each other better, in values,heros, hobbies and life styles...

Courtesy of MsTags.com
Courtesy of MsTags.com

Modern languages, creative writing, music, author's or artistic movies, travels and tourist experiences,world's Literature, Audiovisual,aesthetics,wild life, ecosystems, parties, mass media and relevant internet -local and global- contents, networks for human development, humanistic thought,and multicultural relationships, B2B, management, research in humanities, research in social sciences, collaborative networks, import-export in good and services, interacting with responsible, creative, sensible, funny or NOT BORING, NOT monothematic, people.

I like explore, and find, new friends, living without masks or artificial boundaries

I prefer share exciting, personal stories

Exchange Information, Surveys, Sources and Resources, about America, Latin America, Caribbean: History, People, Tourism,Cultures, Investments, Opportunities, Encounters...

People with capacities for express by themselves, and think with their own head...share ideas, with creative, rebel souls and people with passion for understand, explain, and act, within current societies and its challenges in their own carreers, hobbies, leisures, and social activities.

I love innovative, very critical spirits with some afinities with creative writing, reading, interest in movies, movie makers, audio-visual festivals, carnivals, parties, arts movies,into the world wide.

In my case, results interesting to know or listen about: your new ideas for do things better, new projects, scholars, organizations, programs or individuals reaching for partners, allies, and new members for build or do useful things, into new technologies for human development, virtual comunities, cooperative learning, collaborative, cross-cultural and multicultural efforts for make better performs in import-export local and regional links, within Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Oceanie, East Europe, South-South social projects, small business empowerment local, regional and global networks ...

B.B.King www.bbking.com/

Michel Camilo www.michelcamilo.com/

Cesaria Evora http://www.cesaria-evora.com/

Brahms www.germanculture.com.ua/library/links/music.htm

Camaron de la Isla www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/bio/0,,411252,00.html

Bachman-Turner Overdrive http://www.lyricsondemand.com/b/bachmanturneroverdrivelyrics/takincareofbusinesslyrics.html

Sergio Mendez http://www.vh1.com/artists/az/mendes_sergio/artist.jhtml

Trio Los Panchos http://www.lospanchos.com/

Rufus & Chaka Khan http://www.warr.org/rufus.html

ELO. Electric Light Orchestra http://www.elo.nu/

Jim Morrison http://www.waiting-forthe-sun.net/

Zap Mama http://www.zapmama.be/

Luis Dias http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/maravillas

Jack Kerouac http://www.kerouac.com/

Gregory Corso www.woodstockjournal.com/corso.html

Allen Ginsberg >www.allenginsberg.org

William Bourroughs www.popsubculture.com/pop/bio_project/william_s_burroughs.html

Dizzy Gillespie http://www.jazztrumpetsolos.com/Dizzy.htm

The Beatles hhtp://www.beatlesagain.com/

Susana Baca susanabaca.calabashmusic.com/

John Lennon www.johnlennon.it

Toto Bissainthe http://www.music-city.org/Toto-Bissainthe/

Trio Matamoroshttp://www.billboard.com/bbcom/discography/index.jsp?pid=25257&aid=79875

Sade http://www.sade.com/

Irakere http://www.mp3.com/albums/159717/summary.html

Tears for Fears http://www.tearsforfearsfans.com/

Blood,Sweat & Tears rateyourmusic.com/artist/blood__sweat_and_tears

Fela Kuti www.felaproject.net/

Bob Dylan www.bobdylan.com/

Ray Lema www.afromix.org/html/musique/artistes/ray_lema/ray_lema_live.es.html

Cat Stevens www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Cat-Stevens-lyrics/AF4419AA72EA6473482569BA0018889C

Joan Baez www.joanbaez.com/

Linda Ronstadt www.ronstadt-linda.com/

Manu Dibangowww.manudibango.net/

Fania All Stars www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/card/0,,429087,00.html

The Bronx Mass Choir www.martylloyd.com/artist_b/bronx_mass_choir_the_lyrics.html

Charly Garciahttp://www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/charly_garcia/

Joan Manuel Serratwww.martylloyd.com/artist_j/joan_manuel_serrat_lyrics.html

Manu Chau www.bluebeat.com/artists/17447

Bob Marley www.bobmarley.com/

Wynton Marsaliswww.wyntonmarsalis.com/

Violeta Parra www.nuevacancion.net/violeta/

Jimi Hendrix www.guitarsite.com/hendrix.htm

Barry White www.vh1.com/artists/az/white_barry/artist.jhtml

Alanis Morissette www.alanis.com/

The Benidictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos www.bluebeat.com/artists/12391

Joseito Mateo www.sabordominicano.net/coppermine-1.1.0/displayimage.php?album=4&pos=66

Steve Coleman www.stevecolemanarchives.com/

Willie Colon www.williecolon.com/

Paul Simon www.paulsimon.com/

Milton Nascimento www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/card/0,,472147,00.html

Teddy Pendergrass www.ez-tracks.com/Blues-SubCat-Teddy%20Pendergrass.html

Ruben Blades www.misrolas.com/downloadmusic/artist.php?id=345

Bola de Nieve sierramaestra.calabashmusic.com/

John Lee Hooker www.mp3lyrics.org/j/john-lee-hooker/

Celia Cruz www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/songs/0,,419028,00.html

Issac Hayes www.songlyrics.com/song-lyrics/Isaac_Hayes/3710.html

Caetano Veloso musicstore.connect.com/artist/401/Caetano-Veloso/1007136.html

Arrow http://www.music-city.org/Arrow/

Yellowman http://www.mp3.com/Yellowman/artists/24564/biography.html

Trinidad Steel Band http://www.music-city.org/Original-Trinidad-Steel-Band/

Arrested Development http://www.music-city.org/Arrested-Development/

Silvio Rodriguez www.mp3lyrics.org/s/silvio-rodriguez/

Guns'n Roses http://gunsnrosesweb.yaia.com/

Miriam Makeba http://www.music-city.org/Miriam-Makeba/

Johnny Pacheco www.johnnypacheco.com/

Bobby McFerrin www.singers.com/jazz/mcferrin.html

Tatico Henriquez www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/links/0,,443220,00.html

Hector Lavoe www.hectorlavoe.bigstep.com

Ismael Rivera http://www.music-city.org/Ismael-Rivera/

Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz www.dooballoh.com/cgi-bin/display.cgi?id=18130

Pablo Milanes cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/artist/Milanes,+.../a/Pablo+Milanes.htm

Carlos Varela www.martylloyd.com/artist_c/carlos_varela_lyrics.html

Willy Chirino www.music-artists.org/latin/willy_chirino.html

Marvin Santiago www.buscasalsa.com/+-Marvin-Santiago-+

Chano Pozo http://www.afrocubaweb.com/chanopozo.htm

Tata Güines http://music.com/person/tata_guines/1/

Guandulito www1.tip.nl/~pjetax/biographees/guandulito.html

Nico Saquito http://www.mp3.com/%C3%B1ico-saquito/artists/34467/biography.html

Enigma http://www.mp3.com/enigma/artists/3558/biography.html

The Carpenters http://www.richardandkarencarpenter.com/

Diana Ross www.dianaross.com

Ohio Players www.rollingstone.com/artists/ohioplayers

Celina y Reutilio cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/artist/Celina+Y+...+Y+Reutilio.htm

Atahualpa Yupanqui cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/artist/.../a/Atahualpa+Yupanqui.htm

Gal Costa www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/songs/0,,417799,00.html

Bebe www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/bio/0,,3016132,00.html

Franco de Vita www.lyricsby.com/f/francodevita-7845.html

Ray Charles www.top40db.net/Find/Songs.asp?By=Artist&ID=237&Match=Ray+Charles

Teodoro Reyes http://www.music-city.org/Teodoro-Reyes/

Eric Clapton blueslinks.tripod.com/bands_and_artists/clapton_eric.html

Pedro Guerra cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/artist/Guerra,+Pedro/a/Pedro+Guerra.htm

Ismael Serrano www.martylloyd.com/artist_i/ismael_serrano_lyrics.html

J. Sabina. Buena Vista Social Club. Antonio Vivaldi. Redonditos de Ricota. L.V.Beethoven. Andres Calamaro. Plena Libre. Grupo Afro Boricua. Haciendo Punto en Otro Son. Antonio Machin.Maria Calas. Maria Diaz. Heroes del Silencio
.Albert Pla. Chichi Peralta. Los Compadres. NG La Banda. Fausto Rey. Ultimo de la fila. Red Hot Chili Pepper. Van Van. Frank Sinatra. Vangelis. Rafael Cortijo. Rafael Solano
.Xiomara Fortuna. Maniel. Toque Profundo. La 40. Ramon Orlando.Johnny Ventura. Fernando Villalona. Grupo Mio.War.
Frank Reyes. Marvin Gaye. Pat Matheny. Doris Day. Omara Portuondo. Ana Belen. Cuco Valoy. Aterciopelados. Miguel Rios. El Tri.Men at Work. Pizzicato Five. Juan Luis Guerra. Harry Belafonte.Jacques Brel.The Police.Aretha Franklyn. Enrique Bunbury.Sonia Silvestre. Billie Holliday.Fito Paez
Vinicius de Morais. Pete - El Conde- Rodriguez. Janis Joplin
Angelique Kidjo.Pink Floyd. Mozart.The Doors.Antonio Carlos Jobim.Sinead O'connor.Ketama.Kitaro.Benny More.Jimmy Cliff.Gilberto Gil. Astor Piazzolla. Paco de Lucia.Nat King Cole.Matubaruka. Ray Barretto.Agapito Pascual.Peter Tosh
.Triana.Carlos Santana

Last Review: Dec, 17 th, 2006
Yoe F. Santos

Favorite Movies & Directors:




"Farenheit 451" -available in book and film- http://www.librarything.es/work/4248

"Casino Royale" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casino_Royale_%281967_film%29

"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everything_You_Always_Wanted_to_Know_About_Sex_%28But_Were_Afraid_to_Ask%29_%28film%29

"Sleeper" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleeper_%28film%29

"The last supper" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Supper_(film)

"The jazz singer" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jazz_Singer_%281927_film%29

"Modern Times" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Times_%28film%29

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"El lado oscuro del corazon" (1 y 2)movies2.nytimes.com/gst/movies/movie.html?v_id=255651

"Hombre mirando al Sudeste" www.fundacionkonex.com.ar/premios/curriculum.asp?ID=1519

"American Graffiti" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Graffiti

"Indiana Jones and the last Crusade" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana_Jones_and_the_Last_Crusade

"The color purple" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Color_Purple_%28film%29

"Schindler's List" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schindler%27s_List

"Dr. Strangelove" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Strangelove_or:_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_the_Bomb

"2001:A Space Odyssey" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001:_A_Space_Odyssey_(film)

"A Clockwork Orange" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Clockwork_Orange_%28film%29

"Rome, Open city" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rome,_Open_City

"Citizen Kane"

Bicycle Thieves|"Ladrón de bicicletas" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycle_Thieves

Strangers on a Train http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strangers_on_a_Train_%28film%29

"Amarcord" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amarcord

"Il vangelo secondo Matteo (The Gospel According to St. Matthew, 1964)" http://en.wikipedia.org/?title=The_Gospel_According_to_St._Matthew_(film)

Il Decameron (The Decameron) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Decameron_%28film%29

I Racconti di Canterbury (The Canterbury Tales) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Canterbury_Tales_%28film%29

P.P. Pasolini, directed and producted, Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (The 120 Days of Sodom) inspired in a play written by Marquis of Sade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/120_Days_of_Sodom

B. Favorites Directors

Woody Allen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woody_Allen

Charles Chaplin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Chaplin

Pier Paolo Passolini

George Lucas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lucas

Steven Spilberg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Spielberg

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Latest review:

Dec. 20th, 2006
Yoe F. Santos

In my opinion, as simple fan, Merryl Streep as actress -and everything- represents the ideal...contemporary women, free soul, independent, sensitive, smart, healthy, resistent to storms, in passions... ( She's my short version for create to Ms. Right)


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Ruben Blades http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Blades

Marcus Garvey http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Garvey

Raul Julia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raul_Julia

Salma Hayek http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salma_Hayek

Joaquin Sabina http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joaquin_Sabina

Johnny Pacheco http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Pacheco

Cantinflas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantinflas

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_Cervantes

Bill Gates http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates

The Beat Generation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beat_generation

U2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U2

Steve Jobs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs

Arthur Rimbaud http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Rimbaud

Heroes del Silencio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroes_del_Silencio

Galileo Galilei http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_Galilei

Sidney Poitier http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Poitier

Steven Spielberg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Spielberg

Motown http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motown

Constantin Cavafis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantin_Cavafis

Soul Train http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soul_Train

Leonardo Da Vinci http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_Da_Vinci

Walt Disney http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Disney

Charlie Parker

Jose Lezama Lima http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jose_Lezama_Lima

Giordano Bruno http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giordano_Bruno

Andre Breton http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andre_Breton

Georges Lucas

Fania All Stars http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fania_All_Stars

Nestor Garcia Canclini http://www.comminit.com/la/pioneros/lapioneros/pioneros-15.html

Michel Foucault http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Foucault

U B 40 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UB40

Olivorio Mateo http://www.prodocumentales.org/paginas/muestra/quintam/docsel5m.htm

Miles Davis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miles_Davis

Julio Cortazar http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_D%C3%ADas

Youssou N'Dour http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youssou_N%27Dour

Wolfang Amadeus Mozart http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MozarT

Octavio Paz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octavio_Paz

John Lennon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lennon

Jack Kerouac http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kerouac

June Rosenberg http://www.melassa.org/gallery-gaga.htm

Luis Dias es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Días

Paulo Freire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paulo_Freire

J.F. Kennedy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy

Dagoberto Tejada Ortiz www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/MQ57712.pdf

Thomas Jefferson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Jefferson

T.S. Khun http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Kuhn

Charles Baudelaire >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Baudelaire

Bronislaw Malinowsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronislaw_Malinowski

Ilka Tanya Payamps es.movies.yahoo.com/artists/p/ilkatanya-payan/index-76598.html

Louis Armstrong http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Armstrong

Juan Bosch y Gavino http://p2.www.britannica.com/ebc/article-9080799

Rigoberta Menchu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigoberta_Menchu

Juan Jacobo Rosseau http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques_Rousseau

Others not less important:

.L.V. Beethoven .J.L. Borges. H. Meschonnic .P.P. Passolini. J.P. Pena Gomez .P.Bourdieu. J. Baudrillard.I. Ramonet. T.A. van Dijk. D. Ellington.L. de Gongora. C. J. Hamelink .Y.M. Lotman .J.Martín-Barbero .R. Barthes .L. de Vega .G. Vattimo .H. Lefevre .Bertolucci.W. Allen .Ch.Chaplin .Rosselini .Marlon Brando .A Kurosawa .Kusturika .J. Ortega y Gasset .F. Truffeau .R.Polanski .M. Forman . L. Buñuel. V. de Sicca . Oliver Stone . P. Almodovar .M. Scorsese .Brian de Palma .Spike Lee .V. Kansdinsky .Robert De Niro .Al Pacino
.Denzel Washington .Michael More .C.Stanislavsky.Toby Cole
.Lee Strasberg .Nicholas Cage, .Woody Allen.Jack Nicholson
Constantin Stanislavsky

P.S: Order in this case not means, nothing special, the names show up, as free ideas association, not in a rational sketch.ALL of them, excepting, Jesus, exist into my mind a daily reference, in their particular field and experiences.

The inclusion criteria are linking with: a) Education Profile, b)familiar background, d) self-motivation for jump obstacles and cricism or innovative skills, developped during EARLY LIFE, facts with capacities for inspire to others kids and youngs, inclusive today.

In our case, one hero or idol, no fit a place in a list, IF WIN or obtain, finally, the best results -in the method following for make dreams come true- they in each case, tauch us, is possible (some times desirable, too) to see, intent, believe, feel, enjoy or teach in different ways, as inheritage.

Probably, with each one of them, results obvious: CREATIVITY -in sciences, arts,education, technologies, speeches, management or leadership- start with one non conformist view point, self-stimulii, with a new visions, for resolve non-edited situations.

Some times, one person- or a little group, acting as a tie team- develop a new concept, for make possible a better quality of life, changing ways or models for make answers or questions into a paradigm...be alert, for make your own contribution, in your own fiel or community, in this sense.

As a tree, first need to be protected, oriented, motivated. One star need space for breath. The first step is provide guarrantee, to be a kid or young with self-respect, joy, and OPPORTUNITY for be different and express himself...Are we building this opportunity for our talented members in the family, today?

The best idea for enjoy, and follow, pedagogical strategics is compare FACTS, without prejudices, lived examples or benchmarking tools, permit avoid a high per cent of obstacles, fears, doubts, and improductive feelings, during the process for adquires, new skills, goals, and methods for survive, into a changing world.

Each week, each day, each hour exist opportunities for make the difference, 24/7/365...if you and I, prefer be better,develop competitiveness, quality and excellence...time and its manage, are CAPITAL uses, in leisure, work, and creativity should help us, to think and act in new organization landscapes, within interconnected world.


This web offer one opportunity for share and understand the most exceptional or marvelous persons, in ordinary or public life, have multidimentional profiles- roles, priorities,and lessons for share- if you are looking for an exciting meaning for the REAL life: with it lights, and its shadows...beyond bodies, blood, sex or external iconic universe...struggling -with joy and HOPE- for transcendence, against conformist and mediocrity world visions mediocrity-inside and outside- during leisure time, COMMON CITIZEN can make the difference, and be exceptional contribution to human kind and its prosperity, happiness and hope dreams, in each epoch.

Yoe F. Santos

Latest review:

Dec, 19 th, 2006
Santiago de los Caballeros,
Dominican Republic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Dominican_Republic

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