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50 Year Old · Male · From Atlanta, GA · Joined on July 7, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 13th · I have a crush on someone!
50 Year Old · Male · From Atlanta, GA · Joined on July 7, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 13th · I have a crush on someone!

Hello and welcome to my little piece of the "FU" world! Glad you could make it. Your patronage is very much appreciated and highly treasured.

My alias, YardDogg, is an earned name given to me by my co-workers with whom I work with at my day gig. I'm a Sr. Gov't. Account Executive for a large, mechanical & building supply distributor based in GA. I interact with all types of people every day so I like to think I know how to read people pretty well. A large portion of my account base (400+ clients) consist of people whom I've developed solid relationships and even friendships with just because I show them respect and that I can deliver what I promise, when I promise. Alot of my talent is people driven by which I mean that without people, I don't exist so you can imagine why I have this profile on Fubar, a great place to interact with REAL people, real COOL people!! Especially the beautiful and angelic friends whom I've been blessed with the pleasure of adding to my group.

By day, it's the usual office politics and selling my ass off but by night, I detach and submerse myself into the arts. I enjoy my newly developed hobby of painting oils on canvas' which are a direct reflection of my experiences in life. I'm also blessed with the ability to play drums, guitar, bass, and sing. All of which I've been active in since I was 12yrs of age. I was in drama class early in the eighth grade and sang in chorus in elementary school.

I've also traveled quite a bit both for biz and for pleasure but still dream of exploring the Galapagos Islands and cruising the Mediterranean Sea. My favorite trip was to Costa Rica where I surfed, fished, and partied my ass off for two weeks then from there, flew down to Belize in Central America to dive the famous "Blue Hole" which is a massively large opening in the ocean's floor that is over 600ft deep. I was almost fish food as the compression knocked me out and nearly caused my brain to hemorrhage. I owe my life to my best friend, Jody, who brought me about and helped me ascend to safety. He has been my best friend since we were third grade turds and we'll always be BFFF!!!!

Marriage was interesting for about the first 5yrs then it lost it's appeal as my ex and I grew to be two different people. Thankfully we didn't have kids and after almost 10yrs of marriage, called it quits. I've always had a very high sex drive and gradually discovered that sex to her, ranked right up there with shit like dusting and folding laundry...not a real high priority in her mind accept for when we tried to get pregnant it got to be so militaristic that I really got to where I wasn't getting turned since her idea of lingerie was sweatpants, t-shirt, socks, but no teddies, garters, stockings, lace none of that sexy shit so my freaky self could not thrive being married to Mary fuckin' Poppins or the Flying Nun, it sucked ass and like always, being married posed many an opportunity with other lovely ladies but being the God fearing, Christian man that I am, I could not stray. We promised each other that we would remain friends throughout the divorce and are to this day.

So, that brings me to the present day and to the point to I'm single once again and would love to meet some interesting folks (primarily women of course ;p )and get back into the groove!

Your Amorous Romeo Deftly Delivering Overwhelming Gratification and Groping

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50 Year Old · Male · From Atlanta, GA · Joined on July 7, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 13th · I have a crush on someone!

Drumming, Women (redheads and brunettes especially), Adrenaline, Golf, Adrenaline, Art, Culture, Cooking, Women, Moddin' out my Honda, playing guitar, admiring women, being a Christian, living life to it's fullest, and most of all...loving my dear family, friends, and Christ whom I would be nothing without.

My sex appeal is 8.7 out of 10.
Ladies beware!!!

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Coretta Scott King, Dr.Micheal Savage, Newt Gingrich, John F. Kennedy, Dimebag Darrell Abbot, John Bonham, John Paul Jones, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Randy Rhoads, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jimi Hendrix, Jesus Christ

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  • YardDogg I was back last Oct. but got called up again the next month so, I am BAAAACK!
    12 years ago · Comment

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