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Making Tester Cookies Tonight I started baking tester cookies, these are recipes I have never made before and I will take some of them to work tomorrow to see how everyone likes them. I bake a massive amount of cookies for Christmas. So far I have 22 different types of cookies on the list of ones I'm going to make. People ask me if I have alot of family for Christmas... I don't, there is maybe 10 people who come, so people ask me why I make so many, I tell em that I'm an idiot.. I just like making different kinds and like impressing people with the cookies.


More Cowbell and Colonel Angus I just love these videos. In that online game I play, Evolution, the alliance I was in was called More Cowbell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEiQjisUodM Colonel Angus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYoM481QE4A


Random Memory that came to me today And I really don't know why I thought of it.. 11 years ago when I was 18, I went on a date. It was a blind date and it was a man who answered my personal ad in the paper (internet was a non exsistant thing in 1995). When talking to him on the phone, he seemed really nice. We had agreed to meet at an Applebees and he was standing outside the door when I came up. We introduced each other and he said "If I'm going to pay for a woman dinner, I expect to get some later." I had laughed at that, thinking it was a joke.... It wasn't. I hatched a plan. During dinner all he wanted to talk about was favorite sexual things and it sunk in that he wasn't joking. So I ate most of my meal and excused myself to the restroom, grabbing a card for the restaurant on the way out the door. I drove a few blocks away and called Applebees and told them I needed to speak to a customer there, I gave them a description and name. A couple of minutes later, my date answered the phone. "Hi! Well, you just got screwed, I hope you enjoyed it!" I said and hung up the phone to avoid a barrage of curse words. I haven't thought about that in quite a while.


Cyborg Ex Father In Law About a month back, I went to my 8 year old son, David's birthday party. I don't really care to have to go over to my ex in laws house mainly because past the normal demeanor they show everyone, they are really a fucked up family. Oliver, my ex FIL talks in this monotoned voice and structers his sentences in the manner of Rain Man. Come to think of it, I have never put Oliver in the human category. He never displays any emotion what so ever. Their middle child, Ed speaks in the same monotoned voice, he just structers his sentences better. The onlt child they had who turned out even half way normal was Bill.. And he was an accident. My ex mother in law, Peg still lives in the 50's where women had a place and stayed in it. I can remember talking to her during a seperation with my ex Tim. I told her that sex with Tim repulsed me now, I had no interest in it, he wanted me to do attrocious things, he liked to cause me pain, he liked to force himself on me. And because of all that, I couldn't care less if I never had sex with him again. Pegs reply was "Maybe you should just do it (sex) and maybe you can get back in the habit of it."........................ ............. Ok, lemme get this straight. She wanted me to force myself to have sex with Tim because Tim wanted sex. Yeah, right. See, one reason Tim and I are divorced now is because Tim wanted a woman like his mother. I am not like his mother. Anyways, I called a couple of weeks before Davids party to see what he wanted for his birthday, Oliver answered the phone, I never want to have to talk to him so I asked for Peg, he tells me Peg is busy and asked what I wanted, I said I just wanted to see what David wanted for his birthday and to see how he is doing. Oliver says "He has ADD, just like you." he saya it in this accusing tone as if I deliberatly gave my child ADD, I wanted to say " Oh yeah... That was my gift to him for his 2nd birthday.. I was going to give him a head cold but you know, ADD just lasts longer.". So I ask "Well, other than that is he ok?" "No" Oliver says "He lies and steals, just like you." I wanted to say either "Oliver, he has not lived with me in 3 years.. He isn't picking up stealing from me." or "Well, let's hope he doesn't pick up his fathers bad habits, otherwise he'll be a lying, stealing, spouse abusing little prick.". I merely said "I don't steal." Oliver said "You don't?" and hung up. Peg called to apologize... Peg. Not Oliver. At Davids party Oliver so rudely asks me and my mom had any mental illness in our family. I wanted to say "Yes, my sons grandfather is a retard." One of these days I'm going to quit being so polite and let him have it. My ex husband was at the party and stared at my tits the whole time, even made a comment about them. I hope Oliver dies a long, painful death.


Bellatrix is a boy! I know I stated in an earlier blog entry that I took in this black kitten. I thought she was a girl, I mean it looked like a girl, no little gonads to speak of. The other day she was walking away from me with her tail held high, and I saw em.. Little black cotton balls. I picked him up and re examined.. Yep, those are balls alright. I am not going to change his name.


I am back! My internet was down for a whole bloody week! Now, at first I thought the reason it wasn't working is because one of my dogs (Copper, probably) had chewed through the cable leading from the pole outside into the house. Well Dennis replaced it and the internet worked, a little, it was really slow and then it stopped working again, because, Copper yet again, chewed the cable. So it was replaced again and it still did not work so I called the cable company and they sent someone out here to look at it. The cable guy said that the line was too small and it needed to be replaced and also a feeder added. He told me they'd be out the next day to fix these things... ... They did not show up. So I called the cable company again and the tech tells me there is an outage in my area... Ok.... Lovely. So I wait a couple of days and call them back, the tech I got this time tells me he sees no record of an outage in the area. So finally, today a tech came out and fixed it. SO now I am able to get online without having to go to the library.


Cats My favorite cat, Buttercup has been missing for a couple of weeks now. I have no idea where she could be and it worried me, she is not the type to take up with other people. What's even more odd is that all the black animals around here are missing, I even had a black lab mix come up missing a couple months ago. I hope where ever Butters is, she is either happy or died quick and painlessly. A week before Butters disappeared, I caught this ferrel kitten that had been hanging around. I had already caught her mother and siblings and took them to the pound where they were put down as the pound can't adopt out ferrell cats. The odd thing about the kitten I caught is that she looks just like Butters, even has the few white hairs on her chest. I kept her in the cat trap I have while I waited to take her to the pound . Dennis took her out and held her and pet her and soon she started purring, she even went up to Dennis's face and started rubbing her face against his. That did it! I decided to keep her, she looked like she could be tamed. I named her Bellatrix, that is just the name that popped into my head. Here's another odd thing, Bella looks just like Butters and Bellatrix and Buttercup both begin with B and have 9 letters.. I did not plan that.


Nigerian Scams Well.. I am a would be victim of a Nigerian scam. The actual scam started a couple of months ago, but the events leading up to a scam started over a year ago. I have been talking to a man... We'll call him Ralph. He starts talking to me on Yahoo messanger. I got really annoyed with him, he didn't speak in the American way that I liked because I can talk about things and not have to explain them. Sometimein the course of this, he starts telling me he has feelings for me (How? I wonder, he didn't know me) So I play along, I'm like "Yeah, whatever, ok". He even said he could send me some money.. All I had to do was get an ink jet printer to print out the checks, I told him I couldn't afford and ink jet printer so he dropped it and told me that he was going to have his clients send packages to me to sell.. So I'm like "Yeah, whatever" not beliveing a word. A few months ago, he starts talking about needing things for his store and he has "Clients " all over the US who owe him money. Well, after he talks about that, I start getting packages.. MP3 players, shoes.. Even got flowers. Ok, so Ralph starts asking if I got packages. I tell him yes, I am confused and angry now. All the invoices on the packages are from different people and plus I got some letters a few days before the p[ackages saying that something I ordered could not be shipped as they had to verify credit cards... Ok.... I am supposed to box up all this shit and send it to him (He claims he lives in the UK) Where in the hell he got my address, I don't know. So the packages start arriving and I'm supposed to send it all to him, he gives me a Nigerian address and he all mad when I question him. He got mad when I questioned anything about all this. He emailed me a prepaid label to attach to the box and send all this stuff. I find out that the label was purchased on a fruad acount, I tell him this and he insist he has nothing to do with it and that he is sending me a cashiers check so I can send the stuff to him. He kept telling me that it's a cashiers check so I should be able to cash it the same day I get it with no problems. He told me to take the checks to a check ashing place as opposed to a bank and to take the checks to different places. I get these checks, and they just scream "I'm fake" They were too plain to be a cashiers check, the post mark on the envelope said August 8th and the date on the checks said Sept 14th, and it had Cashier's Check printed on the in big letters. So I take them to my bank, I inform them before hand that I truly believe these checks are fake and that I had no intention of taking any money from them until they came back good. They bounced yesterday.. I have the number for the check fraud unit of the FBI. I am going to try to prosecute the people doing this.. I have my reasonable intelligence that saved me from going to jail over this.. But you can bet there are a bunch of dumb suckers out there who are cashing these fruad checks and going to jail.


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Yes, this is an old pic. And I know I've told a few people about it who wanted to see this pic and they couldn't get into my Yahoo Profiles breifcase to see it.. So there it is, my "Just Divorced" decorated car. I did this in July of 2004.


Wedding Dress Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I've been wanting to get this made for quite a while.. Me not being one for tradition (unless you count the massive ammount of candy I buy for Easter and Halloween every year a tradition). I decided to go with a Titanic era remake as my next wedding gown. This a pic of the best one I've seen that meets my specifications. I'm not rushing anything, I just really like this dress.
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