lol some fears ill never understand...i dont think my dad would care if i got a snake or anything like that...i just know my mom would freak...she wont let me get a rat either, think shes scared of them to, i dont get that fear how people can be scared of rats or mice, there soo cute, lol if u look in my art in my pictures ive been doing a series of art based on Phobias people have, ive done like spiders, snakes the one i did on rats was hard as hell for me to do cuz rats are soo cute looking its hard to make those cute little things look evil..
lol ya ive always wanted a snake to..not a big one just a ball python, but noo my moms deathly afraid of them soo thats out of the question well atleast till i get my own place.. havent decided yet if im going to get a ball python or a big white rat, dont think id get both cuz id be pissed if the snake ended up eating the rat.
hey cool even better a free rat, well thats good they gave it to u insted of feeding it to a snake, lol sounds a bit hard to get a rat and a cat to get along even long enough to take a pic lol good luck with that..
lol ya my space sucks ill admit it but thers some dam good bands on there...pritty much the only reason im on there...aww u have a rat, how cute, u should put a pic of it up. ive always wanted one of those big white rats with red eyes there soo cute.
ah very understandable then. i wish u good luck in becoming a suicide girl. that would be quite cool indeed, ya this isnt the only profile site im on either, but pritty much the only one i use besides my space, well im mostly on there cuz theres cool bands on there..and that makes it easyer for bands to notice my art and make friends with them and maybe do some art for them and such...:)
lol understandable, as for me im not one to be putting up any NSFW pics, im just here to make friends, and get my artwork noticed really. u havent been on here long but ull see tons of people begging for fans or say fan me befor u add me as a friend or whatever, wich i think is pritty wierd of people... kinda pathtic to have to begg for fans... hell im no famouse person so i dont really want fans im perfictally happy with friends that will accully talk to me.