Video Games
i am a gamer, and i love to play video games. that is my habit. some people look down on people because they prefer to spend their time playing a video game, but to a gamer... such as myself... it keeps us sane. let me clarify.
everyone has their own way to relieve themselves of stress, if it's picking up a book, listening to music, or just relaxing in your favorite chair to watch some tv. i prefer to play video games, it is my escape. everyone needs a break from reality. day in, day out.. we all know reality is not all it's cracked up to be. i go to to work every day, i pay my bills.. i take care of the things that i need to take care of... but after that, nothing beats sitting down and playing a good game. i can get absorbed into some fictional place and let the wear and tear that has drove down deep inside of me out, and let my troubles melt away.. in that time i am perfectly content. so play on my fellow gamers!
and if all else fails, insert another quarter to continue!